SitePoint播客返回北卡罗莱纳州罗利,在WordCamp Raleigh进行现场表演

tech2023-01-18  179

For the second consecutive year, the SitePoint Podcast will host a special live show at WordCamp Raleigh in Raleigh, North Carolina.

SitePoint播客将连续第二年在北卡罗来纳州罗利的WordCamp Raleigh举办特别现场表演。

Last year’s show, the first ever live, in person episode of the podcast, was a big success, with a face to face audience of 80-120 people and a live online audience in the hundreds. So, we’re doing it again!

去年的节目是播客有史以来的第一场现场直播,取得了巨大的成功,面对面的观众人数达到80-120,在线观众人数达到数百。 因此,我们再次这样做!

细节 (The Details)

WordCamp Raleigh will be held at the Sheraton Raleigh on May 21 and 22. It is a conference focused on WordPress, the popular publishing platform that powers SitePoint Blogs, with presentations covering not only WordPress, but related topics, as well. You can register for the conference online, with tickets available for just $45.

WordCamp Raleigh将于5月21日至22日在Sheraton Raleigh举行。这是一个主题为WordPress的会议, WordPress是为SitePoint Blogs提供动力的流行发布平台,其演示不仅涵盖WordPress,还涉及相关主题。 您可以在线注册会议 ,门票仅售$ 45。

The podcast will be live on May 21 for two hours, starting at 1 PM ET (GMT/UTC -4) in the room dedicated to the Users Track. We’ll have prizes, special guests and a lot of fun and conversation. You will need a conference pass to attend the podcast in person.

播客将于5月21日播出两个小时,从美国东部时间下午1点(GMT / UTC -4)在专用于用户跟踪的会议室开始。 我们将提供奖品,特别嘉宾以及很多乐趣和对话。 您需要会议通行证才能亲自参加播客。

Just like last year, it’ll be my co-hosts Brad Williams (@williamsba) and Stephan Segraves (@ssegraves) alongside myself (@ifroggy). Unfortunately, our newly anointed co-host Louis Simoneau (@rssaddict) will not be making the long trek from Australia. Dave Moyer will be helping us out again on the technical end.

就像去年一样,这将是我的联合主持人布拉德·威廉姆斯( @williamsba )和斯蒂芬·塞格雷夫斯( @ssegraves )和我自己( @ifroggy )。 不幸的是,我们新任命的联合主持人路易斯·西蒙诺( @rssaddict )不会从澳大利亚长途跋涉。 Dave Moyer将在技术方面再次帮助我们。

Following the podcast, both Brad and me will be speaking as part of the Power Users track, with Brad leading “Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse using Custom Post Types and Taxonomies” and me with “Comment Moderation 201.”


我们的特别嘉宾:您 (Our Special Guest: You)

We will be bringing up two members of our in-person audience to appear as special guests on the podcast and we’ll interview them live on the show.  If you attend, it could be you.

我们将邀请两名现场观众作为特别嘉宾出现在播客中,我们将在节目中现场采访他们。 如果您参加,可能是您。

完整的来宾时间表 (Full Guest Schedule)

During the show, we’ll be joined by a number of great guests. Here is the full schedule, as well as some background information on all of them:

在展会期间,我们将有很多嘉宾参加。 这是完整的时间表,以及所有这些的一些背景信息:

1:05 PM: Steve Mortiboy Co-Organizer, WordCamp Raleigh Project Manager, Semper Fi Web Design

下午1:05: Steve Mortiboy联合组织者, WordCamp Raleigh Semper Fi网站设计项目经理

1:15 PM: Aaron Jorbin Web Developer, Clearspring

下午1:15: Aaron Jorbin Clearspring网站开发人员

1:30 PM: Damond Nollan IT Manager, North Carolina Central University Host, Room 3026 Live

下午1时30分: Damond Nollan , 北卡罗来纳州中央大学 IT经理主持人, 直播室3026

1:45 PM: Audience Guest #1 Selected live from our in-person attendees at WordCamp Raleigh!

下午1:45:观众#1从WordCamp Raleigh的现场与会者中现场选出!

2:00 PM: Dave Moyer Founder and CEO, Bitwire Media

2:00 PM: Dave Moyer Bitwire Media创始人兼首席执行官

2:15 PM: Douglas Hanna CEO, A Small Orange

下午2:15: Douglas Hanna , 《小橙子》首席执行官

2:30 PM: John Ford VaultPress Safekeeper, Automattic

2:30 PM: 约翰·福特 VaultPress Safekeeper, Automattic的

2:45 PM: Audience Guest #2 Selected live from our in-person attendees at WordCamp Raleigh!

下午2:45:观众#2从WordCamp Raleigh的现场与会者中现场选出!

在线或亲自加入我们 (Join Us Online or In Person)

The show will be broadcast online, so if you can’t make it in person, we encourage you to join us live here on the podcast homepage. We will be recording the show so that it can be released as a regular podcast, but we hope to have you there with us for the fun, whether for the whole show or just part of it.

该节目将在线播放,因此,如果您不能亲自观看,我们建议您在播客首页上加入我们的直播。 我们将录制该节目,以便可以将其作为常规播客发布,但我们希望您能与我们在一起,无论是整个节目还是其中的一部分。

If any podcast listeners are in the area and can make it to the event, we’d love to meet you in person! Please let us know in the comments. Thank you for reading and we hope to see you there.

如果该地区有任何播客收听者,并且可以参加活动,我们很想亲自与您见面! 请在评论中让我们知道。 感谢您的阅读,我们希望在那里见到您。

