
tech2023-01-22  135


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Even with 2020 starting with a huge pandemic — a crisis that has affected many people and businesses — some of the web tools and services that are very popular are doing extremely well.


In this article, you’ll find out more about the leading web tools and services in 2020. There are over 30 solutions from various fields: UI Kits, templates and dashboards; a complete package of services for WordPress; different logo creators; some of the most used WordPress themes; website builders that can be used with 0 experience with awesome results; and much more.

在本文中,您将了解有关2020年领先的Web工具和服务的更多信息。来自各个领域的30多种解决方案:UI套件,模板和仪表板; 完整的WordPress服务包 ; 不同的徽标创作者; 一些最常用的WordPress主题; 可以以0经验使用的网站建设者,其结果令人赞叹; 以及更多。

Here goes.


1. 创意蒂姆 (1. Creative Tim)

Creative Tim offers both students and professionals fully coded UI tools to create web and mobile apps. They are built on top of Bootstrap, Vue.js, React, Angular, Node.js and Laravel, and each of these technologies has a FREE version.

Creative Tim为学生和专业人士提供完全编码的UI工具,以创建Web和移动应用程序。 它们建立在Bootstrap,Vue.js,React,Angular,Node.js和Laravel之上,并且每种技术都有一个免费版本。

What does a free version contain? Let’s take, for example, the most popular kit, called Material Kit.

免费版本包含什么? 让我们以最受欢迎的工具包为例,该工具包称为Material Kit。

Along with the restyling of the Bootstrap elements, you’ll find three fully coded example pages, two plugins, and 60 elements, inspired by Google’s Material Design.

除了对Bootstrap元素进行重新样式化之外,您还会发现三个完全编码的示例页面,两个插件和60个元素,这些元素的灵感来自Google的Material Design。

Creative Tim also offers developers six Bundles, one for each technology. Everything included in the products can be downloaded for free under MIT License. On the website, you’ll also find pre-made section and elements, admin templates, and fully coded dashboards.

Creative Tim还为开发人员提供了六个捆绑软件,每种技术一个。 根据MIT许可,可以免费下载产品中包含的所有内容。 在网站上,您还将找到预制的部分和元素,管理模板以及完全编码的仪表板。

If you don’t know them, check out their website and their Facebook page.

如果您不认识他们,请查看他们的网站和Facebook页面 。

2. (2.

Need a creative logo design on a tight budget? 48hourslogo is proud to offer the most affordable logo design contest on the Internet. Customers simply post a design brief, receive 20+ logo concepts and select their favorite design. For just $99, customers can expect maximum creativity and unlimited logo revisions and exclusive logo copyright.

需要预算紧张的创意徽标设计吗? 48hourslogo很自豪能够在互联网上提供最实惠的徽标设计竞赛。 客户只需发布设计简介,即可收到20多个徽标概念,然后选择自己喜欢的设计。 只需99美元,客户就可以期待最大的创造力,无限的徽标修改和独家徽标版权。

48hourslogo has connected freelance designers with entrepreneurs and brands across the world for more than 10 years. Since 2009, 48hourslogo has helped more than 65,000 small businesses and entrepreneurs creating their logos. Their designer community has uploaded more than 5 million logos in the process making them one of the top logo design websites on the Internet. If you’re still not sure if a logo contest is right for your brand, you can start a contest for just $29. Take a look at the designs submitted before paying full contest prize.

48hourslogo已将自由设计师与世界各地的企业家和品牌联系在一起已有十多年的历史。 自2009年以来,48hourslogo已帮助超过65,000个小型企业和企业家创建了徽标。 他们的设计师社区已在此过程中上传了超过500万个徽标,使之成为Internet上顶级徽标设计网站之一。 如果您仍然不确定徽标比赛是否适合您的品牌,则只需29美元即可参加比赛。 在支付全部比赛奖金之前,请先查看提交的设计。

3. UPQODE网站设计机构 (3. UPQODE Web Design Agency)

UPQODE is an award-winning, customer-focused, quality-driven digital marketing and web design agency specializing in WordPress. As a values-driven company, they work one-on-one with you to take your online vision and turn it into reality through innovative, sleek and powerful websites that drive traffic and increase brand recognition.

UPQODE是一家屡获殊荣,以客户为中心,以质量为导向的数字营销和网页设计代理,专门从事WordPress。 作为一家以价值为导向的公司,他们与您一对一地合作,通过创新,时尚,强大的网站来吸引访问量并提高品牌知名度,从而将您的在线愿景变为现实。

Their goal is to exceed your expectations, and they do that by working with care and openness.


