
tech2023-01-10  134


I’ve been looking forward to this part of the series; we’re going to compare WordPress and Joomla in the SEO department. We will be discussing the capabilities and limitations of each CMS when it comes to SEO, as well as linking you to some of the best SEO plugins and extensions.

我一直期待该系列的这一部分。 我们将比较SEO部门中的WordPress和Joomla。 我们将讨论每个CMS的SEO功能和局限性,以及将您链接到一些最佳SEO插件和扩展的链接。

We’re going to order things slightly differently in this post. Here’s how:

在这篇文章中,我们将对订单排序略有不同。 这是如何做:

结论 (Conclusion )

WordPress wins.


In my opinion, there can be no real argument against that assertion. Unfortunately, when WordPress junkies end up in metaphorical bar fights with Joomla junkies, the WordPress enthusiasts really end up flogging a dead horse on this point. It’s painful to see, guys — please don’t do it.

我认为,没有任何真正的论据反对这一主张。 不幸的是,当WordPress迷们最终与Joomla迷们发生隐喻性的打架时,WordPress爱好者们实际上最终在这一点上鞭策了老马。 伙计们,看到这个很痛苦-请不要这样做。

Yes, WordPress is generally better when it comes to SEO, but it has its limitations. Joomla isn’t horrible when it comes to SEO. It’s not the best, but it’s not as bad as I’ve seen some (usually biased) individuals suggest.

是的,WordPress在搜索引擎优化方面通常要好一些,但是有其局限性。 对于SEO而言,Joomla 并不可怕 。 这不是最好的,但没有我看到的一些人(通常有偏见)所建议的那样糟糕。

So you’ve got the verdict; now I’ll explain how I reached this conclusion.

因此,您有判决。 现在,我将解释如何得出这个结论。

Joomla SEO (Joomla SEO )

Joomla can be an absolute nightmare to perform proper on-site optimization on if you’re a newbie. With Joomla 2.5, however, some attention was given to improving the SEO capabilities, which has helped somewhat. If you’re in a competitive niche, though, you’re still going to need to look to Components to do the bulk of your SEO work for you, and that’s where things get messy.

如果您是新手,Joomla绝对是一场噩梦,无法对其进行适当的现场优化。 但是,在Joomla 2.5中,人们对提高SEO功能给予了一些关注,这有所帮助。 但是,如果您处于竞争利基市场中,则仍然需要依靠Components来为您完成大部分SEO工作,这就是麻烦的地方。

Joomla contains basic SEO-optimization functionality. You can turn on SEF URLs, take it a step further by enabling URL rewriting and also choose whether you would like to enable URL suffixes or not.

Joomla包含基本的SEO优化功能。 您可以打开SEF URL,通过启用URL重写进一步进行操作,还可以选择是否要启用URL后缀。

You can also add a global meta description and meta keywords, as well as define the meta tags and title tags at a page level, despite it not being as user-friendly a process as it potentially could be.


Something that some Joomla users may not know is that you can also choose to noindex and/or nofollow a specific menu item. (You can find the option in the Metadata options menu on the right when editing a menu item.)

一些Joomla用户可能不知道的事情是,您还可以选择不索引和/或不遵循特定菜单项。 (编辑菜单项时,您可以在右侧的“元数据选项”菜单中找到该选项。)

If you’re wanting to do more than basic optimization for a Joomla website, I would suggest you be prepared to do some debugging, because those bugs will be there.


WordPress SEO (WordPress SEO)

The great thing about SEO for WordPress is that it’s easy. Everything is where you’d expect it to be. It’s dead simple to enable SEF URLs and define your own permalinks for specific posts.

关于WordPress SEO的伟大之处在于它很容易。   一切都在您期望的位置。 启用S​​EF URL并为特定帖子定义自己的永久链接是非常简单的。

WordPress allows you to create tags for posts, something which Joomla doesn’t allow without the use of an extension. As far as I’m concerned, however, this is really not something that is important anymore.

WordPress允许您为帖子创建标签,而Joomla在不使用扩展名的情况下是不允许的。 但是,就我而言,这确实不再重要。

All the general options are available. You can optimize your permalink structures and you can set all the appropriate metadata for your pages and posts.

所有常规选项均可用。 您可以优化永久链接结构,并可以为页面和帖子设置所有适当的元数据。

The real SEO power of WordPress, however, doesn’t come out the box. It does most things right out the box, yes, but its real SEO prowess is found among the SEO plugins available for WordPress. There are some fantastic plugins which make advanced SEO super-easy in WordPress. (We will discuss these plugins at the end of this post.)

但是,WordPress的真正SEO功能并未发挥作用。 它可以立即完成大多数操作,是的,但是它的真正SEO能力在WordPress可用的SEO插件中找到。 有一些很棒的插件可以使WordPress中的高级SEO变得非常容易。 (我们将在本文结尾处讨论这些插件。)

The bottom line is that SEO in WordPress is much easier to get right if you are new to the whole website game. Couple that with the fact that Matt Cutts and Google really like WordPress, and you have a winner in the SEO department.

