在Web Directions Code上获得推文并赢得Kindle Fire!

tech2023-01-07  155

At SitePoint we live and breathe web tech … and we love our ebooks. Combining these two passions is a challenge we relish, whether we’re releasing an all-encompassing guide to the world of WordPress (like The WordPress Anthology), an analysis of cutting-edge design approaches (say, The Principles of Beautiful Web Design) or an introduction to the latest web development standards and methods (for instance, HTML5 & CSS3 For the Real World).

在SitePoint,我们生活和呼吸网络技术……并且我们喜欢我们的电子书。 结合这两种激情是我们所面临的挑战,无论我们是否要发布有关WordPress世界的全面指南(例如WordPress Anthology ),对尖端设计方法的分析(例如, 《美丽的Web设计原理》 )或介绍最新的Web开发标准和方法(例如, 针对真实世界HTML5和CSS3 )。

Which is why we decided we ought to share these passions with our treasured SitePoint community – especially those of you who are attending the bound-to-be-awesome Web Directions Code conference, taking place in Melbourne on Wednesday, May 23 and Thursday, May 24. We’re sending a whole bunch of SitePoint staffers along to this two-day festival of all things JavaScript and HTML5 (check out the program) where we’ll be attending excellent talks from the likes of Max Wheeler, Ryan Seddon and Rob Hawkes, to name a few. But our crew are also going to be hoping you’ll hook up with them and enter our SitePoint Twitaway Competition! Check out the details on the Twitaway Competition page.

这就是为什么我们决定我们应该与珍贵的SitePoint社区分享这些激情的原因,尤其是那些参加即将在5月23日(星期三)和5月(星期四)在墨尔本举行的令人敬畏的Web Directions代码会议的人们。 24.我们将派遣一整批SitePoint员工参加为期两天JavaScript和HTML5的所有盛典(请查看程序 ),我们将参加Max Wheeler,Ryan Seddon和Rob之类的精彩演讲。霍克斯,仅举几例。 但是我们的工作人员也希望您能与他们联系并参加我们的SitePoint Twitaway比赛! 在Twitaway比赛页面上查看详细信息。

Here’s how it works.


When you’re at the conference, look out for a SitePoint staffer (you can find us wandering around in our T-shirts, probably armed to the teeth with books, mugs and other SitePoint gear we’re itching to give away). Who’ll be there? Louis, Tom, Di, Alex, Harley and Ole. We’re waiting to meet you.

当您参加会议时,请寻找SitePoint工作人员(您会发现我们穿着我们的T恤四处游荡,可能穿着书本,杯子和我们渴望散发的其他SitePoint装备武装在牙齿上)。 谁会在那里? 路易斯,汤姆,狄,亚历克斯,哈雷和奥莱。 我们正在等着您。 Grab one of us … but be gentle.

抓住我们中的一个……但要保持温柔。 Take a photo of yourself with said SitePointer.


Send a unique, funny tweet, with your photo and the hashtag #lovesitepoint.


That’s it … unless, of course, you want to stick around and have a chat with us!


This will put you in the running for our great giveaway: a Kindle Fire, which we’ll hand over to the winner on the Thursday afternoon, and happily load up with a whole bunch of SitePoint ebooks.

这将使您为我们的精彩礼物而奔波:Kindle Fire,我们将在周四下午将其交给获奖者,并愉快地加载一大堆SitePoint电子书。

But wait … ‘cos there’s more. Everyone who sends a tweet with a photo and the #lovesitepoint hashtag will win an ebook anyway. Why? Well, because you deserve it. And we want you to be awesome developers … something we hope we can give you a hand with when you choose one ebook from the following: The WordPress Anthology, The Principles of Beautiful Web Design, or HTML5 & CSS3 For the Real World.

但是等等……因为还有更多。 无论如何,发送带有照片和#lovesitepoint主题标签的推文的人都会赢得一本电子书。 为什么? 好吧,因为你应得的。 我们希望您成为出色的开发人员……希望您从以下内容中选择一本电子书来帮助您: WordPress选集 , 美丽的Web设计原理或HTML5和CSS3用于现实世界 。

The details are all on the promotion page. All you have to do is get to Web Directions Code, hunt us down and get tweeting!

详细信息都在促销页面上 。 您所需要做的就是获取Web Directions Code,查找我们并发送推文!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/get-tweeting-and-win-a-kindle-fire-at-web-directions-code/
