
tech2023-01-10  144

Your choice of WordPress Theme determines many important aspects of your site. Choosing the right theme can be tricky for newcomers to WordPress, since most people will be attracted by eye-candy alone. A good theme is one that not only looks good, but is also lean and lightweight, easy to customize, flexible, actively developed and well supported.

您对WordPress主题的选择决定了网站的许多重要方面。 对于WordPress的新手来说,选择正确的主题可能会有些棘手,因为大多数人都会被眼神糖果所吸引。 一个好的主题不仅是外观漂亮,而​​且还精简轻巧,易于定制,灵活,积极开发并得到良好的支持。

Here at SitePoint, we regularly cover topics related to themes and theme development, here’s a quick recap of some of the recent theme related articles:


Getting Started with Underscores


10 of the Best WooCommerce Themes


Divi: The Drag and Drop WordPress Theme


4 of the Most Popular WordPress Theme Frameworks


How to Spot a Rogue or Subpar WordPress Theme

如何发现Rogue或Subpar WordPress主题

As you can see, it’s a big topic ranging from page-builder style products, through to custom development options. Even with an abundance of information online, a question I get asked quite often is what is the best WordPress theme? There isn’t really such a thing as ‘the best’ theme, it’s what is the best theme for you. This includes your experience, your preferences and the type of website you’re building.

如您所见,这是一个很大的主题,从页面构建器样式的产品到定制开发选项。 即使在线信息很多,我也经常被问到一个最好的WordPress主题是什么? 确实没有“最佳”主题这样的东西,这是对您而言最佳的主题。 这包括您的经验,偏好和所建网站的类型。

In this article, I’m going to cover a few areas I’d recommend looking into when you are selecting a theme. These are my opinions formed after testing a lot of themes and working with those that clients have already purchased.

在本文中,我将介绍一些建议选择主题时需要研究的领域。 这些是我对许多主题进行测试并与客户已经购买的主题一起形成的意见。

I’m also intentionally not going to mention any vendors, frameworks or places to buy themes – you’ll be able to apply the advice here anywhere, to any theme. I’m also going to assume that you’re getting your theme from a trusted source.

我也不会故意提及任何供应商,框架或购买主题的地方–您可以在这里将建议应用于任何主题。 我还要假设您是从可靠来源获得主题的。

什么使一个好的WordPress主题? (What Makes a Good WordPress Theme?)

Since themes are all about design and UX, it’s normal for us to judge a theme based purely on how it looks and feels, but there is much more you should look into to make an informed decision.


优质文件 (Great Documentation)

Great documentation is the sign of a quality product. This is probably the number one thing I first look for. I’m not suggesting that you can’t find quality themes that are lacking in documentation, but I definitely look favourably on themes that are well documented.

优质的文件记录是高质量产品的标志。 这可能是我首先要寻找的第一件事。 我并不是在建议您找不到文档中缺少的高质量主题,但是对于有充分记录的主题,我绝对是很满意的。

Detailed documentation will help you configure and customize your theme, as well as explain how the theme can be modified – useful if you’re a developer or if you ever need the help of one.


标准功能 (Standard Features)

You should expect that your theme meets some basic requirements such as being SEO friendly and mobile responsive. I’m still amazed to see many themes that aren’t either.

您应该期望自己的主题满足一些基本要求,例如对SEO友好并且对移动设备敏感。 我仍然很惊讶地看到许多主题都不相同。

You should also expect a nice range of widget areas, layouts and templates. It’s worth finding out whether a theme has widgetized areas outside of a primary sidebar for example, that gives you the ability to control elements of your theme. You should also check if a theme offers you multiple layouts (e.g full width, sidebar and content, blog, landing page), this will provide you with options that enable you to very easily customise different areas of your site.