By taking time to understand your goals and business objectives, they strive to be your partner in this process not just your “developers”.


With the transparent workflow that provides you insight into the process and rolling design approval, they know that the only way to create your online success is together.


4. 总主题 (4. Total Theme)

Total is the perfect WordPress theme, being loaded with everything you need to easily design hundreds of unique websites. You’ll find included 80+ builder modules, 40+ pre-made demos, 500+ styling options, and a drag-and-drop builder that will hugely help you along the way.

Total是完美的WordPress主题,包含轻松设计数百个独特网站所需的一切。 您会发现包括80多个构建器模块,40多个预制演示,500多个样式选项以及一个拖放式构建器,它们将在整个过程中为您提供巨大帮助。

This WordPress theme is very different from all the others. Total is very fast, flexible, fully responsive, easy to work with, all the demos can be installed with one click, and it will make your website look exactly as in the demo, and much more.

WordPress主题与其他主题完全不同。 Total非常快速,灵活,完全响应,易于使用,所有演示都可以一键安装,这将使您的网站与演示中的外观完全一样,还有更多。

Check out Total. This all-in-one WordPress theme will help you create gorgeous websites.

查看总计。 这个多合一的WordPress主题将帮助您创建华丽的网站。

5. Codester (5. Codester)

Codester is a huge marketplace where web designers and web developers will find thousands of premium PHP scripts, app templates, themes, plugins, and much more.


Always check the flash sale section where hugely discounted items are being sold.


6. 博士链接检查 (6. Dr. Link Check)

Everybody hates broken links. Manually cleaning them is a time-consuming task, and even impossible for very large and old websites.

每个人都讨厌断开的链接。 手动清理它们是一项耗时的任务,对于大型网站和旧网站来说甚至是不可能的。

Dr. Link Check will do the scan automatically for you, in a few seconds, and send you a complete report.

Link Check博士将在几秒钟内为您自动进行扫描,并向您发送完整的报告。

Enter your website address and hit the Start Check button. It’s that simple.

输入您的网站地址,然后单击“开始检查”按钮。 就这么简单。

7. 设计发票模板 (7. Design invoice template)

Trusted by over 200k freelancers and agencies, Bonsai is dedicated invoicing software that will make your life easy by saving you tons of time.


You can do your own design invoice template. You can automate everything — creation, sending and reminding … even automatic late fees. You can also accept global payments, and much more.

您可以制作自己的设计发票模板 。 您可以使一切自动化—创建,发送和提醒…甚至自动收取滞纳金。 您还可以接受全球付款,等等。

Invoice like a pro.


8. FunctionFox (8. FunctionFox)

FunctionFox is a leading provider of timesheets and project management software for remote creative teams worldwide. It was created by an ad agency for advertising agencies, graphic designers, PR, digital, marketing firms and in-house creative teams. FunctionFox is loved by small firms and Fortune 500 companies worldwide for being easy to use, for its 5-star service, and its free expert advice. Easily handle multiple jobs, assign tasks, create to-do lists, and manage resources, including remote workers.

FunctionFox是面向全球远程创意团队的时间表和项目管理软件的领先提供商。 它是由广告代理商,广告代理商,图形设计师,公关,数字,营销公司和内部创意团队创建的。 FunctionFox易于使用,五星级服务和免费的专家建议受到全球小型公司和《财富》 500强公司的喜爱。 轻松处理多个作业,分配任务,创建待办事项列表和管理资源,包括远程工作人员。

Boost your productivity and profitability by getting your free demo today at FunctionFox.


9. 移动 (9. Mobirise)

Mobirise is a super offline website builder, loaded with tons of good stuff:


3,000+ gorgeous website templates

3,000多种华丽的网站模板 sliders, galleries, forms, popups, icons

滑块,画廊,窗体,弹出窗口,图标 a superb and fast interface

一流而快速的界面 much more


You don’t need any experience to create awesome websites with Mobirise.


10. 负担得起的设计代码Web开发服务 (10. Affordable design to code web development service)

Goodie is the reliable web development partner that agencies and web designers are always looking for. They’re specialized in one-to-ten-page modern websites, simple WordPress websites, email templates, and much more.

Goodie是代理商和Web设计师一直在寻找的可靠的Web开发合作伙伴。 他们专注于十页的现代网站,简单的WordPress网站,电子邮件模板等等。

Get in touch with Goodie.

