
tech2023-01-09  129

加入我们与专家聊天! (Join us for a chat with an expert!)

Guilherme Müller, the creator of three of our most popular HTML courses on SitePoint Premium, is joining us for an exclusive Q&A session on the SitePoint Forums on Wednesday, 5th August at 4pm (EST).

GuilhermeMüller ,我们在SitePoint Premium上最受欢迎的三门HTML课程的创建者, 将于 8月5日(美国东部标准时间)周三与我们一起在SitePoint论坛上进行独家问答环节 。

This is the perfect opportunity to hear from an HTML expert! Join us on Wednesday to chat with Guilherme live in the forums, or submit any burning questions early on the Forums or via Twitter.

这是聆听HTML专家的绝佳机会! 加入我们在周三与吉列尔梅住在论坛上聊天,或在早期提交的任何燃烧问题论坛 ,或通过Twitter的 。

Want to know more? Here’s a Q&A about the Q&A:

想知道更多? 以下是有关问答的问答:

Q. How do I chat with Guilherme? A. To participate in the chat, or to submit a question early on the Forum, you’ll need to log in to the SitePoint Forums (or create an account if you don’t have one yet).

问:如何与Guilherme聊天? 答:要参与聊天,或在论坛上提早提出问题,您需要登录到SitePoint论坛 (如果尚未注册,请创建一个帐户)。

Q. I’d rather not create an account for the Forums. Is there another way to participate? A. No worries! You can view the conversation on the Forum without logging in, and tweet us any questions you’d like Guilherme to answer.

问:我宁愿不为论坛创建帐户。 还有其他参与方式吗? A.不用担心! 您无需登录即可在论坛上查看对话 ,并向我们发送任何您希望Guilherme回答的问题。

Q. My time zone isn’t EST – when is the forum happening in my time zone? A. You can use this handy checker to find out what time the Q&A will be taking place in your area. If you’ll be sleeping during the session, don’t forget that you can submit a question in advance.

问:我的时区不是EST-论坛在我的时区何时发生? 答:您可以使用此便捷的检查器来确定您所在地区的问答时间。 如果您在会议期间要睡觉,请不要忘记可以提前提交问题。

Q. I’ve got some friends who would be keen on this – can they participate? A. Absolutely, just share this link: http://bit.ly/askguilherme! We’d love to have as many people as possible involved.

问:我有一些朋友对此很感兴趣–他们可以参加吗? 答:绝对可以,只需共享此链接: http : //bit.ly/askguilherme ! 我们希望有尽可能多的人参与。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/live-qa-with-guilherme-muller-on-html/