您还应该期望有各种小部件区域,布局和模板。 值得一提的是,例如,主题是否在主侧边栏之外具有小部件区域,从而使您能够控制主题的元素。 您还应该检查主题是否为您提供了多种布局(例如,全角,侧边栏和内容,博客,登录页面),这将为您提供使您能够非常轻松地自定义网站不同区域的选项。

The Theme Customizer has seen some improvements in WordPress 4.0. Many themes will give you the ability to easily manipulate key elements such as logo/background image, colors and fonts. You can usually assess these options in your theme settings or in the theme customizer view (under Appearance > Customize).

主题自定义程序已在WordPress 4.0中进行了一些改进。 许多主题将使您能够轻松地操纵关键元素,例如徽标/背景图像,颜色和字体。 通常,您可以在主题设置或主题定制器视图(在“外观”>“定制”下)中评估这些选项。

It is important not to confuse standard features with excessive features, which I cover in the next point.


精益轻量 (Lean and Lightweight)

This is another very important factor for most projects. Generally, a theme that is well written will not only be faster, but it will most likely be easier to understand and modify if needed.

对于大多数项目,这是另一个非常重要的因素。 通常,写得好的主题不仅会更快,而且在需要时很可能会更容易理解和修改。

Complexity is always our enemy, so avoid complex themes with a lot of dependencies. It’s not uncommon to find themes that include everything and the kitchen sink, with functionality much better offered in the form of plugins. The same applies to custom post types, which can make switching more cumbersome.

复杂性始终是我们的敌人,因此请避免具有很多依赖性的复杂主题。 找到包含所有内容和厨房水槽的主题并不少见,并且以插件的形式提供更好的功能。 自定义帖子类型也是如此,这会使切换变得更加麻烦。

I personally try to avoid themes with too many bells and whistles. Perhaps this is a personal preference based on my own bad experiences, but these are usually the first sites to break when updated.

我个人试图避免主题过多。 也许这是基于我自己的不良经历而得出的个人喜好,但是这些通常是更新后第一个破坏的站点。

良好的支持 (Well Supported)

We’ve all been there. You’re stuck with something not working so you log a ticket and wait for a reply with your fingers crossed. While most vendors will boast that they have world-class support, this can often be far from the reality. The best way to learn about the quality of support is to check various community channels such as Twitter or wherever your local WordPress developers congregate.

我们都去过那里。 您遇到了无法正常工作的问题,因此您要记录一张票,然后用手指交叉等待答复。 尽管大多数供应商会夸耀他们拥有世界一流的支持,但这往往与现实不符。 了解支持质量的最佳方法是检查各种社区渠道,例如Twitter或本地WordPress开发人员聚集的任何地方。

积极发展 (Actively Developed)

If you’re committing to a theme for the long haul, you want to make sure that your theme will continue to be developed to ensure compatibility for future versions of WordPress and that all bugs and possible security issues are fixed in a timely manner.


评论和反馈 (Reviews and Feedback)

Collective intelligence is a great thing. Of course it can be gamed, but it’s worth checking. Always look for themes and/or vendors that have positive feedback and favourable reviews. This is another good reason to build your network of experienced developers, most will gladly tell you which themes they like and those to avoid.

集体智慧是一件好事。 当然可以玩,但是值得检查。 始终寻找具有正面反馈和好评的主题和/或供应商。 这是建立经验丰富的开发人员网络的另一个很好的理由,大多数人都会很乐意告诉您他们喜欢哪些主题以及避免使用哪些主题。

有用的工具和资源 (Useful Tools and Resources)

WP测试(wptest.io) (WP Test (wptest.io))

I first mentioned WP Test (wptest.io) in a previous article, but it’s worth mentioning again, especially in any article talking about WordPress themes. Developed by Michael Novotny, WP Test describes itself as “A fantastically exhaustive set of test data to measure the integrity of your plugins and themes”. It’s essentially an import file for WordPress designed to push a theme to the limits. The best way to explain what it does is to show you some examples.