获取与Goodie联系 。

11. 空中焦点 (11. airfocus)

Build outstanding products with powerful prioritization and clear roadmaps. airfocus is a software solution for teams that enables you to prioritize your projects with an advanced but easy-to-use scoring system. Drag’n drop beautiful and presentation-ready roadmaps in minutes. Get everyone aligned and the right stuff done. airfocus integrates with your existing workflows and tools like Jira, Trello, Azure DevOps and Asana to get you started in minutes.

使用强大的优先级和清晰的路线图来构建出色的产品。 airfocus是针对团队的软件解决方案,使您能够使用先进但易于使用的评分系统对项目进行优先排序。 在数分钟内拖放漂亮且易于演示的路线图。 使每个人保持一致并完成正确的工作。 airfocus与您现有的工作流和工具(例如Jira,Trello,Azure DevOps和Asana)集成在一起,可让您在几分钟内开始使用。

Airfocus has the largest glossary of common product management, product marketing, and agile development terms and definitions.

Airfocus具有通用产品管理 ,产品营销以及敏捷开发术语和定义的最大词汇表。

Start your free 14-day trial on


12. 登陆页面 (12. Landing pages)

MailMunch will help you create landing pages and squeeze pages that convert.


Using the drag-and-drop landing page builder, it’s easy to create any layout in minutes. Start from scratch or use the beautiful pre-built landing page templates. Any way you go, it’s simple and straightforward.

使用拖放式着陆页构建器,可以在几分钟内轻松创建任何布局。 从头开始或使用精美的预制目标网页模板。 无论您采用哪种方式,都非常简单明了。

Use the fastest-growing landing page platform to increase conversions by up to 400%.


13. 电子邮件模板构建器 (13. Email template builder)

Unlayer is the perfect email editor and page builder for SaaS that will let your website visitors create engaging landing pages and email templates directly from your website.


It comes loaded with a brilliant drag-and-drop builder, with gorgeous templates, and a friendly and quick interface.


Check out Unlayer.

签出Unlayer 。

14. XStore –超大型WooCommerce主题 (14. XStore – The King-Size WooCommerce Theme)

XStore makes ecommerce easy. It’s as simple as that. And, look no further if you’ve been hoping to find a game-changer for your ecommerce needs: 90+ good-to-go shops. A single product page builder. A page importer. Plugins valued at just over $300. Fully compatible with the most popular multivendor plugins. Full support for Elementor page builder.

XStore使电子商务变得容易。 就这么简单。 而且,如果您一直希望找到满足您的电子商务需求的游戏规则改变者,那就别无所求:90多家老店。 单个产品页面构建器。 页面导入器。 插件价值超过300美元。 与最受欢迎的多供应商插件完全兼容。 完全支持Elementor页面构建器。

15. Zentoshop (15. Zentoshop)

Zento is a next-generation SaaS eCommerce solution built with mobile shoppers in mind using the solid foundation of Magento 2, which allows companies to sell everywhere, faster, easier and with predictable costs.

Zento是下一代SaaS电子商务解决方案,它基于Magento 2的坚实基础,专为移动购物者而打造,可让公司以更快的速度,更轻松的方式以及可预测的成本在世界各地销售产品。

16. Icons8设计工具 (16. Icons8 Design Tools)

Icons8 is a one-stop place for designers to get the diversity of free assets. Over 120,000 icons in 30+ different styles; vector illustrations for interfaces, slides, and infographics; a library of various stock photos in a consistent style; Photo Creator to make photo collages easily; and Lunacy Editor, free graphic design software.

Icons8是设计师获取自由资产多样性的一站式平台。 超过120,000个图标,采用30多种不同风格; 界面,幻灯片和信息图形的矢量插图; 具有一致风格的各种库存图片库; Photo Creator可轻松制作照片拼贴画; 和Lunacy Editor,这是免费的图形设计软件。

17. 内容陷阱 (17. Content Snare)

Content Snare is the most popular service for collecting content and files from clients without sending emails. With this platform you’ll easily automate the task of collecting content, and you’ll save important time.

Content Snare是最受欢迎的服务,用于从客户端收集内容和文件而不发送电子邮件。 使用此平台,您可以轻松地自动化收集内容的任务,并节省重要的时间。

The configuration is very simple and straightforward.


Start a 14-day free trial. No credit card required.

