tech2023-01-05  132

Anyone who has a server using PHP has undoubtedly heard of php.ini – it’s the configuration file used to control and customize PHP’s run-time behavior. It provides a simple way to configure settings for such things as: Upload Directories Log Errors Maximum Script execution time File Upload limit … and so much more. php.ini is the first file PHP looks for when starting up, because of the importance of the configuration directives it sets. However if you make changes to your php.ini , it will requires a server reboot before the changes take effect

拥有使用PHP的服务器的任何人无疑都听说过php.ini –它是用于控制和自定义PHP的运行时行为的配置文件。 它提供了一种简单的方法来配置以下各项的设置:上载目录日志错误最大脚本执行时间文件上载限制…等等。 php.ini是PHP启动时首先查找的文件,因为它设置的配置指令非常重要。 但是,如果您对php.ini进行了更改,则需要重新启动服务器才能使更改生效

Read the original: PHPMaster: A Tour of PHP.INI

阅读原文: PHPMaster:PHP.INI之旅

