threadx 移植(三)-添加串口打印功能

tech2023-01-05  142

threadx 添加串口打印功能

本系列教程均基于正点原子 L475 潘多拉开发板为硬件平台。项目开源地址 github 地址

threadx 移植(一)-CubeIDE 新建 LED 闪烁工程

threadx 移植(二)-基于 CubeIDE 移植 threadx

threadx 移植(三)-添加串口打印功能

CubeMX 配置串口引脚



main.c 文件中定义数组

char debug_buf[128];

main.h 文件中实现函数

#include<stdio.h> extern char debug_buf[128]; extern UART_HandleTypeDef huart1; #define debug(...){ \ int len = 0; \ len = snprintf(debug_buf, 128, __VA_ARGS__); \ if (len > 0) \ { \ HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart1, (uint8_t *)debug_buf, len, HAL_MAX_DELAY);\ } \ }


#include "tx_api.h" char debug_buf[128]; TX_THREAD led_thread; TX_THREAD printf_thread; #define DEMO_STACK_SIZE 4096 static uint8_t led_thread_stack[DEMO_STACK_SIZE]; static uint8_t printf_thread_stack[DEMO_STACK_SIZE]; void led_thread_entry(ULONG thread_input) { /* This thread simply sits in while-forever-sleep loop. */ while(1) { HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOE, GPIO_PIN_7, GPIO_PIN_RESET); tx_thread_sleep(1000); HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOE, GPIO_PIN_7, GPIO_PIN_SET); tx_thread_sleep(1000); } } void printf_thread_entry(ULONG thread_input) { while(1) { debug("hello tyustli\r\n"); tx_thread_sleep(1000); } } void tx_application_define(void *first_unused_memory) { /* Create the led thread. */ tx_thread_create(&led_thread, "led thread", led_thread_entry, 0, led_thread_stack, DEMO_STACK_SIZE, 1, 1, TX_NO_TIME_SLICE, TX_AUTO_START); /* Create the printf thread. */ tx_thread_create(&printf_thread, "printf thread", printf_thread_entry, 0, printf_thread_stack, DEMO_STACK_SIZE, 2, 2, TX_NO_TIME_SLICE, TX_AUTO_START); }