开始14天的免费试用。 无需信用卡。

18. Quanzo (18. Quanzo)

When looking for a stylish and multi-functional WordPress theme for your personal portfolio, consider using Quanzo as a quick starting point for this purpose. The fully responsive design of this minimalist WordPress theme will look amazing on all devices. The theme is multi-purpose and fully editable.

在为您的个人档案袋寻找时尚多功能的WordPress主题时,请考虑使用Quanzo作为此目的的快速入门。 这个极简的WordPress主题的完全响应式设计在所有设备上看起来都很棒。 主题是多用途的且完全可编辑。

You can adjust any element of the web page the way it matches your professional demands. The theme is made with the Elementor page builder, which provides for quick and worry-free modification of any layout element. In addition to the default layout, the theme contains 11 additional homepage styles suited for a copywriter, designer, developer, photographer, fashion, personal profile, lifestyle blogger, and other niche-specific projects.

您可以根据自己的专业需求调整网页的任何元素。 该主题由Elementor页面构建器完成,该构建器可快速,无忧地修改任何布局元素。 除了默认布局外,主题还包含11种其他首页样式,适用于撰稿人,设计师,开发人员,摄影师,时装,个人资料,生活方式博客和其他特定于利基的项目。

19. HelpJet (19. HelpJet)

HelpJet is knowledge-base software. If you’re selling products or services, you can use HelpJet to educate and inform customers about your products, increasing awareness of your business, improve SEO and provide documentation.

HelpJet是基于知识库的软件。 如果您要销售产品或服务,则可以使用HelpJet来教育和告知客户有关您的产品的信息,从而提高您的业务知名度,改善SEO并提供文档。

And this is only one way; there are many other ways to use HelpHet.

这只是一种方式; 还有许多其他使用HelpHet的方法。

Read more about HelpJet.


20. 8b (20. 8b)

8b is the simplest website builder that you can use in 2020. The minimalistic interface is fast and intuitive, helping you focus on building a gorgeous website.


You don’t need any special skills or experience. You can start from scratch or by using one of the 250+ fresh templates included.

您不需要任何特殊技能或经验。 您可以从头开始,也可以使用其中包含的250多个新模板之一。

Create your website now with 8b.


21. Impacto守护神 (21. Impacto Patronus)

The time when the whole world is fighting against the spread of COVID-19, it’s important to join forces and do all we can to support each other. This is especially important to help poor people, medics, volunteers, and other groups of people who need our support more than ever before.

在整个世界与COVID-19的传播作斗争的时候,重要的是要团结一致并竭尽全力互相支持。 这对于帮助比以往任何时候都更需要我们支持的穷人,医务人员,志愿者和其他人群尤其重要。

By means of the Impacto Patronus WordPress theme, you can launch a functional and fully responsive web resource for crowdfunding, activist, social campaign, and contemporary social movement website. The theme is based on the powerful RemeREX framework and provides splendid customization opportunities. This is an ever-growing WordPress solution that offers a collection of eight niche-specific skins. It also supports the Give Donation plugin, which enhances your site with a flexible and usable way to accept donations on your site.

通过Impacto Patronus WordPress主题,您可以启动功能齐全且响应Swift的Web资源,用于众筹,激进主义者,社交活动和当代社交活动网站。 该主题基于强大的RemeREX框架,并提供了出色的定制机会。 这是一个不断发展的WordPress解决方案,提供了八种特定于利基市场的皮肤的集合。 它还支持“捐赠捐赠”插件,该插件通过一种灵活且可用的方式在您的站点上接受捐赠来增强您的站点。

22. 礼帽 (22. Topper)

Topper is a multi-functional WordPress theme for online magazines and newspaper websites. It features a clean and stylish layout that lets your visitors focus their attention on the things that matter the most. This is multi-purpose web design.

Topper是用于在线杂志和报纸网站的多功能WordPress主题。 它具有干净时尚的布局,可让您的访客将注意力集中在最重要的事物上。 这是多用途的网页设计。

Topper includes a collection of 10+ ready-made layouts, which are intended to be used for tech, travel, fashion, food, and other kinds of topic-specific websites. The theme is quick to install by means of the one-click installation functionality. It’s also easy to edit with the Elementor page builder. It provides a selection of 12 blog demo styles and 30+ exclusive Gutenberg blocks. The modern design of the theme is 100% responsive and speed-optimized.

