
tech2023-01-09  154


They said they’d be dead.


Gone from our docks and into our browsers.


The demise of the desktop apps has long been predicted in favor of browser-based models. But with services such as Slack, Sunrise and Quip all going desktop, can we stop writing the eulogies for native apps after all?

长期以来,人们一直预计桌面应用程序的消亡将有利于基于浏览器的模型。 但是,随着Slack,Sunrise和Quip等服务全部进入桌面,我们到底可以停止为本地应用编写赞美诗吗?

本机应用程序的消亡 (The demise of the native app)

You don’t see a downfall in good technology for a reason. As many articles have pointed out, the tech industry has been ditching the native app in favor of the web app.

您不会因为某种原因而看到优质技术的下降。 正如许多文章所指出的那样,技术行业已经放弃了本机应用程序,转而使用Web应用程序。

And if you’re wondering why, it turns out they have some pretty solid reasons. Here’s five.

而且,如果您想知道为什么,那么事实证明它们有一些充分的理由。 这是五个。

1.无需下载。 没有安装 (1. Nothing to download. Nothing to install)

It’s often far easier to convince people to use your app if they can get started right away. Downloading and installing feels like more of a commitment than having a play around right in your web browser. You’re effectively removing one big step in the on boarding process.

如果人们可以立即开始使用,说服人们使用您的应用程序通常要容易得多。 下载和安装比在Web浏览器中进行播放更像是一种承诺。 您实际上是在登机过程中迈出了一大步。

2.没有更多更新 (2. No more updates)

Ok, since automatic updates were introduced this one isn’t the huge benefit it once was. Yet updating your app on the web does ensure that nobody is using an outdated version. This in turn eliminates most compatibility issues.

好的,由于引入了自动更新,因此这并不是曾经的巨大好处。 但是,在网络上更新您的应用程序确实可以确保没有人使用过时的版本。 反过来,这消除了大多数兼容性问题。

3.更好地适应循环定价模型 (3. Lends itself better to a recurring pricing model)

Downloadable apps are associated with one-off payments. You buy it, you own it.

可下载的应用与一次性付款相关联。 您购买它,就拥有它。

Web apps seem to lend themselves better to the more profitable recurring payment structure.


It’s not to say that you can’t do this with desktop apps – think Dropbox and the controversial Creative Cloud. But people do seem more open to paying a subscription for a web app.

并不是说您无法使用桌面应用程序做到这一点–想想Dropbox和有争议的Creative Cloud 。 但是人们似乎确实更愿意为网络应用付费。

4.访问分析 (4. Access to analytics)

From a business point of view, being able to see first hand how your users interact with your product can be a huge advantage. It can help you cut any usability issues and reassess features that nobody is engaging with.

从业务角度来看,能够直接了解用户与产品的交互方式是一个巨大的优势。 它可以帮助您减少任何可用性问题并重新评估没有人参与的功能。

5.开发成本较低 (5. Less expensive to develop)

You want a native app that works on OS X, PC and Linux? Be prepared to shell out some big bucks.

您要在OS X,PC和Linux上运行的本机应用程序吗? 准备掏出一些钱。

Good programmers don’t come cheap and with all those versions to develop, it’s no wonder a lot of people are favoring browser based apps.


Looking at the above, it seems like a no-brainer to opt for a web app over a native. So why are companies still releasing the downloadable counterparts?

综上所述,似乎很自然地选择了本机上的Web应用程序。 那么,为什么公司仍会发布可下载的对等文件?

本地人还没有去(还) (Native isn’t going anywhere (yet))

In contrast to the above, there are still a few small but important features that browsers can’t currently compete with.


1.我们并非一直保持联系 (1. We’re not constantly connected)

People move about. They don’t always sit at home with their fibre optic broadband humming happily beside them.

人们四处走动。 他们并不总是坐在家里,光纤宽带在他们旁边快乐地嗡嗡作响。

They get on trains, stay in hotels and sometimes set up camp in coffee shops (with intermittent wifi at best).


That’s not to mention people residing in countries where reliable Internet isn’t a given.


A few companies are approaching web app development offline first which is great.


Alex Feyerke wrote a thorough and informative post about Offline First design on A List Apart.

