今日直播:美国东部时间1-3 PM(GMTUTC -4)在WordCamp Raleigh 2011上的SitePoint播客

tech2023-01-06  126

As we announced earlier this month, today we are hosting a special live edition of the SitePoint Podcast at WordCamp Raleigh. We’ll be livestreaming the show through USTREAM (watch below), from 1-3 PM ET (GMT/UTC -4).

正如我们在本月初宣布的那样 ,今天我们将在WordCamp Raleigh举办特别现场版的SitePoint Podcast。 我们将在美国东部时间下午1-3点(GMT / UTC -4)通过USTREAM直播节目(见下表)。

Regular hosts Brad Williams (@williamsba), Patrick O’Keefe (@ifroggy) and Stephan Segraves (@ssegraves) are all in Raleigh for the event and will be hosting the show. Unfortunately, our usual fourth host Louis Simoneau (@rssaddict) is not attending the conference. Dave Moyer will be helping us out on the technical end, just like last year.

定期的主持人布拉德·威廉姆斯( @williamsba ),帕特里克·奥基夫( @ifroggy )和斯蒂芬·塞格雷夫斯( @ssegraves )都将在罗利参加此次展览,并将主持该展览。 不幸的是,我们通常的第四位主持人Louis Simoneau( @rssaddict )没有参加会议。 就像去年一样, Dave Moyer将在技术方面帮助我们。

We’ll having several special guests on the show and will be giving away prizes to our in-person attendees. Check out the guest schedule and prize information below.

我们将在展会上邀请几位特别嘉宾,并将向我们的现场出席者颁发奖品。 在下面查看客人的时间表和奖励信息。

观看直播 (Watch Live)

Click here to join us on Ustream


Please note: due to the chaotic nature of the broadcast, we may not be able to keep up with the chat room as much as we would like. But, please do participate and leave comments and we’ll do our best to read them.

请注意:由于广播的混乱性质,我们可能无法跟上聊天室的进度。 但是,请参与并发表评论,我们会尽力阅读它们。

来宾时间表 (Guest Schedule)

During the show, we’ll be joined by a number of great guests. Here is the full schedule, as well as some background information on all of them:

在展会期间,我们将有很多嘉宾参加。 这是完整的时间表,以及所有这些的一些背景信息:

1:05 PM: Steve Mortiboy Co-Organizer, WordCamp Raleigh Project Manager, Semper Fi Web Design

下午1:05: Steve Mortiboy联合组织者, WordCamp Raleigh Semper Fi网站设计项目经理

1:15 PM: Aaron Jorbin Web Developer, Clearspring

下午1:15: Aaron Jorbin Clearspring网站开发人员

1:30 PM: Damond Nollan IT Manager, North Carolina Central University Host, Room 3026 Live

下午1时30分: Damond Nollan , 北卡罗来纳州中央大学 IT经理主持人, 直播室3026

1:45 PM: Audience Guest #1 Selected live from our in-person attendees at WordCamp Raleigh!

下午1:45:观众#1从WordCamp Raleigh的现场与会者中现场选出!

2:00 PM: Dave Moyer Founder and CEO, Bitwire Media

2:00 PM: Dave Moyer Bitwire Media创始人兼首席执行官

2:15 PM: Douglas Hanna CEO, A Small Orange

下午2:15: Douglas Hanna , 《小橙子》首席执行官

2:30 PM: John Ford VaultPress Safekeeper, Automattic

2:30 PM: 约翰·福特 VaultPress Safekeeper, Automattic的

2:45 PM: Audience Guest #2 Selected live from our in-person attendees at WordCamp Raleigh!

下午2:45:观众#2从WordCamp Raleigh的现场与会者中现场选出!

奖品 (Prizes)

During the show, we plan to give away 12 prizes, valued at over $1,200. We’d like to extend a big thank you to SitePoint, Wiley, AMACOM, iThemes, Headway Themes, StudioPress, Semper Fi Web Design and Shopp for providing them. Themes

在展会期间,我们计划提供12个奖项,总价值超过1200美元。 我们非常感谢SitePoint , Wiley , AMACOM , iThemes , Headway Themes , StudioPress , Semper Fi Web Design和Shopp为其提供了这些功能。 主题

StudioPress Pro Plus All-Themes Package by StudioPress Headway Theme (Developer License) by Headway Themes

StudioPress Proway All-Themes套件,由StudioPress Headway Theme提供 (开发者许可),由Headway Themes提供



shopp (Developer Access License) by shopp BackupBuddy (Unlimited Sites License) by iThemes All in One SEO Pack (Pro Version) by Semper Fi Web Design

shopp (开发人员访问许可),shopp BackupBuddy (无限站点许可),iThemes 全部归于一个SEO Pack(专业版) ,Semper Fi Web Design



“Host Your Web Site in the Cloud” by Jeff Barr “Professional WordPress” by Brad Williams, David Damstra and Hal Stern (2 copies) “Professional WordPress Plugin Development” by Brad Williams, Ozh Richard and Justin Tadlock (2 copies) “Build Your Own Wicked WordPress Themes” by Alan Cole, Raena Jackson Armitage, Brandon R. Jones and Jeffrey Way “Managing Online Forums” by Patrick O’Keefe

“主机在云中的网站”由杰夫·巴尔“专业WordPress的”由布拉德·威廉姆斯,大卫Damstra和哈尔斯特恩(2份) “专业的WordPress插件开发”由布拉德·威廉姆斯,OZH理查德和Justin Tadlock(2份) “构建您自己的邪恶WordPress主题” ,作者:艾伦·科尔(Alan Cole),雷纳·杰克逊(Raena Jackson Armitage),布兰登·R·琼斯(Brandon R.Jones)和杰弗里·韦(Jeffrey Way), “管理在线论坛” ,帕特里克·奥基夫(Patrick O'Keefe)

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/livestream-today-sitepoint-podcast-at-wordcamp-raleigh-2011-from-1-3-pm-et-gmtutc-4/

相关资源:两步验证:适用于WordPress的Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung。 经济和发展史-源码