Topper包含10多种现成的布局,这些布局可用于技术,旅游,时尚,美食和其他类型的主题特定网站。 通过一键式安装功能,可以快速安装主题。 使用Elementor页面构建器也很容易进行编辑。 它提供了12种博客演示样式和30多个独家Gutenberg块的选择。 主题的现代设计是100%快速响应和速度优化的。

23. SuperbWebsiteBuilders (23. SuperbWebsiteBuilders) focuses on reviewing the most popular and feature-laden website builders and hosting providers. This info helps users pick the best web design tools that come up to their requirements, skills and preferences. There are also detailed comparisons of the services, top ratings as well as useful articles here that provide niche-related content users are looking for.

SuperbWebsiteBuilders.com致力于审查最受欢迎和功能最全的网站建设者和托管提供商。 此信息可帮助用户选择符合其要求,技能和偏好的最佳Web设计工具。 这里还提供了服务的详细比较,最高评分以及有用的文章,这些文章为用户提供了与利基相关的内容。

24. 图形弹簧 (24. Graphic Springs)

GraphicSprings is one of the original logo design tools. This logo maker comes equipped with thousands of pre-designed templates that you can search based on keywords and industries. The editing platform offers intuitive and easy-to-use functions to craft your perfect logo, and the best part is, it is completely free to try!

GraphicSprings是原始徽标设计工具之一。 该徽标制造商配备了数千个预先设计的模板,您可以根据关键字和行业进行搜索。 该编辑平台提供直观且易于使用的功能,以制作出完美的徽标,而最好的部分是,它是完全免费的!

25. 标语发生器Logaster (25. Slogan generator Logaster)

Logaster is used by millions of people to create free slogans for their businesses, for free.


Write your company name, select the business industry you’re in, and right after you’ll get a great slogan to use on your website, social media channels, and marketing materials.


Try out Slogan generator Logaster. You’ll be impressed.

试用Slogan生成器Logaster 。 您会留下深刻的印象。

26. 意见阶段测验和调查 (26. Opinion Stage Quizzes and Surveys)

Create stunning, high performing quizzes and surveys with a top-notch quiz maker. Make quizzes and surveys that people love to complete and share. Brands, bloggers and publishers use Opinion Stage to boost engagement, generate more qualified leads, drive sales and extract actionable insights.

与顶尖的测验制造商一起创建令人惊叹的高性能测验和调查。 进行人们喜欢完成和共享的测验和调查。 品牌,博客和发布者使用Opinion Stage来提高参与度,产生更多合格的线索,推动销售并提取可行的见解。

Opinion Stage offers both a free plan, and paid plans for cases in which more volume or features are needed. It’s full of features and customization options, and offers hundreds of free templates so that you can get up-and-going in minutes.

对于需要更多数量或功能的情况,Opinion Stage提供免费计划和付费计划。 它充满了功能和自定义选项,并提供了数百个免费模板,因此您可以在数分钟内开始使用。

27. uKit网站构建器 (27. uKit Website Builder)

Want to create a website but don’t know how? uKit website builder is here to the rescue! Just pick a template you like, and then all you need to do is to replace the sample data with your own. No coding or programming knowledge required; even a child can master this intuitive website builder. Don’t procrastinate. Create your website now with uKit!

想创建一个网站,但不知道如何? uKit网站构建器可为您提供帮助! 只需选择一个您喜欢的模板,然后您要做的就是用您自己的样本数据替换。 无需编码或编程知识; 甚至一个孩子都可以掌握这种直观的网站构建器。 不要拖延。 立即使用uKit创建您的网站!

28. 发票软件 (28. Invoice software)

InvoiceBerry is a super invoicing software that helps small businesses get paid faster. It simplifies invoices and expense tracking, helping you save time and money.

InvoiceBerry是一款超级发票软件,可以帮助小型企业更快地获得付款。 它简化了发票和费用跟踪,帮助您节省时间和金钱。

Creating invoices that look awesome takes less than 60 seconds. The interface is fast and straightforward.

创建看起来很棒的发票不到60秒。 界面快速简单。

Sign up for the free trial. No credit card is required.

注册免费试用。 无需信用卡。

29. stepFORM (29. stepFORM)

stepFORM is a bang up to date form and survey builder that requires no programming skills due to its visual editor. Just select one of the beautiful templates and make use of 15 basic elements. It’s as simple as that. The platform is a go-to solution for small businesses, freelancers and web studios. Try it out today and see the result for yourself!

stepFORM是最新的表单和调查生成器,由于其可视化编辑器而无需编程技能。 只需选择一个漂亮的模板,并使用15个基本元素。 就这么简单。 该平台是小型企业,自由职业者和网络工作室的首选解决方案。 今天就尝试一下,看看自己的结果!

