WordPress 3.8的新功能

tech2023-01-09  139

This article is outdated, check out what’s new in WordPress 4.6 here.

本文已过时, 请在此处查看WordPress 4.6的新增功能 。

If you haven’t upgraded to WordPress 3.7 yet, don’t bother — WordPress 3.8 is available to download now.

如果您尚未升级到WordPress 3.7 ,请不要打扰-WordPress 3.8现在可以下载 。

Since this is a major revision, you’ll need to manually upgrade rather than rely on an automated update. That means logging in and hitting “Upgrade”. Remember to back-up your files and database first. I would also recommend checking plug-in and theme compatibility in an offline version of your site too.

由于这是主要修订,因此您需要手动升级,而不是依靠自动更新。 这意味着登录并点击“升级”。 切记先备份文件和数据库。 我还建议您也检查网站的脱机版本中的插件和主题兼容性。

Version 3.7 changes were primarily under the hood but WordPress 3.8 introduces more obvious updates. The whole administration interface has been overhauled…

3.7版更改主要是在后台进行,但WordPress 3.8引入了更多明显的更新。 整个管理界面已经过大修...

At first glance, I thought it was reminiscent of earlier versions of WordPress but look around and you’ll notice several interesting changes:


A modern flat design is used throughout.

整个建筑采用现代平面设计。 It’s responsive and the smartphone/tablet view is far more usable than before.

它React灵敏,并且智能手机/平板电脑视图比以前更有用。 Open Sans is the default font — it looks clearer and less cluttered.

Open Sans是默认字体-看起来更清晰,更混乱。 Scalable, fast-loading webfont icons are used in preference to images.

可缩放,快速加载的Webfont图标优先于图像使用。 Eight administration color themes can be selected in your profile…


The interface is noticeably faster than previous versions. Most pages weigh in at less than 300Kb (compressed) with the bulkiest rarely exceeding 500Kb. I suspect it could go a little further if the team switched from JavaScript-based animations to CSS3 but it remains impressive.

该界面明显比以前的版本快。 大多数页面的重量不到300Kb(压缩),而最大的页面很少超过500Kb。 我怀疑如果团队从基于JavaScript的动画切换到CSS3,它可能会走得更远,但它仍然令人印象深刻。

Smartphone and tablet access has been significantly improved. I recommend you try it. In my opinion, it’s superior to native iOS and Android WordPress apps which rarely work as you expect or support plug-in functionality.

智能手机和平板电脑的访问权限已得到显着改善。 我建议您尝试一下。 我认为,它优于本机iOS和Android WordPress应用程序,这些应用程序很少能按您的预期工作或不支持插件功能。

新二十四主题 (New Twenty Fourteen Theme)

Twenty Fourteen is the new magazine-style default theme:


As you would expect, the layout is fully responsive. Important content links on the home page can be featured in a grid or slider view. You will require some work to make the best of it, but theme and widget management is better than ever.

如您所料,布局是完全响应的。 主页上的重要内容链接可以在网格或滑块视图中显示。 您将需要做一些工作以充分利用它,但是主题和窗口小部件管理比以往更好。

Other changes are fairly minor or bug fixes. A full list of all updates can be viewed at codex.wordpress.org/Version_3.8

其他更改是相当小的或错误修复。 可以在codex.wordpress.org/Version_3.8中查看所有更新的完整列表。

WordPress is currently used by 20.9% of all websites. Of the sites using a CMS, WordPress accounts for almost six in ten installations. Version 3.8 feels faster and fresher than ever; can any other application ever hope to match its success?

当前,所有网站中有20.9%使用WordPress。 在使用CMS的网站中,WordPress占据了十分之六的安装量。 3.8版比以往更快,更新鲜; 任何其他应用程序都可以希望与其成功相称吗?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/whats-new-wordpress-3-8/