Alex Feyerke在A List Apart上撰写了有关Offline First设计的详尽而翔实的文章 。

But there are still a lot of kinks to be worked out such as handling conflicting data from many sources and losing important data.


From an Internet perspective, native apps feel more secure.


Even if they rely on a connection to sync, it’s easier to work from your desktop than worry about hitting the back button or clicking anything that could face you with this:


Maybe Chrome was a bad example, that space bar game is really addictive.


2.底座图标之美 (2. The beauty of the dock icon)

If you have a native app, you get your own big shiny dock icon. As long as people remember to put your app in their dock you’re in a much better position for consistent use.

如果您有本机应用程序,则将获得自己的大型闪亮底座图标。 只要人们记得将您的应用程序放置在他们的扩展坞中,您就处于更好的位置,可以持续使用。

If your users are anything like me, their browser tabs get a little overwhelming. Here’s mine just for writing this article:

如果您的用户和我一样,那么他们的浏览器选项卡就会有些让人不知所措。 这是我写这篇文章的目的:

Tabs can get lost in the crowd. Or worse, they can be closed never to be reopened. With a native app your logo has less competition and is less likely to be accidentally closed.

标签页可能会在人群中迷路。 或更糟糕的是,它们可以关闭而永远无法重新打开。 使用本机应用程序,您的徽标竞争较少,并且不太可能被意外关闭。

3.托管更便宜 (3. Hosting is cheaper)

This only applies if you just have a native app and not a hybrid. Hosting a large web app that potentially thousands of people need constant access to ain’t gonna come cheap.

仅当您只有本机应用程序而不是混合应用程序时才适用。 托管大型Web应用程序可能使成千上万的人需要不断访问,而这些应用程序并不便宜。

If you just have a downloadable app, your hosting will only cost the small price of having a few web pages with a download link.


4.两者都变得越来越容易 (4. It’s getting easier to do both)

The main reason I think we are seeing an increase in native apps is the ease in which you can create one now.

我认为我们看到本机应用程序增加的主要原因是您现在可以轻松创建一个 。

Popular messaging app Slack uses MacGap to pull in the functionality of the web app and then add a native wrapper around it.


If your app is simple, this can be a great way to get it on people’s desktops at a pretty low cost. See how FrontApp have transformed their product into a hybrid app using mostly HTML/CSS.

如果您的应用程序很简单,那么这可能是一种以非常低的成本将其安装到人们桌面上的好方法。 了解FrontApp如何主要使用HTML / CSS将其产品转换为混合应用程序 。

那么桌面应用程序会卷土重来吗? (So are desktop apps making a comeback?)

As often is the case, yes and no.


I don’t think the native app was ever dead, it just became less practical and more expensive to develop them.


For a lot of companies the benefits of a web based app far outweighs the benefits of a native.


Not only from a business perspective but from a user POV too (Think InVision, Google Analytics and Medium—these certainly don’t have a big enough need for a native version).

不仅从业务角度,而且从用户POV(想想InVision,Google Analytics(分析)和Medium,这些当然对本机版本都没有足够大的需求)。

We need to be designing based on how people are going to use our software.


只要您的应用正常运行,用户就不会在乎您的应用是本机应用还是基于Web的应用。 (Users don’t care whether your app is native or web based as long as it does the job properly.)

Jason Grigsby has an excellent article about the superfluous nature of the debate. He says:

杰森•格里斯比(Jason Grigsby)有一篇关于辩论多余性质的精彩文章 。 他说:

“仅因为用户正在以不同的界面或格式与网络中的信息进行交互,但这并不意味着网络已死或死亡。 对我来说,这条弧线更像是一种进化,而不是灭绝。” (“Just because users are interacting with the information from the web in a different interface or format, that does not mean that the web is dead or dying. To me this arc read more like an evolution than an extinction.”)

The main reason we’re seeing this rise in native apps is because more companies are realizing the value of adopting both in their strategy.


And as the popularity of something grows, so do the learning resources and ultimately — the technology.


It’s more the rise of the hybrids than the fall of the desktop.


交给你。 您如何看待本地与网络辩论? 一个比另一个好吗?还是我们都应该采取一种混合策略? 让我们在评论中知道! (Over to you. What do you think of the native vs web debate? Is one better than the other or should we all be adopting a hybrid strategy? Let us know in the comments!)

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/web-desktop-apps/