30. 皮克斯帕 (30. Pixpa)

Pixpa will help you create your website, store, blog, and client gallery all in one. This website builder is loaded with tons of gorgeous templates and elements that you can use in your designs.

Pixpa将帮助您一站式创建网站,商店,博客和客户画廊。 该网站构建器载有大量精美的模板和元素,您可以在设计中使用它们。

No need to have any coding skills or experience.


31. 登陆 (31. uLanding)

Trying to choose the right one-pager creation tool? Need something easy to use and feature-rich? uLanding is what you’re looking for. Choose one of the beautifully designed templates and customize them in the intuitive visual editor. You can also track the effectiveness of your landing page using built-in analytics. Creating your own website has never been simpler! Start your free trial now and enjoy the result.

试图选择正确的单页创建工具? 需要易于使用且功能丰富的产品吗? uLanding是您想要的。 选择设计精美的模板之一,然后在直观的可视化编辑器中自定义它们。 您还可以使用内置分析功能来跟踪目标网页的效果。 创建您自己的网站从未如此简单! 立即开始免费试用,并享受结果。

32. Fotor (32. Fotor)

Fotor is the leading photo editing and graphic design tool, being used by millions of people with huge success.


Create engaging pictures for your social media channels, websites, landing pages, and so on.


Give Fotor a spin.

试一下Fotor 。

33. WordPressToWix.PRO (33. WordPressToWix.PRO)

WordPressToWix.PRO is the best pick for all those users who are fed up with complex WordPress web design nuances and wish to switch to the simpler Wix website builder. This is the service that helps make the migration process easy, fast and hassle-free for beginners and web design pros. Just apply for the transfer process directly at the website and wait for the feedback.

WordPressToWix.PRO是所有厌倦了复杂的WordPress网站设计细微差别并希望切换到更简单的Wix网站构建器的用户的最佳选择。 这项服务可帮助初学者和Web设计专业人员轻松,快速且轻松地完成迁移过程。 只需直接在网站上申请转让流程,然后等待反馈。

34. WrapPixel (34. WrapPixel)

On WrapPixel, you’ll find awesome admin and dashboards templates built for agencies and developers, so they can save tons of time by not starting from scratch each time they have a new project.


The quality of the products is very good and they have close to 200,000 happy creatives using their items.


Browse WrapPixel.

浏览WrapPixel 。

35. 主持小组讨论,进行实时问答和网络活动 (35. Moderated group chat for live Q&A and Web Events)

RumbleTalk will help you add a moderated chat for live Q&A and web events in no time, without you needing to have any special skills or experience.


It takes two minutes to embed your own moderated chat.


36. WhatFontIs –最佳字体查找器 (36. WhatFontIs – The Best font finder)

WhatFontIs will help you identify the font from an image in 40 seconds and three easy steps. The powerful software is loaded with over 600k indexed fonts, and it’s the only system that identifies both free and paid fonts. And it works with all font foundries, including Google fonts.

WhatFontIs将帮助您在40秒和三个简单步骤中从图像中识别字体。 这款功能强大的软件装有超过60万种索引字体,它是唯一可以识别免费字体和付费字体的系统。 它适用于所有字体铸造厂,包括Google字体。

To start using WhatFontIs, you make a screenshot of the font you want to identify, upload it to WhatFontIs, write down the identified characters (this happens automatically if you’re a registered user), and right after that, the powerful AI software will identify the font, offering you the following info:


the name of the font

字体名称 the price (maybe you’re lucky and it’s free)

价格(也许您很幸运,而且免费) the download link

下载链接 over 60 free and paid alternatives


WhatFontIs is free, so make sure to give it a try.



As you’ve seen, there are super web tools and services that you can use in 2020, while you may be locked up at home, and beyond, when COVID-19 has hopefully gone away.


If you have a WordPress website, the guys from 24x7WPSupport can handle all your requests.


Looking to identify fonts from any given picture, for free? Great, then you should use WhatFontIs.

想要免费识别任何给定图片中的字体? 太好了,那么您应该使用WhatFontIs。

Do you want to build a super website with no experience at all? Try Mobirise or 8b, which are both excellent.

您是否要建立一个完全没有经验的超级网站? 尝试Mobirise或8b,两者都很出色。

Try these solutions and make use of the time you spend in house.



