
tech2023-01-05  121


The first thing you want to do after registering a new domain is throw in a ‘Coming Soon’ or ‘Under Construction’ page. Not only does this look professional, but it allows you to start building your social following or newsletter subscriber list.

注册新域后,您要做的第一件事是进入“即将推出”或“正在建设中”页面。 这不仅看起来很专业,而且还允许您开始建立社交关注者或新闻订阅者列表。

Combined with a live count down to your launch date, it’s your first step in warming up potential visitors for your new site while you finalize it. Just remember to enter a realistic number in your count down (unlike me!). Luckily, these counters don’t count negative days, but you can’t keep extending it forever of course.

结合到启动日期为止的实时计数,这是在最终确定网站时为新网站准备潜在访问者的第一步。 请记住,在倒数时输入一个真实的数字( 不像我 !)。 幸运的是,这些计数器不算负数天,但是您当然不能永远将其延长。

Below you’ll find a list of 14 of the most beautiful, funny or practical coming soon WordPress themes and plugins. I have compiled a combination of both free and low priced themes and plugins, with a demo link if available. Some of these are ready-to-go for use with WordPress and there are also a couple of stand-alone templates that I thought were worth including.

在下面,您将找到14个即将到来的最美丽,有趣或实用的WordPress主题和插件的列表。 我编译了免费和低价主题和插件的组合,并提供了演示链接。 其中一些已经可以与WordPress一起使用,并且还有一些我认为值得包括的独立模板。

回头见 (See You Later)

Demo: BuildYourOwnWebstore Demo Download link: WooThemes Price: $39

演示: BuildYourOwnWebstore演示下载链接: WooThemes价格:$ 39

Description See You Later is the replacement of the very famous (and formerly free) WooThemes Placeholder theme, which is the one I use on one of my own sites. WooThemes turned it into a paid ‘Coming Soon’ plugin, adding three additional themes along with parts of their quality framework. You can link to your Twitter and Facebook accounts, as well as to your RSS feed and email address.

描述稍后再见是非常有名的(以前是免费的) WooThemes占位符主题的替代,这是我在自己的一个网站上使用的主题 。 WooThemes将其转换为付费的“即将推出”插件,添加了三个附加主题以及部分质量框架。 您可以链接到Twitter和Facebook帐户,以及RSS feed和电子邮件地址。

发射器 (Launcher)

Demo: WebtoolsReview Demo Download link: MyThemeShop Price: Free

演示: WebtoolsReview演示下载链接: MyThemeShop价格:免费

Description Launcher is, in my eyes, the coolest ‘Coming Soon’ theme around. Why? It has a moving rocket! Just move your mouse over the demo, and you’re sold. You can include your Facebook and Twitter accounts, and the ‘Subscribe’ button will subscribe people to a FeedBurner account (but you can also disable it). I liked it enough to put it up on one of my own sites.

说明在我看来,启动器是最酷的“即将推出”主题。 为什么? 它有一个移动的火箭! 只需将鼠标移到演示上,就可以出售。 您可以包括您的Facebook和Twitter帐户,并且“订阅”按钮将使人们订阅FeedBurner帐户(但您也可以将其禁用)。 我非常喜欢它,可以将其放在自己的网站之一上。

MyCountDown (MyCountDown)

Demo: TeslaThemes Demo Download link: TeslaThemes Price: $29

演示: TeslaThemes演示下载链接: TeslaThemes价格:$ 29

Description If you want to put up something really fun, MyCountDown is a great theme. I couldn’t catch the full effect in one screenshot, so please do check out the demo. It has one of the most creative countdown timers. It also has a contact form, you can use popular WordPress widgets, and link to all popular social accounts. It’s a bit pricey, but if you’re building a technical site, your visitors will love this one.

描述如果您想提出一些非常有趣的东西,MyCountDown是一个很棒的主题。 我无法在一个屏幕截图中获得全部效果,因此请查看演示。 它具有最具创意的倒数计时器之一。 它还具有联系表格,您可以使用流行的WordPress小部件,并链接到所有流行的社交帐户。 它有点贵,但是如果您要建立一个技术站点,您的访客一定会喜欢这一站点。

宽松程度 (Lexiity)

Demo: Themes Kingdom Demo Download link: Themes Kingdom Price: Free

演示: Themes Kingdom演示下载链接: Themes Kingdom价格:免费

Description Lexiity is a responsive theme with a modern, stylish design with different colors to choose from. You can link to your Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest accounts, but you might need to put on your glasses to find the icons. It also allows for a newsletter subscription form, which integrates with MailChimp. You can also include some clickable buttons.

