
tech2023-01-06  143


Making a WordPress Plugin is one thing – making a USEFUL WordPress Plugin is another thing. In this first ‘How To’ video series, I sit down with Michael De Wildt to discuss his tips and tricks on the subject. We broke the process down to the following 5 easy steps and provided insight on each one:

制作WordPress插件是一回事–制作有用的WordPress插件是另一回事。 在第一个“如何做”视频系列中,我与Michael De Wildt坐下来讨论他在该主题上的提示和技巧。 我们将流程分解为以下5个简单步骤,并对每个步骤提供了见解:

1 – Find a Need 2 – Build 3 – Let It Loose 4 – Support It 5 – Promote It

1 –找到需求2 –建立3 –让它放松4 –支持它5 –促进它

Have you built a WordPress plugin of your own? Do YOU have any advice on the topic to add in?

您是否构建了自己的WordPress插件? 您对添加主题有任何建议吗?

How To Make A Useful WordPress Plugin


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JGB: Hello, Sitepointers, Jess here, and I’m meeting with Michael De Wildt today. He’s going to teach us how to create a useful WordPress plugin. He works at 99designs, in the same building as us here, let’s go have a chat with him now. Come on. So you’ve created a WordPress plugin, have you?

JGB:您好,Sitepointers,Jess在这里,我今天和Michael De Wildt见面。 他将教我们如何创建有用的WordPress插件。 他在99designs工作,和我们在同一栋大楼里,现在我们去和他聊天。 来吧。 所以您已经创建了一个WordPress插件,对吗?

Michael: Yes.


JGB: And what was that called?


Michael: WordPress Backup To Dropbox.


JGB: What does that do?


Michael: It backs up the WordPress Dropbox.

迈克尔:备份WordPress Dropbox。

JGB: Very straight-forward. So what kind of background skills do you need to get started? If you’re interested in making a plugin, where do you start? What do you need?

JGB:非常简单。 那么,您需要什么样的背景技能才能入门? 如果您对制作插件感兴趣,那么从哪里开始呢? 你需要什么?

Michael: Well, obviously you need to know about WordPress, and having WordPress Plugin is probably a good start. And then from there you need your PHP skills up to scratch, and a good product focus and you’re good to go.

迈克尔:好吧,显然您需要了解WordPress,并且拥有WordPress插件可能是一个不错的开始。 然后,从那里开始,您需要完全具备PHP技能,并且对产品有很好的关注,并且很容易上手。

JGB: So, step number one is going to be ‘find a need’. How did you go about finding a need for your plugin?

JGB:因此,第一步是“找到需要”。 您如何找到对插件的需求?

Michael: It happened quite organically. I had a blog that was hacked some time back, and I realized at that time that there was a lot of information on there that wasn’t being backed up adequately. And that’s something I kind of wanted to manage myself. Searching the plugin directory on WordPress, there are some solutions but nothing really that was easy to use, and that kind of annoyed me, because I like to get something up and running in all of five minutes and be done with it.

迈克尔:这很自然地发生了。 我有一个博客,该博客在一段时间之前遭到黑客入侵,当时我意识到那里有很多信息没有得到充分备份。 那就是我想要管理自己的东西。 在WordPress上搜索插件目录,有一些解决方案,但没有真正易于使用的解决方案,这让我很烦,因为我喜欢在五分钟内启动并运行所有东西并完成它。

I figure most people who use WordPress are in the same sort of boat. So, based on the results, I pretty much came out with the need to have a go myself to create something that focuses on being simple, just like Dropbox, I suppose. It focuses on being simple, so yeah.

我认为大多数使用WordPress的人都在同一条船上。 因此,基于结果,我想出了自己动手去创建专注于简单性的东西的需求,就像我想的Dropbox一样。 它着重于简单,是的。

JGB: Step two then is going to be building. What can people expect in this stage?

JGB:然后将要进行第二步。 人们在这个阶段可以期待什么?

Michael: Well, obviously you’ve got to know your requirements. WordPress is apparently around about 20% of the web, but it is an old piece of software, and I wouldn’t say it’s the nicest written API to use in the world, and that’s being nice. But, yeah, what it comes down to is you look at who the users are going to be, and the users are going to be people who use shared hosts, so they’ve got low server resources. They’re probably using an outdated version of PHP. I think PHP 5.2 is still the one that’s quite common on most shared hosts.

迈克尔:嗯,显然,您必须了解您的要求。 WordPress显然占网络的大约20%,但这是一个古老的软件,我不会说它是世界上使用的最好的书面API,那就太好了。 但是,是的,最终要看的是用户的身份,而用户将成为使用共享主机的人员,因此他们的服务器资源不足。 他们可能正在使用过时PHP版本。 我认为PHP 5.2仍然是大多数共享主机上相当普遍的一种。

And all these sorts of caveats are going to catch you up if you try and build something that’s an old friend, and uses all the new technologies that use a lot of resources and things like that.


Once you realize that those requirements are there, then you have to sort of scale back any crazy ideas you have in order to be fit for purpose, which is WordPress.


JGB: So, step number three then is going to be, let it loose. How do you do that? What do you have to do?

JGB:那么,第三步就要放开了。 你是怎样做的? 你该怎么办

Michael: You’ve got to put in the WordPress Plugin Directory, which is sort of an organic self-managed, I suppose, App Store for WordPress. Once you get in there, if it is something that people will want to use, people will download it and try it out. But you’ve got to understand, in my experience, WordPress users are very fickle. They’ll download it and if it doesn’t work instantly, they’ll move on to something else.

