
tech2023-01-09  168

Do you have the basics of Flexbox down, but want to dive into the specifics of how Flexbox works?


In this screencast, you will learn about the axes of Flexbox, which are different than the traditional top to bottom, left to right axes. You’ll discover why this system of axes works so well for Flexbox, and what it can do for your layouts.

在此截屏视频中,您将了解Flexbox的轴,这些轴与传统的上下轴,左右轴不同。 您会发现为什么此轴系统对Flexbox如此有效,以及它对您的布局有何作用。

If you’re new to Flexbox I’d recommend having a read of Migrating to Flexbox by Cutting the Mustard by Bashkim Isai. If you prefer videos then luckily for you this is the second video in our new Discovering Flexbox for Layouts collection on SitePoint Premium.

如果您是Flexbox的新手,建议您阅读Bashkim Isai 撰写的“通过切芥末迁移到 Flexbox”。 如果您喜欢视频,那么幸运的是,这是SitePoint Premium上新的“ Discovering Flexbox for Layouts”集合中的第二个视频。

Happy viewing!


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翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/watch-the-axis-of-flexbox/
