
tech2023-01-06  128


With the use of hyperlinks, extensive footnotes have been generally rendered unnecessary for bloggers. Why go through the trouble of formatting footnotes for a post when a few links can get the job, and you don’t have to worry about where to place commas or which publication information to include?

通过使用超链接,博客作者通常不需要大量的脚注。 当几个链接可以完成工作,而又不必担心在何处放置逗号或要包括哪些发布信息时,为什么还要麻烦格式化帖子的脚注呢?

Nevertheless, if you want to present better references for your work, especially if you’re involved in the academic or research fields, footnotes can prove to be an excellent way to make your work more presentable and reliable for your audience—think of how effective footnotes are on sites such as Wikipedia. You can immediately check the quality of source material by examining the title of a work, its date of publication, and even reading the article all by clicking on a hyperlink. The opportunities that online citations provide for greater transparency make them especially attractive.

不过,如果您想为自己的作品提供更好的参考,特别是如果您从事学术或研究领域,脚注可以证明是一种使作品对受众更具代表性和可靠性的极好方法,例如其有效性。脚注位于Wikipedia等网站上。 您可以通过检查作品的标题,其出版日期,甚至通过单击超链接阅读全部文章,来立即检查源材料的质量。 在线引用提供更大透明度的机会使其特别具有吸引力。

If you have the coding experience necessary, you can code your own footnotes feature for your blog. But if you run WordPress, you only need to select which plugin you prefer (there are about five that are widely used), install it, customize it, and start adding footnotes. Here are some of the leading plugins for WordPress which make referencing sources as footnotes a breeze.

如果您有必要的编码经验,则可以为博客编写自己的脚注功能。 但是,如果您运行WordPress,则只需要选择您喜欢的插件(大约有5个被广泛使用),安装,自定义并开始添加脚注即可。 以下是WordPress的一些领先插件,这些插件使引用脚注的来源变得轻而易举。

简单的脚注 (Simple Footnotes)

Although this plugin’s stats is currently on the low side for number of downloads, many WordPress plugin reviewers really like this plugin, and for good reason. Once you install Simple Footnotes, it’s extremely easy to use. To set off a footnote you simple write: “Text in your sentence. [ref]Footnote text.[/ref]” Your footnotes will be automatically numbered so that you don’t have to worry about messing up their order.

尽管此插件的统计信息目前在下载数量方面处于较低水平,但许多WordPress插件审阅者确实很喜欢此插件,这是有充分理由的。 一旦安装了Simple Footnotes ,它就非常容易使用。 要引出脚注,您可以简单地写:“句子中的文字。 [ref]脚注文本。[/ ref]”您的脚注将自动编号,因此您不必担心弄乱它们的顺序。

If you have paginated posts with links to move on to the next page or topic, you can even alter the position of your footnotes. Just change your Simple Footnote settings under the Reading section in the WordPress control panel for paginated posts.

如果您的分页文章带有指向下一页或主题的链接,甚至可以更改脚注的位置。 只需在WordPress控制面板的“阅读”部分下更改分页帖子的“简单脚注”设置即可。

FD Footnotes插件 (FD Footnotes Plugin)

FD Footnotes Plugin lets you denote your footnotes inside of brackets with numbers that you determine on your own. You can set up the footnotes so they only show up on individual pages rather than on your home page—which could slow down your site.

FD脚注插件可让您使用自己确定的数字在方括号内表示脚注。 您可以设置脚注,使其仅显示在各个页面上,而不显示在您的主页上,这可能会使您的网站变慢。

In addition, you can set up the footnotes to be collapsed until they’re clicked so readers will only view the after they have selected a particular number. This could come in handy if you’re writing footnotes that provide extensive supplemental information and take up a lot of space or that may only be relevant to a few readers.

另外,您可以将脚注设置为折叠,直到单击它们为止,以便读者在选择了特定编号后才能查看。 如果您编写的脚注提供了广泛的补充信息并且占用了大量空间,或者只与少数读者相关,那么这可能会派上用场。

jQuery悬停脚注 (JQuery Hover Footnotes)

The JQuery Hover Footnotes plugin has some advanced features that go beyond simply adding a footnote at the bottom of your blog posts. You can install this plugin and enable a “popup/hover” footnote function that will display the contents of your note when a reader mouses over it. You also have a lot of variety for your footnote characters, including numbers, words, and ANSI characters. The footnotes can be sized as normal text, superscript, or subscript, and you can also place them either in the page footer or hide them so readers can rely solely on the hover functionality.