迈克尔:您必须放入WordPress插件目录,我想这是一种有机的自我管理的WordPress应用商店。 一旦您到达那里,如果人们想要使用它,人们就会下载并试用。 但是根据我的经验,您必须了解WordPress用户非常善变。 他们将下载该文件,如果无法立即运行,则将继续进行其他操作。

So, you try to get people to sort of give you feedback on what you’re doing, and it’s a hard thing. It sort of comes in to supporting it, I suppose, which is the next step.

因此,您试图让人们对您的所做工作给予反馈,这是一件很难的事情。 我想这是对它的支持,这是下一步。

JGB: Step number four is a really important one – support it. What do you have to do to support it?

JGB:第四步是非常重要的一步-支持它。 您需要做什么来支持它?

Michael: Well, that’s a very interesting one, and a very much important one, like you said. As soon as your plugin gets momentum in the WordPress Plugin Directory, which is quite similar to an App Store, if you will, for WordPress.

迈克尔:嗯,就像你说的那样,这是非常有趣的,也是非常重要的一个。 一旦您的插件在WordPress插件目录中Swift发展起来,该目录与WordPress的App Store非常相似。

And people will start to use it, and the non-fickle ones that move on very quickly will take the time to complain. And these complaints shouldn’t be taken as a bad thing. They should be taken as a challenge to make your plugin better for more people. A lot of them are not very well formed, so you get something like, “The plugin just does not work.” And you need to be good at asking questions of the user, to say, “Hey, what are the reasons for this? What are your server settings? What are your PHP versions, your WordPress versions? What are the plugins do you have installed?

人们将开始使用它,而那些善变的人很快就会花时间抱怨。 这些投诉不应视为一件坏事。 应该将它们视为挑战,以使您的插件更适合更多人。 它们中的许多结构都不是很好,因此您会得到类似“该插件无法正常工作”的信息。 您需要善于向用户提问,例如:“嘿,这是什么原因? 您的服务器设置是什么? 您PHP版本是什么,WordPress版本是什么? 您安装了哪些插件?

These things clash. I mean, I fixed a bug the other day that was completely a random plugin that was causing mine to not work, because of the open nature of WordPress it makes things hard–very hard. But, yeah, all these little things are challenges for you to get it working for that one user. You focus on him, get it working for them, and hopefully they’re chafed about it and they go tell their mate that your plugin works quite well, and it goes on from there.

这些事情发生冲突。 我的意思是,前几天我修复了一个错误,该错误完全是一个随机插件,导致我的插件无法正常工作,因为WordPress的开放性使事情变得非常艰巨。 但是,是的,所有这些小事情对您来说都很难对它起作用。 您专注于他,让它为他们工作,并希望他们为此而感到恼火,然后他们告诉同伴,您的插件效果很好,并且从此继续下去。

It’s definitely a hard one, but you focus on the forums, and the emails. So you’re going to get emails coming through and obviously the forum posts, which are part of the WordPress Plugin Directory, and you go from there.

这绝对是一件很困难的事,但是您专注于论坛和电子邮件。 因此,您将收到电子邮件,显然还有论坛帖子,它们是WordPress插件目录的一部分,然后您就可以了。

JGB: Step number five, then, is going to be to promote it – throw it out there. How does that work?

JGB:那么,第五步将是推广它-扔掉在那里。 这是如何运作的?

Michael: Well, we’ve already got it in the Plugin Directory, so that itself is a promotion, if it is hitting a need and it’s easily searchable, like WordPress Backup to Dropbox, in the Plugin Directory. If you’re talking backup, it comes up in the first page, and that’s what you want, things like that. From there word of mouth is your best friend. I think if you’ve got something that has hit a niche and a need, and you’ve already developed it well people are going to use it, and if it works people are going to happy. And the more people you get it to work for, the better it’s going to be. You know, make it look professional, too.

迈克尔:好吧,我们已经在插件目录中找到了它,因此,它本身就是一种促销,如果它有需要,并且可以轻松地在插件目录中进行搜索,例如将WordPress备份到Dropbox。 如果您正在谈论备份,它会显示在首页上,这就是您想要的,诸如此类。 从那里开始你最好的朋友。 我认为,如果您有满足特定需求的产品,并且已经开发出了不错的产品,那么人们会使用它,如果它能奏效,那么人们会很高兴。 而且让您为之工作的人越多,情况就会越好。 您也知道,使其看起来也很专业。

So, in the WordPress Plugin Directory you can have a page that looks good. You can have like a little splash screen up there, make sure your FAQ is up-to-date, make sure you’ve got a nice amount of information there that sort of tells everyone exactly what it does, and how it’s going to work for them. The next step after that is just to do a generic landing page for it, like I’ve got, it’s WPB2D.com, which is a Google searchable term so people can search Google and say, “I need to backup WordPress, the Dropbox, and it comes up in there and it’s a bit of marketing spill off to the WordPress Directory. Everyone’s happy.

因此,在WordPress插件目录中,您可以拥有一个看起来不错的页面。 您可以在那里看到一个小小的启动屏幕,确保您的常见问题解答是最新的,并确保那里有大量信息,这些信息可以告诉所有人确切的功能以及其工作方式为他们。 之后的下一步就是为其创建一个通用的登录页面,就像我得到的一样,它是WPB2D.com,这是一个Google可搜索的术语,因此人们可以搜索Google并说:“我需要备份WordPress,Dropbox ,并且出现在其中,并且有一些营销溢出到WordPress目录中。 大家都开心

JGB: So there we have it, a recipe for a useful WordPress Plugin. If you need to back up your website, you should check out WordPress Backup to Dropbox. This has been Jess Genevieve Brown with Michael De Wildt for Sitepoint.com.

JGB:因此,我们有了它,这是一个有用的WordPress插件的食谱。 如果您需要备份网站,则应签出WordPress Backup to Dropbox 。 这是Sitepoint.com的Michael De Wildt的Jess Genevieve Brown。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/how-to-make-a-useful-wordpress-plugin/

