【C++ 程序】 五子棋游戏(人 VS Lv1电脑)(思路及框架,内容待填充)

tech2023-01-19  144


首先是最重要的一级,也就是下一步即可获胜,先己方再对方。 然后是次重要一级,也就是下一步就形成必杀情形。同时要对于这种位置进行数量统计,尽可能选择最多效果的,先己方再对方。 最后是重要性打分。依据一个空点的八个方向情况打分。下在得分高的位置。 可是情况太复杂了,写了八百多行写不下去了,而且错误使用to_string函数,然后爆掉了。 于是先将思路记一下,以后有机会再来调整。


//This program is an unfinished simple gobang game. #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <cstddef> #include <ctime> using namespace std; char player = 'X'; char computer_player = 'X'; unsigned step_count = 0; vector<vector<char>> p_n; // struct an undefined board; void def_empty_board(vector<vector<char>>& p) // define an empty 15X15 board { vector<char> p_n_temp; for (size_t i = 0; i != 15; i++) p_n_temp.push_back(' '); // the inner vector for (size_t i = 0; i != 15; i++) p.push_back(p_n_temp); // the outer vector(i.e. the board) } void print_board(vector<vector<char>> p) { char ch_15[15]; for (size_t i = 0; i != 15; i++) ch_15[i] = 65 + i; // A-O ~ 65-79 (according to ASCII) cout << "| |0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|1|1|1|1|1|" << endl; cout << "| |1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0|1|2|3|4|5|" << endl; for (size_t i = 0; i != 15; i++) // print 15 lines from A to O { cout << '|' << ch_15[i] << '|'; for (size_t j = 0; j != 15; j++) cout << p[i][j] << '|'; cout << endl; } cout << endl; } int change_board(vector<vector<char>>& p, string l) { size_t location_letter, location_number; if (l.size() == 2) { if (toupper(l[0]) >= 65 && l[1] >= 48) { location_letter = toupper(l[0]) - 65; // row location_number = l[1] - 48 - 1; // column if (location_letter > 14 || location_number > 9) return -1; // PASS } else return -1; // no change is made, i.e. PASS } else if (l.size() == 3) if (toupper(l[0]) >= 65 && l[1] >= 48 && l[2] >= 48) { location_letter = toupper(l[0]) - 65; // row location_number = 10 * (l[1] - 48) + (l[2] - 48) - 1; // column if (location_letter > 14 || location_number > 14) return -1; // PASS } else return -1; // no change is made, i.e. PASS else return -1; // no change is made, i.e. PASS if (p[location_letter][location_number] == ' ') { p[location_letter][location_number] = player; // change the board return 0; // indicate success } else return -1; // no change is made, i.e. PASS } int win_lose(vector<vector<char>> p, int n) { char c = 'X'; for (int k = 1; k != 3; k++) // k = 1(check 'X') ; k = 2(check '0') { for (size_t i = 0; i <= 14; i++) { for (size_t j = 0; j <= 10; j++) { if (p[i][j] == c && p[i][j + 1] == c && p[i][j + 2] == c && p[i][j + 3] == c && p[i][j + 4] == c) // five in a row return k; } } for (size_t i = 0; i <= 10; i++) { for (size_t j = 0; j <= 14; j++) { if (p[i][j] == c && p[i + 1][j] == c && p[i + 2][j] == c && p[i + 3][j] == c && p[i + 4][j] == c) // five in a column return k; } } for (size_t i = 0; i <= 10; i++) { for (size_t j = 0; j <= 10; j++) { if (p[i][j] == c && p[i + 1][j + 1] == c && p[i + 2][j + 2] == c && p[i + 3][j + 3] == c && p[i + 4][j + 4] == c) // five in a diagonal1 return k; } } for (size_t i = 0; i <= 10; i++) { for (size_t j = 4; j <= 14; j++) { if (p[i][j] == c && p[i + 1][j - 1] == c && p[i + 2][j - 2] == c && p[i + 3][j - 3] == c && p[i + 4][j - 4] == c) // five in a diagonal2 return k; } } c = '0'; // Then test player '0'. // 'return 1' indicates 'X' wins while 'return 2' indicates '0' wins. } if (n == 225) return 3; // the board if full and no win, end in a draw else return 0; //unfinished } void game_player_change(char& player) { if (player == 'X') player = '0'; // X -> 0 else player = 'X';// 0 -> X } string priority1(vector<vector<char>> p) // top priority { // top priority } string priority2(vector<vector<char>> p) { // second priority } string signifacance(vector<vector<char>> p) { // rank by signifance } string computer1(vector<vector<char>> p) // Computer Lv.1 { // priority1 -> priority2 -> significance } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { string location; cout << "This program is a simple gobang game.\nProgrammer:Teddy van Jerry\n" << endl; cout << "If your input is illegal, we define it as you choose to PASS.(Or you can type in Pass to pass)" << endl; cout << "You can type in the location like 'B2' or 'B02', and no whitespace is allowed.\n" << endl; // a reminder cout << "Please choose 'Man VS Man'(1) or 'Man VS Computer'(2) : "; char Man_or_Computer; cin >> Man_or_Computer; cout << "\nYou go first or the computer? You(1), Computer(2): "; char You_or_Computer; cin >> You_or_Computer; std::cout << endl; computer_player = (You_or_Computer == '1') ? '0' : 'X'; def_empty_board(p_n); print_board(p_n); while (win_lose(p_n, step_count) == 0) // while the game is unfinished { cout << "Player " << player << ", make your move: "; if (Man_or_Computer == 1 or player != computer_player) cin >> location; else { location = computer1(p_n); cout << location << endl; } if (change_board(p_n, location) == 0) // change the board and test whether it's a PASS { cout << endl; print_board(p_n); ++step_count; // count one more time } else cout << "Player " << player << " choose PASS.\n" << endl; game_player_change(player); } switch (win_lose(p_n, step_count)) { case 1: cout << "Congratulations! The winner is X." << endl; break; case 2: cout << "Congratulations! The winner is 0." << endl; break; case 3: cout << "The game ended in a draw." << endl; default: break; } if (player == computer_player) cout << "Computer won!" << endl; else cout << "You won!!!" << endl; cout << "\nALL RIGHTS RESERVED (c) 2020 Teddy van Jerry" << endl; return 0; } //Copyright :2020 Teddy van Jerry


a total failure!!!

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © 2020 Teddy van Jerry 欢迎转载,转载请注明出处。

See also

Teddy van Jerry 的导航页 【C++ 程序】 五子棋游戏(人 VS 人) 【C++ 程序】 井字棋游戏(人 VS 人) 【C++ 程序】 井字棋游戏(人 VS Lv1电脑) 【C++ 程序】 井字棋游戏(人 VS Lv2电脑) 【C++ 程序】 井字棋游戏(人 VS Lv3电脑) 【C++ 程序】 井字棋游戏(人 VS Lv3电脑)(战绩统计版) 【C++ 程序】 移动迷宫游戏 【C++ 程序】 贪吃蛇游戏 【C++ 程序】 数字推盘游戏(15-puzzle) 【C++ 程序】 2048游戏 【C++ 程序】 井字棋游戏(人 VS 人)(EasyX 图形界面) 【C++ 程序】 井字棋游戏(人 VS Lv3电脑)(战绩统计版)(EasyX 图形界面) 【C++ 程序】 2048游戏(EasyX 图形界面) 【C++ 程序】 贪吃蛇游戏(EasyX 图形界面)
