In this screencast I’m going to show you how to refactor your CSS code to improve and smoothen your animations. This screencast does come with code samples which can be found in CodePen. View CodePen: Demo 1 | Demo 2
在此截屏视频中,我将向您展示如何重构CSS代码以改善和平滑动画。 此截屏视频的确提供了可在CodePen中找到的代码示例。 查看CodePen: 演示1 | 演示2
This is the second video in the How to Hit 60fps with CSS Animation series.
这是“ 如何使用CSS动画达到60fps”系列的第二个视频。
Loading the player… 正在加载播放器…翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/watch-refactoring-a-slow-animation/