底线是,如果您是整个网站游戏的新手,则WordPress中的SEO更容易正确。 再加上Matt Cutts和Google确实喜欢WordPress,您在SEO部门中就获得了胜利。

页面速度 (Page Speed)

The notion that Joomla is bulky and will make your website a slow-loading, bandwidth-eating monster is a myth! Having worked extensively with both CMSs, I cannot report any major advantages for either system here.

Joomla庞大且会使您的网站成为加载缓慢,占用带宽的怪物的想法是一个神话! 在与这两个CMS进行了广泛的合作之后,我无法在此报告任何一个系统的任何主要优势。

My own website runs on Joomla and I managed to attain a page speed score of 98/100, and had it loading in around 1.5 seconds. It required some tweaking, but all of the sites I’ve developed on WordPress have required no less tweaking to get into a similar position.

我自己的网站在Joomla上运行,我设法达到98/100的页面速度得分,并在1.5秒内完成了加载。 它需要进行一些调整,但是我在WordPress上开发的所有网站都需要进行同样的调整才能进入相似的位置。

I wouldn’t believe anybody who tells me that one system has any major advantages over the other here. Plugins are available for both, which will assist you in achieving page speed good practice, such as a minifying CSS and Javascript, GZip compression, leveraging caching etc.

我不敢相信有人告诉我,在这里,一个系统比另一个系统具有任何主要优势。 两者都可以使用插件,这将帮助您实现页面速度的良好实践,例如最小化CSS和Javascript,GZip压缩,利用缓存等。

链接结构 (Link Structure)

Some SEO enthusiasts tend to advocate having a “perfect” URL structure. While I’m not sure that there is such a thing, it is definitely important to make sure that your URLs are SEO-friendly. What I mean by this is just make sure that the website address (URL) of a page doesn’t look like a bunch of random characters strung together.

一些SEO爱好者倾向于倡导具有“完美”的URL结构。 尽管我不确定是否存在这种情况,但是确保您的URL对SEO友好绝对重要。 我的意思是确保页面的网站地址(URL)看起来不像一堆串随机字符。

As a general rule of thumb, I would say that if a human could look at a URL and tell what the page is about and that URL isn’t incredibly long, then your URL structure is good enough.


WordPress and Joomla can achieve this out the box. Again, WordPress makes it slightly easier by allowing you to define your permalink within a post. Joomla, on the other hand, creates your link by using the category alias plus your menu item alias for the URLs (assuming you are using the default Joomla SEF URLs).

WordPress和Joomla可以做到这一点。 再次,WordPress通过允许您在帖子中定义永久链接,使其变得稍微容易一些。 另一方面,Joomla使用类别别名加上URL的菜单项别名来创建链接(假设您使用的是默认的Joomla SEF URL)。

Both CMSs will allow more control over the URL rewriting through the use of certain SEO plugins/components.


图像优化 (Image Optimization )

Once again, WordPress wins in this department — but with the release of version 2.5.x, Joomla has closed the gap. Both systems now allow you to add images with ease, add alt tags, image titles and define image dimensions, all of which are SEO good practices when it comes to images.

WordPress在该部门再次胜出,但随着2.5.x版本的发布,Joomla缩小了差距。 这两个系统现在都允许您轻松添加图像,添加alt标签,图像标题和定义图像尺寸,所有这些都是关于图像的SEO最佳做法。

WordPress takes the cake with this one through the use of a plugin called SEO Friendly Images which basically does all of the above for you automatically.

WordPress通过使用名为SEO Friendly Images的插件来完成这一任务,基本上可以自动为您完成以上所有操作。

One thing to note for Joomla users: Joomla bizarrely instructs search engines not to index your images folder. This defeats the entire object of image optimization. I would recommend you access your robots.txt file and remove the line that says:

Joomla用户需要注意的一件事:Joomla奇怪地指示搜索引擎不要索引您的图像文件夹。 这击败了图像优化的整个目标。 我建议您访问robots.txt文件,并删除显示以下内容的行:

Disallow: /images/

禁止:/ images /

内部连结 (Internal Linking)

If you’ve done your due diligence regarding on-site SEO optimization, you will know that a good internal linking structure is key for SEO success.


WordPress makes internal linking easy out the box, and even easier through the use of plugins, by allowing you to select existing pieces of content directly when adding a hyperlink. With Joomla, unfortunately, you need to enter the relative link for the page you are trying to link to. It doesn’t have a graphic interface which allows you to do this out the box. I believe it can be done using certain plugins, but I tend to be a bit prehistoric in my approach and just resort to entering those darn links manually.

WordPress通过允许您在添加超链接时直接选择现有的内容,使开箱即用的内部链接变得容易,甚至通过使用插件也变得更加容易。 不幸的是,使用Joomla,您需要输入要链接到的页面的相对链接。 它没有图形界面,您可以立即执行此操作。 我相信可以使用某些插件来完成此操作,但是我的方法倾向于有点史前史,只能手动输入这些织补链接。

自定义404页面 (Custom 404 Pages)

404 Pages are a pet peeve of mine. This is probably because Joomla used to make it extremely difficult to redirect to a custom 404. It’s easier nowadays with a bit of code tweaking, but once again, WordPress just works so much better here.