描述 Lexiity是响应式主题,具有现代,时尚的设计,可以选择不同的颜色。 您可以链接到Facebook,Twitter,Google +和Pinterest帐户,但可能需要戴上眼镜才能找到图标。 它还允许使用与MailChimp集成的新闻通讯订阅表单。 您还可以包括一些可单击的按钮。

菲利斯 (Felice)

Demo: Bluchic Demo Download link: Bluchic Price: Free

演示: Bluchic演示下载链接: Bluchic价格:免费

Description Felice is a perfect ‘Under Construction’ theme when you’re building a fashion related website. It uses soft colors in the demo, but you can change these in the back-end. The theme is responsive and comes with a nice progress bar instead of a counter. You can link to your Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram accounts.

说明菲菲是一个完美的,当你正在构建一种时尚相关的网站“正在建设中”的主题。 它在演示中使用柔和的颜色,但是您可以在后端更改它们。 该主题具有响应性,并带有一个不错的进度条,而不是计数器。 您可以链接到您的Facebook,Twitter,Pinterest和Instagram帐户。

接地 (Touchdown)

Demo (Full image background): Bluchic Demo 1 Demo (Youtube background): Bluchic Demo 2 Download link: ThemeForest Price: $4

演示(全图像背景): Bluchic演示1演示(Youtube背景): Bluchic演示2下载链接: ThemeForest价格:$ 4

Description Touchdown is a non-WordPress ‘Coming Soon’ theme, and I just had to put it in this list. For only $4 (!) you can have this great looking ‘Coming Soon’ page. Just because you’re running WordPress, doesn’t mean you can’t drop this in along side it. You can use a full page image as a background, or even a YouTube video. It uses a counter and you can display 14 different social accounts. Using a YouTube video as a background is really unique and gives you the best ‘Wow!’ effect of all these themes. It also has some information sections at the bottom.

说明触地得分是非WordPress的“即将推出”主题,我只需要将其放在此列表中即可。 仅需$ 4(!),您就可以拥有一个漂亮的“即将推出”页面。 仅仅因为您正在运行WordPress,并不意味着您不能将其放在旁边。 您可以将整页图像用作背景,甚至可以用作YouTube视频。 它使用一个计数器,您可以显示14个不同的社交帐户。 以YouTube视频为背景确实很独特,可以为您带来最佳效果! 所有这些主题的效果。 它还在底部有一些信息部分。

发射时间 (LaunchTime)

Demo: ThemeWarrior Demo Download link: ThemeWarrior Price: Free

演示: ThemeWarrior演示下载链接: ThemeWarrior价格:免费

Description Back to normal with LaunchTime. This is a theme with quite a detailed counter, in case you plan to work on your site for years. It features a prominent email signup box along with a link to all popular social media accounts (that is if you call MySpace popular).

说明使用LaunchTime恢复正常。 如果您打算在自己的网站上工作多年,则此主题带有非常详细的计数器。 它具有一个醒目的电子邮件注册框以及指向所有流行社交媒体帐户的链接(即,如果您称MySpace为流行)。

Shuttr (Shuttr)

Demo: PHPBits Demo Download link: ThemeForest Price: $6

演示: PHPBits演示下载链接: ThemeForest价格:$ 6

Description If you’re the king of social, this is your go-to theme. You can include links to 24 (!) social media accounts. It is a stand-alone layout (not a WordPress theme) and has a beautiful way for you to display some pictures. Just check out the demo and hit the ‘Preview Gallery’ button to see what I mean.

描述如果您是社交之王,这是您的首选主题。 您可以包括指向24(!)个社交媒体帐户的链接。 它是一个独立的布局(不是WordPress主题),并具有一种漂亮的方式来显示一些图片。 只需查看演示并点击“预览库”按钮,即可了解我的意思。

发射台 (Launchpad)

Demo: Oboxthemes Demo Download link: Oboxthemes Price: Free

演示: Oboxthemes演示下载链接: Oboxthemes价格:免费

Description Launchpad is actually a plugin and not an ‘Under Construction’ theme, but it works the same way. It is a responsive theme with the ability to add your Twitter, Facebook, WordPress and Tumblr accounts. You can also add a newsletter signup box. You can configure various backgrounds, colors and fonts. It’s also good to see that even a theme developer forgets to extend his counter every once in a while.

描述 Launchpad实际上是一个插件,而不是“ Under Construction”主题,但其工作方式相同。 这是一个响应式主题,可以添加您的Twitter,Facebook,WordPress和Tumblr帐户。 您还可以添加新闻简报注册框。 您可以配置各种背景,颜色和字体。 同样令人高兴的是,即使是主题开发人员,也偶尔会忘记扩展其计数器。

TimeVille (TimeVille)

Demo: Multifour Demo Download link: ThemeForest Price: $6

演示: Multifour演示下载链接: ThemeForest价格:$ 6

Description TimeVille is one of the best cartoon based ‘Under Construction’ themes. Its intended audience may be a bit limited because of this cartoon style, but it’s the best theme if you’re into it. It is a non-WordPress theme and comes with the option to connect five social accounts and your email address (which I wouldn’t recommend unless you’re a big fan of spam). It is a responsive theme (which is very nicely done) and has some hidden gimmicks if you wait long enough.

