WordPress 3.5的新功能

tech2023-01-11  146

This article is outdated, check out what’s new in WordPress 4.6 here.

本文已过时, 请在此处查看WordPress 4.6的新增功能 。

According to latest figures, WordPress powers one in five websites. WordPress is also used by more than half of all websites running a Content Management System. (Yes, some people will argue WordPress isn’t a CMS, but they’re just being hypercritical. And wrong). Finally, the 30 month-old 3.x edition is used on more than 95% of WordPress installations.

根据最新数据,WordPress为五分之一的网站提供动力。 超过一半的运行内容管理系统的网站也使用WordPress。 (是的,有些人会认为WordPress不是CMS,但它们只是过于挑剔。而且是错误的)。 最终,已有30个月历史的3.x版本在超过95%的WordPress安装中使用。

All going well, WordPress 3.5 will be released today. Here are the new features you can expect following your one-click upgrade…

一切顺利,WordPress 3.5将于今天发布。 一键式升级后,您可以期待这些新功能……

界面更新 (Interface Updates)

The existing layout and menus have been retained but the Welcome screen has been redesigned and simplified. Those of you with retina displays will appreciate the new icon set.

保留了现有的布局和菜单,但是重新设计和简化了“欢迎”屏幕。 拥有视网膜显示屏的人会喜欢新的图标集。

新媒体上传器和库 (New Media Uploader and Library)

The system for uploading, previewing and inserting images has been completely overhauled. It should be far easier to drag, drop and arrange galleries.

上载,预览和插入图像的系统已经过全面改进。 拖放,布置画廊应该容易得多。

新的二十二主题 (New Twenty-Twelve Theme)

Twenty-Twelve is the first native theme to implement Responsive Web Design techniques. While a large selection of third-party responsive templates are available, many websites stick with the default — they’ll be mobile-friendly from now on.

“二十二十二”是实现响应式Web设计技术的第一个本地主题。 尽管有大量的第三方响应模板可供选择,但许多网站仍使用默认模板-从现在开始它们将对移动设备友好。

The theme also includes a widget-enabled home page and the screen-legible Open Sans font from Google’s directory. Finally, it implements an extended set of post types:

主题还包括启用了小部件的主页以及Google目录中屏幕清晰的Open Sans字体。 最后,它实现了一组扩展的帖子类型:

Standard — a standard blog post

标准 -标准博客文章

Aside — concise Tweet-like posts with no title

放在一边 -简洁的类似推文的帖子,没有标题

Image — single images

图像 —单个图像

Link — links

链接 —链接

Quote — quotations

报价 —报价

Status — status updates

状态 -状态更新

最喜欢的插件 (Favorite Plugins)

Any plugin can be marked as a “favorite” so it can be quickly installed and configured across all your WordPress installations.


没有更多链接 (No More Links)

The Links facility has been banished. I never used it and I don’t know anyone who did. If that’s a deal-breaker for you, download the new Link Manager plugin to bring the functionality back.

链接功能已被放逐。 我从没使用过它,也不知道有谁做过。 如果您这样做很麻烦,请下载新的Link Manager插件以恢复该功能。

其他改进 (Miscellaneous Improvements)

Not enough? What about:

不够? 关于什么:

oEmbed for easier media insertion from sites such as YouTube and Slideshare


better keyboard navigation

更好的键盘导航 a new color picker

一个新的颜色选择器 improved accessibility

改善可及性 mobile apps can integrate with XML-RPC (Remote Procedure Calls) which is now enabled by default

移动应用程序可以与XML-RPC(远程过程调用)集成,现在默认情况下启用 a faster Posts API

更快的Posts API a new API to search through comments

一个新的API来搜索注释 right-to-left language support

从右到左语言支持 UTF-8 encoding used by default.


我应该升级吗? (Should I Upgrade?)

Almost certainly. But I’d recommend doing so after a thorough test of your site, templates and plugins. Issues rarely arise, but the WordPress development team cannot possibly test every configuration or combination of theme and plugins.

几乎可以确定。 但我建议您在对您的网站,模板和插件进行全面测试之后再这样做。 问题很少出现,但是WordPress开发团队可能无法测试主题和插件的每种配置或组合。

Those of a more nervous disposition may prefer to wait until version 3.5.1 which will undoubtedly fix any major compatibility issues. If past experience is anything to go by, it’ll be released within a few weeks.

那些比较紧张的人可能更愿意等到版本3.5.1无疑将解决所有主要的兼容性问题。 如果过去的经验值得借鉴,它将在几周内发布。

Let us know if you have any successes or failures with your upgrade…


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/wordpress-35-whats-new/

相关资源:WordPress 3.5 与 wpdb::prepare() 报错解决办法