404 Pages是我的宠儿。 这可能是因为Joomla过去使重定向到自定义404变得极为困难。如今,通过一些代码调整,它变得更加容易,但是WordPress再次在这里工作得更好。

I’ve tried numerous SEO components for Joomla which are supposed to allow you to create custom 404s, but none of them ever worked as expected. I ended up manually setting up redirect rules in my .htaccess file and redirecting to a hidden menu item.

我已经为Joomla尝试了许多SEO组件,这些组件应该可以让您创建自定义404,但是这些组件都没有按预期工作。 我最终在.htaccess文件中手动设置了重定向规则,并重定向到一个隐藏的菜单项。

With WordPress, I’ve found that custom 404 plugins work much better.


This may or may not be an important factor for you. Just be aware that 404s can be frustrating in Joomla if you’re looking for a quick fix.

这可能对您来说不是重要因素。 请注意,如果您正在寻找快速修复方法,那么Joomla中的404可能会令人沮丧。

SEO插件和组件 (SEO Plugins and Components)

Here are a few of my favorite SEO plugins and extensions:


WordPress插件 (WordPress Plugins)

WordPress SEO by Yoast. This is as close to an all-inclusive SEO plugin as you will get for WordPress. It is simply fantastic. The description on their plugin page is brilliant as well — you don’t need me to explain it here.

Yoast的WordPress SEO 。 与WordPress一样,它与全包式SEO插件非常接近。 简直太棒了。 他们的插件页面上的描述也很棒-您不需要我在这里解释。

All-in-One SEO. If, for some absurd reason, you don’t like Yoast’s plugin, you can use this. It’s a lot simpler and quicker to configure, so it may suit your purposes perfectly if you don’t want to get your hands dirty or spend time optimizing content for SEO.

多合一SEO 。 如果出于某些荒谬的原因,您不喜欢Yoast的插件,则可以使用它。 它配置起来更加简单快捷,因此,如果您不想弄脏手或花时间优化SEO的内容,它可能会非常适合您的目的。

SEO Friendly Images. This helps you easily optimize your images for SEO. If you use Yoast’s plugin, you may not need this.

SEO友好图像 。 这可以帮助您轻松优化SEO图像。 如果您使用Yoast的插件,则可能不需要此插件。

404 Simple Redirect. I use this to manage my 404s on WordPress websites. It’s simple and effective.

404简单重定向 。 我用它来管理WordPress网站上的404。 简单有效。

Joomla扩展 (Joomla Extensions)

SH404SEF. In Joomla 1.5 days this was the flagship SEO component. The developers didn’t create versions for Joomla 1.6 and 1.7, but have released a version for Joomla 2.5. It does a whole lot more than just SEO, but it is a commercial (and expensive) component. I don’t use it because it has hundreds of options that I would never use. You may find it useful if you’re an SEO control freak.

SH404SEF 。 在Joomla 1.5天,这是SEO的旗舰组件。 开发人员没有为Joomla 1.6和1.7创建版本,而是为Joomla 2.5发布了版本。 它不仅可以提供SEO功能,而且还具有商业意义(且价格昂贵)。 我不使用它,因为它具有数百个我永远不会使用的选项。 如果您是SEO控制狂,您可能会发现它很有用。

SEO Boss. This is a neat little component which allows you to easily manage your metadata for every page on your site from one interface. It also includes some simple on-page tweaks, a Google rank tracker and the ability to ping the search engines with new content.

SEO老板 。 这是一个精巧的小组件,可让您从一个界面轻松管理站点上每个页面的元数据。 它还包括一些简单的页面调整,Google排名跟踪器以及使用新内容ping搜索引擎的功能。

Xmap. The only component I use to create Joomla sitemaps. It’s easy, free and it works. Use it.

Xmap 。 我用来创建Joomla站点地图的唯一组件。 它简单,免费且有效。 用它。

底线 (The Bottom Line)

WordPress is superior in many ways to Joomla in the SEO department. Don’t let it discourage you, however, if Joomla suits your purposes better than WordPress. You can create a perfectly optimized website in Joomla — it just takes a bit more effort.

WordPress在SEO部门的许多方面优于Joomla。 但是,如果Joomla比WordPress更适合您的目的,请不要让它感到沮丧。 您可以在Joomla中创建一个完美优化的网站-只需花费更多的精力。

WordPress enthusiasts: WordPress rocks Google’s socks. We get it. Let it go now. :)

WordPress爱好者:WordPress震惊了Google的袜子。 我们懂了。 放手吧 :)

Next week we will be covering the support and community for WordPress and Joomla. In the interim, let me know what your experiences have been with SEO on your WordPress/Joomla websites.

下周,我们将介绍WordPress和Joomla的支持和社区。 在此期间,请让我知道您在WordPress / Joomla网站上使用SEO的经历。


