
tech2023-01-06  124


The mobile web is growing exponentially. If your website doesn’t support mobile phones and tablets now, you can guarantee it’ll become increasingly important over the coming years.

移动网络正呈指数级增长。 如果您的网站现在不支持手机和平板电脑,则可以保证它在未来几年中将变得越来越重要。

But what if you own one of the 13 million sites running on WordPress? I recently required a plugin which:

但是,如果您拥有WordPress上运行的1300万个网站之一,该怎么办? 我最近需要一个插件:

worked on WordPress 3.1

在WordPress 3.1上工作 could be used without registration

无需注册即可使用 could be installed on a development server

可以安装在开发服务器上 offered mobile device detection as well as custom themes

提供移动设备检测以及自定义主题 wasn’t a system which simply forwarded users to an online mobilization service.


Surprisingly, there are very few plugins which match this criteria. Fortunately, I found 3 good options which could help you mobilize your website.

令人惊讶的是,很少有符合此标准的插件。 幸运的是,我找到了3个不错的选择,可以帮助您动员您的网站。

1. WP移动探测器 (1. WP Mobile Detector)

WP Mobile Detector from Websitez.com provides a simple way to adapt your site for mobiles in a couple of clicks. Unlike other plugins which target a handful of popular gadgets, WP Mobile Detector supports more than 5,000 web-enabled phones, smartphones, tablets and small-screen devices. The other features are no less impressive:

来自Websitez.com的 WP Mobile Detector提供了一种简单的方法,只需单击几次即可使您的网站适应移动设备。 与其他针对少数流行小工具的插件不同,WP Mobile Detector支持5,000多种支持Web的手机,智能手机,平板电脑和小屏幕设备。 其他功能同样令人印象深刻:

9 mobile themes are included

包含9个移动主题 content is automatically formatted and images are resized for the target device

内容会自动格式化并为目标设备调整图像大小 WordPress widgets are supported

支持WordPress小部件 multilingual sites can be created

可以创建多语言站点 the plugin records access statistics to help you identify traffic from basic and advanced mobiles.


The free version of WP Mobile Detector is available from WordPress.org. A professional edition featuring a real-time interactive theme editor is available from Websitez.com. Prices start from $49.95.

可从WordPress.org获得WP Mobile Detector的免费版本 。 可从Websitez.com获得具有实时交互式主题编辑器的专业版。 价格从49.95美元起。

2. WordPress移动包 (2. WordPress Mobile Pack)

The WordPress Mobile Pack is a comprehensive plugin which gives fine-grained control over your mobile website. The most popular devices can be identified by user agent or domain mapping. A single elegant theme is provided although it’s available in four different color schemes.

WordPress Mobile Pack是一个全面的插件,可对您的移动网站进行细粒度的控制。 可以通过用户代理或域映射来标识最受欢迎的设备。 尽管提供了四种不同的配色方案,但提供了一个优雅的主题。

The WordPress Mobile Pack is a great plugin, although I suspect some people may be overwhelmed by the array of options distributed across several pages. Now and again, I also found it switched me to mobile view while using the administration panels.

WordPress Mobile Pack是一个很棒的插件,尽管我怀疑某些人可能会被分布在多个页面上的一系列选项所淹没。 我还一次又一次发现它在使用管理面板时将我切换到了移动视图。

The free WordPress Mobile Pack is available from WordPress.org.

可从WordPress.org获得免费的WordPress移动包 。

3. MobilePress (3. MobilePress)

Finally, we have MobilePress. Although WordPress.org reports it’s compatible up to version 2.8.6, I didn’t have any trouble installing and running it in v3.1.

最后,我们有MobilePress。 尽管WordPress.org报告它兼容2.8.6版本,但在v3.1中安装和运行它没有任何问题。

MobilePress is the simplest plugin here and provides few options. However, it’s one of the easiest to use and test since you can force your site into mobile view rather than using a real mobile device or domain mapping.

MobilePress是这里最简单的插件,提供的选项很少。 但是,它是最容易使用和测试的方法之一,因为您可以将网站强制为移动视图,而不是使用实际的移动设备或域映射。

Two mobile themes are provided although I couldn’t see much difference between them? Fortunately, help is provided for developers who want to create their own alternatives.

提供了两个移动主题,尽管我看不出它们有什么不同? 幸运的是,为想要创建自己的替代方案的开发人员提供了帮助。

MobilePress is developed by Aduity, a company providing advertising solutions for mobile phones. You don’t need to use that feature but it’s available should you require it.

MobilePress由提供手机广告解决方案的公司Aduity开发。 您不需要使用该功能,但可以在需要时使用。

The free MobilePress plugin is available from WordPress.org and mobilepress.co.za.

可从WordPress.org和mobilepress.co.za获得免费的MobilePress插件 。

Have you discovered better WordPress mobile plugins? All comments welcome.

您是否发现了更好的WordPress移动插件? 欢迎所有评论。

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如果您喜欢阅读这篇文章,您会喜欢Learnable的 ; 向大师学习新鲜技能的地方。 会员可以立即访问所有SitePoint的电子书和交互式在线课程,例如WordPress网页设计入门指南 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/wordpress-mobile-plugins/

