
tech2023-01-22  128

Managing a WordPress website can be a time consuming process for even the most experienced users mainly because of minor tasks which add up over time. Whether you’re trying to share your posts on social media sites, back up your content or create new content, all of these tasks can take up significant portions of your schedule. Fortunately you can now automate most mundane WordPress tasks by using Zapier to streamline your workflow.

即使是最有经验的用户,管理WordPress网站也可能是一个耗时的过程,主要是因为一些小任务会随着时间的推移而增加。 无论您是尝试在社交媒体网站上共享帖子,备份内容还是创建新内容,所有这些任务都可能占用您计划的大部分时间。 幸运的是,您现在可以使用Zapier简化工作流程,从而自动执行大多数普通的WordPress任务。

Zapier的基础 (The Basics of Zapier)

Similar to IFTTT which we’ve previously covered, Zapier also allows you to create macros (referred to as ‘Zaps’). The biggest difference between the two tools, is that Zapier is more focused on businesses (both price and feature wise) whereas IFTTT is more of a consumer offering.

与我们之前介绍的IFTTT相似,Zapier还允许您创建宏(称为“ Zaps”)。 两种工具之间的最大区别在于,Zapier更加专注于业务(价格和功能方面),而IFTTT则更多地是面向消费者的产品。

The most notable aspect of Zapier is their pricing structure. Zapier offers multiple plans ranging from free to $125/month. The differentiator of the plans aren’t just the number of Zaps you can create, but the number of tasks which can run every month. For example, you might have a Zap to share a blog post to Facebook and another Zap to share to Twitter. Now when you post something, you’ll use up two tasks towards your quota. Post again, and another two tasks will be added to your total.

Zapier最值得注意的方面是其定价结构。 Zapier提供多种计划,范围从免费到每月125美元。 计划的区别不仅在于您可以创建的Zaps数量,还在于每个月可以运行的任务数量。 例如,您可能有一个Zap可以将博客帖子分享到Facebook,而另一个Zap可以分享给Twitter。 现在,当您发布内容时,您将用尽两个任务来分配配额。 再次发布,另外两个任务将添加到您的总数中。

Despite this aspect, Zapier has support for over 300 applications making it a valuable tool for any professional. While your exact needs will vary based on the project, it’s important to understand this pricing method so you can be sure you have the right budget.

尽管如此,Zapier仍支持300多种应用程序,这使其成为任何专业人员的宝贵工具。 虽然您的确切需求会因项目而异,但了解这种定价方法很重要,这样可以确保您拥有合适的预算。

创建自定义WordPress Zaps (Creating Custom WordPress Zaps)

Thanks to support for the HookPress plugin Zapier is able to provide slightly more functionality than other automation tools. Creating a Zap is fairly straightforward. In the Zapier dashboard, select a trigger and an action to follow.

多亏了对HookPress插件的支持, Zapier能够提供比其他自动化工具更多的功能。 创建Zap非常简单。 在Zapier仪表板中,选择要遵循的触发器和动作。

While Zapier has pre-defined triggers such as adding a new comment or post, you can create anything based on any Webhook. As far as actions go, Zapier only allows you to create a post based on a task being executed.

虽然Zapier具有预定义的触发器,例如添加新评论或帖子,但是您可以基于任何Webhook创建任何东西。 就操作而言,Zapier仅允许您根据正在执行的任务创建帖子。

快速入门 (Zaps to Get You Started)

Below is a small sampling of the tasks you can streamline by using Zapier. Keep in mind that this list is far from comprehensive and even non-developers can create Zaps with ease should the need arise.

以下是您可以使用Zapier简化的任务的小样本。 请记住,此列表远非全面,即使非开发人员也可以在需要时轻松创建Zaps。

Create posts via Gravity Forms: Sometimes situations arise where you want to have outside contributors, however providing those individuals with WordPress credentials isn’t practical. By using the popular Gravity Forms plugin, you can create a simple form and use that for post creation (See zap).

通过Gravity Forms创建帖子 :有时会出现您想要外部贡献者的情况,但是为这些人提供WordPress凭据不切实际。 通过使用流行的Gravity Forms插件,您可以创建一个简单的表单并将其用于后期创建( 请参见zap )。

Create posts via Eventbrite: Since event planning is stressful as is, Zapier allows you to automatically generate WordPress posts from your Eventbrite events so you can minimize the risk of data entry errors (See zap).

通过Eventbrite创建帖子 :由于事件计划本身就很紧张,因此Zapier允许您从Eventbrite事件自动生成WordPress帖子,从而可以最大程度地减少数据输入错误的风险( 请参阅zap )。

Generate a Trello card from a WordPress post: Keeping everyone on the same page is crucial for the success of any team. Now you can generate Trello cards from WordPress posts so staff can collaborate on the content before and after publishing (See zap).

从WordPress帖子生成Trello卡 :将所有人保持在同一页面上对于任何团队的成功都是至关重要的。 现在,您可以从WordPress帖子中生成Trello卡,以便工作人员可以在发布之前和之后就内容进行协作( 请参阅zap )。

SMS Alerts for a WordPress Post: Sometimes you’ll want to have real-time alerts of when a post goes live. Although email alerts often are sufficient, for many, SMS also is a choice method for recieving alerts. By using Twilio, you can easily integrate this capability into your site (See zap).

WordPress帖子的SMS警报 :有时,您可能想获得有关帖子上线时间的实时警报。 尽管电子邮件警报通常就足够了,但对于许多人来说,SMS也是接收警报的一种选择方法。 通过使用Twilio,您可以轻松地将此功能集成到您的站点中( 请参阅zap )。

Share posts via Yammer: If you ever have a client who uses WordPress to share updates about their company, using Zapier to share posts to Yammer is a simple way to ensure staff are getting critical information (See zap).

通过Yammer分享帖子 :如果您有一个使用WordPress共享其公司更新的客户,则使用Zapier将帖子分享给Yammer是确保员工获取关键信息的一种简单方法( 请参阅zap )。

处理价格问题 (Dealing with Price Issues)

Since Zapier bills based on tasks which are executed, the best way to leverage this tool is to only use it for tasks which can’t be done by other plugins. For example, if you’re looking to share your posts to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social networks, then you’re probably better off using a different plugin.

由于Zapier根据执行的任务计费,因此,利用此工具的最佳方法是仅将其用于其他插件无法完成的任务。 例如,如果您希望将自己的帖子分享到Facebook,Twitter,LinkedIn和其他社交网络,那么最好使用其他插件。

On the other hand, Zapier is a better fit if you’re trying to sync contact form entries with your CRM system, or if you want to allow guests to submit posts via an external form. By focusing your Zapier subscription on essential complex tasks rather than mundane work, you can minimize your costs while still reaping the benefits of automation.

另一方面,如果您尝试将联系人表单条目与CRM系统同步,或者希望允许来宾通过外部表单提交帖子,则Zapier更合适。 通过将Zapier订阅集中在基本的复杂任务而不是平凡的工作上,您可以最大程度地降低成本,同时仍可享受自动化带来的好处。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/automate-wordpress-with-zapier/
