
tech2023-01-07  135

In this screencast, I will show you how to create elegant responsive Bootstrap buttons including overcoming white-space issues and hiding content at various screen sizes. You can find code samples for this screencast on GitHub. This is the first video in the Quick Real World Bootstrap Tricks series.

在此截屏视频中,我将向您展示如何创建优雅的响应式Bootstrap按钮,包括克服空白问题并在各种屏幕尺寸下隐藏内容。 您可以在GitHub上找到此截屏视频的代码示例。 这是“ 快速现实世界引导技巧”系列中的第一个视频。

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翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/watch-create-elegant-and-responsive-bootstrap-buttons/