说明 TimeVille是基于“建设中”的最佳卡通主题之一。 由于其卡通风格,其目标受众可能会有所限制,但是如果您喜欢它,它就是最好的主题。 它是非WordPress主题,并带有连接五个社交帐户和您的电子邮件地址的选项(除非您是垃圾邮件的忠实拥护者,否则我不建议您这样做)。 这是一个响应式主题(做得很好),如果您等待足够长的时间,则有一些隐藏的gi头。

SeedProd (SeedProd)

Demo: SeedProd Demo Download link: SeedProd Price: $29 a year

演示: SeedProd演示下载链接: SeedProd价格:29美元/年

Description SeedProd is by far the most professional ‘Coming Soon’ plugin while looking quite stunning as well. It has multiple newsletter signup integrations (11 to be exact) and a bypass link for clients (so they can see the theme you’re actually working on). You can not only link to all the popular social media accounts, but show their respective counters as well. It also comes with tons of design settings. And after you’re done building the definite theme, you can keep using it for making landing pages.

描述 SeedProd是迄今为止最专业的“即将推出”插件,同时看起来也很漂亮。 它具有多个新闻简报注册集成(准确来说是11个)和客户端的旁路链接(这样他们可以看到您实际正在使用的主题)。 您不仅可以链接到所有流行的社交媒体帐户,还可以显示它们各自的计数器。 它还带有大量的设计设置。 并且,在完成确定主题之后,您可以继续使用它来制作目标网页。

立刻 (StraightWay)

Demo: Fmedias Demo Download link: ThemeForest Price: $6

演示: Fmedias演示下载链接: ThemeForest价格:$ 6

Description This is an awesome non-WordPress theme for just $6. Not only is it gorgeous to look at when you do nothing, wait until you click the navigation on the right. How’s that for a first impression? It may take a bit of time to set it all up, but who cares when the end result is this great?

描述这是一个很棒的非WordPress主题,仅需$ 6。 当您什么都不做时,看着它不仅漂亮,而且还等到您单击右侧的导航。 第一印象怎么样? 全部设置可能要花费一些时间,但是谁会在乎最终结果如此出色?

准时 (inTime)

Demo: WPPrime Demo Download link: CodeCanyon Price: $19

演示: WPPrime演示下载链接: CodeCanyon价格:$ 19

Description inTime is a simple yet effective WordPress ‘Coming Soon’ plugin. In the demo it is used as a ‘Domain for sale’ page, which is quite clever. You can link to Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram and Vimeo (which is a bit of an odd choice). You can also incorporate a YouTube video as a background if you like and there’s the option to include some about information (the little + at the bottom).

描述 inTime是一个简单而有效的WordPress“即将推出”插件。 在演示中,它被用作“要出售的域名”页面,这非常聪明。 您可以链接到Facebook,Twitter,Google +,Instagram和Vimeo(这是一个奇怪的选择)。 如果愿意,您还可以将YouTube视频作为背景,并且可以选择包含一些信息(底部的小号+)。

时间 (Time)

Demo: 11-76 Demo Download link: ThemeForest Price: $6

演示: 11-76演示下载链接: ThemeForest价格:$ 6

Description I will conclude this list with another breathtaking non-WordPress theme. It is not the most user friendly theme (all elements are too scattered) but it is awesome to look at. You can use a full image background or a YouTube video, and especially the video in the demo is worth a watch (just be patient). The theme also has an overlay (right navigation) which you can use to tell people a bit more about what’s coming. All in all, a beautiful theme to end this list.

说明我将以另一个令人叹为观止的非WordPress主题结束此列表。 它不是最用户友好的主题(所有元素都太分散了),但是看起来很棒。 您可以使用完整图片背景或YouTube视频,尤其值得一看的是演示中的视频(请耐心等待)。 主题还具有覆盖图(正确的导航),您可以使用该覆盖图告诉人们更多有关即将发生的事情。 总而言之,一个美丽的主题可以结束此列表。

结论 (Conclusion)

I would always recommend using a ‘Coming Soon’ page when you are working on your site. And with these themes and plugins, you can go from either cartoonish to absolutely stunningly gorgeous. Not all of these themes are WordPress themes and plugins, which means some require some time to set up. Don’t let that keep you from using these though (it’s simple to run them alongside your WordPress install), or at the very least checking them out for inspiration.

在您处理网站时,我总是建议您使用“即将推出”页面。 有了这些主题和插件,您可以从卡通风格到绝对惊人的华丽。 并非所有这些主题都是WordPress主题和插件,这意味着有些主题需要一些时间来设置。 但是,不要让它们使您无法使用它们(很容易在WordPress安装中运行它们),或者至少要检查它们以获取灵感。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/best-coming-soon-wordpress-themes-and-plugins/