JQuery Hover Footnotes插件具有一些高级功能,而不仅仅是在博客文章的底部添加脚注。 您可以安装此插件并启用“弹出/悬停”脚注功能,当读者将鼠标悬停在其上时,该功能将显示您的便笺内容。 您的脚注字符也有很多变化,包括数字,单词和ANSI字符。 脚注的大小可以设置为普通文本,上标或下标,您也可以将它们放置在页面页脚中或将其隐藏,以便读者仅依赖悬停功能。

The short code markup for using this plugin is as follows: “This is my post and I want to add a footnote{{1}} in the text.” By default it will appear as a superscript. This is just about as simple as it gets, and depending on what you need to display on your blog, you can set all of that up ahead of time in the administration panel.

使用此插件的简短代码标记如下:“这是我的文章,我想在文本中添加脚注{{1}}。” 默认情况下,它将显示为上标。 这非常简单,并且可以根据需要在博客上显示的内容,在管理面板中提前进行设置。

学术出版社 (AcademicPress)

If you need a more robust plugin for footnotes to provide an overall academic feel to your website that incorporates all of the formatting and style options you need for academic work, AcademicPress provides everything you need. Like the other plugins, the footnotes with AcademicPress are easily marked as you typed and come with a variety of numbering and lettering options. The plugin automatically generates a list of footnotes at the end of each post in order to display the footnotes.

如果您需要一个更强大的脚注插件来为您的网站提供整体的学术感觉,并融合了学术工作所需的所有格式和样式选项,那么AcademicPress将为您提供所需的一切。 与其他插件一样,AcademicPress的脚注会在您键入时轻松标记出来,并带有各种编号和字母选项。 该插件会在每个帖子的末尾自动生成一个脚注列表,以显示脚注。

Besides providing footnotes, this plugin also supports a wide variety of citation styles, including APA, Harvard, Chicago, MLA, and Turabian. Your references can be automatically formatted in any of these styles, which can be a huge time saver even for your inline citations. As you type the shortcodes (which are what make plugins like this work), the Academic Press Plugin comes with a “VirtualBox” so that you can view them on the fly.

除了提供脚注,此插件还支持多种引用样式,包括APA,哈佛,芝加哥,MLA和Turabian。 您的引用可以自动设置为这些样式中的任何一种,即使对于您的在线引用,也可以节省大量时间。 当您输入短代码(使插件像这样工作的东西)时,Academic Press插件附带一个“ VirtualBox”,以便您可以即时查看它们。

网络博客 (NetBlog)

NetBlog is a more technical plugin, providing both static and dynamic referencing options for your footnotes. The static option means you’ll have to manually define each reference, while the dynamic option means your notes will be automatically parsed.

NetBlog是一个更具技术性的插件,为您的脚注提供静态和动态引用选项。 静态选项意味着您必须手动定义每个参考,而动态选项意味着将自动解析您的注释。

The big difference with this plugin is that you can create bibliographic properties for citations on your blog without having to manually enter them. For example, by creating a widget in your sidebar, this plugin enables you to display pingbacks and outgoing links in a reference widget, creating a cleaner look for your post automatically. You can even display incoming links on each blog post page.

此插件的最大区别在于,您可以为博客上的引文创建书目属性,而无需手动输入。 例如,通过在边栏中创建小部件,此插件使您能够在参考小部件中显示pingback和传出链接,从而自动为帖子创建简洁的外观。 您甚至可以在每个博客文章页面上显示传入的链接。

摘要 (Summary)

Creating a list of footnotes can be a real time drain, especially if you need to code and format each one manually. When you run WordPress with footnote plugins, you can take advantage of higher academic standards for reference materials and build credibility for you and your website by integrating footnotes as pop up functions, lists at the end of your posts, or widgets in your sidebar. Once you learn the shortcode you need and how to tweak the plugin’s settings to match your blog, you’ll be ready to quickly and efficiently cite your sources without worry or hassle.

创建脚注列表可能会很耗时,特别是如果您需要手动编码和格式化每个脚注。 使用脚注插件运行WordPress时,您可以将脚注集成为弹出功能,帖子末尾的列表或侧边栏中的小部件,从而可以利用较高的学术标准来获取参考资料,并为您和您的网站树立信誉。 学习了所需的短代码以及如何调整插件的设置以匹配博客后,您便可以快速有效地引用您的资源,而不必担心或麻烦。

Image via Fotolia


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/5-ways-to-bring-footnotes-into-wordpress/