我在上一篇文章中首先提到了WP Test(wptest.io) ,但值得再次提及,尤其是在任何有关WordPress主题的文章中。 由Michael Novotny开发的WP Test将自己描述为“一组非常详尽的测试数据,可以衡量您的插件和主题的完整性”。 它本质上是WordPress的导入文件,旨在将主题扩展到极限。 解释其作用的最佳方法是向您展示一些示例。

WP Test – Menus


WP Test – Categories


WP Test – Images


These tests are designed to make sure that your theme will handle real content that the developer might not have thought about.


The WP Test file is around 30MB and you’ll need the WordPress Importer plugin installed, however it can also be installed via WP-CLI. You can find out more about WP Test here.

WP Test文件约为30MB,您需要安装WordPress导入程序插件,但是也可以通过WP-CLI安装。 您可以在此处找到有关WP Test的更多信息 。

WordPress主题开发标准 (The WordPress Theme Development Standards)

There are documented coding standards published on WordPress.org, adhering to these standards helps improve the overall quality of a theme. Unfortunately these guidelines are not always followed. We can test the code quality of our theme in a few ways, but the easiest is by using the Theme Check plugin which I’ll cover below.

在WordPress.org上发布了已记录的编码标准,遵循这些标准有助于提高主题的整体质量。 不幸的是,并不总是遵循这些准则。 我们可以通过几种方式测试主题的代码质量,但是最简单的方法是使用主题检查插件,我将在下面介绍。

主题检查 (Theme Check)

The Theme Check plugin checks for various quality points in the code of your theme. You’ll see in the example below that the default Twenty Fourteen theme passes all tests.

Theme Check插件检查主题代码中的各种质量点。 您将在下面的示例中看到默认的二十四主题通过了所有测试。

Here’s an example of a theme with some recommendations:


Theme Check needs WordPress debugging to be enabled, you can do this by adding define('WP_DEBUG', true); to your wp-config.php file. You can find out more information by visiting the Theme Check plugin page.

主题检查需要启用WordPress调试,您可以通过添加define('WP_DEBUG', true); 到您的wp-config.php文件。 您可以通过访问主题检查插件页面来找到更多信息。

主题真实性检查器(TAC) (Theme Authenticity Checker (TAC))

Theme Authenticity Checker is a plugin that checks for malicious or unwanted code. It’s always worth running this if you’re dealing with a theme from an unknown or untrusted source. Charles Costa offers advice on spotting bad themes in his article titled ‘How to Spot a Rogue or Subpar Theme’, which I recommend reading. You can find out more information by visiting the Theme Authenticity Checker plugin page.

主题真实性检查器是一个插件,用于检查恶意或不需要的代码。 如果您要处理来自未知或不受信任来源的主题,则始终值得运行此操作。 查尔斯·科斯塔(Charles Costa)在他的文章“ 如何发现流氓或低于主题的主题 ”中提供了发现不良主题的建议,我建议阅读。 您可以通过访问主题真实性检查器插件页面找到更多信息。

您最好的WordPress主题是什么? (What’s Your Best WordPress Theme?)

Design is often used as the main criteria for judging the quality of a theme. Of course this is important, but as the old saying “don’t judge a book by its cover” goes, this also applies to themes. Do your homework and dig deeper and make your own decision based on more than just how it looks on the demo site.

设计通常被用作判断主题质量的主要标准。 当然,这很重要,但是正如俗话说“不要凭封面判断书”那样,这也适用于主题。 做功课,做得更深入,并根据自己在演示站点上的外观而做出自己的决定。

As I mentioned in the start of this article, these are just my opinions. I’m very interested in what other WordPress users and developers are using. Please feel free to share your own recommended themes, themes to avoid and general advice when selecting a theme in the comment section below.

正如我在本文开头提到的,这些只是我的观点。 我对其他WordPress用户和开发人员正在使用的内容非常感兴趣。 在下面的评论部分中选择主题时,请随时分享您自己的推荐主题,避免主题以及一般建议。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/what-is-the-best-wordpress-theme/
