sql catalyst

tech2023-01-22  117

sql catalyst

Blogs are an important part of an ecommerce solution, especially for a small company—they provide a way of directly connecting with customers, they are an inexpensive way to differentiate your client from their competition, and they provide real benefits for search engine optimization.


In many cases, however, designers are engaged to build an ecommerce solution for their client’s business and understandably spend most of the available time and budget on the online store—focusing on product presentation, categories, navigation and checkout. A blog is frequently an out-of-the-box, bolt-on solution to complete the site’s feature set—especially for a designer that has limited development resources.

但是,在许多情况下,设计人员会致力于为其客户的业务构建电子商务解决方案,并且可以理解地将大部分可用时间和预算花在在线商店上-专注于产品展示,类别,导航和结帐。 博客通常是一种开箱即用的附加解决方案,可以完成网站的功能集-特别是对于开发资源有限的设计师而言。

Typical integration focuses on the navigation and presentation however—a common header and style are used across both the application that powers the store and the application that powers the blog—but stops there. Data cannot be shared easily, authenticated sessions are not supported, and any changes to common elements need to be updated in multiple locations, but that’s just the start of the support woes.

但是,典型的集成着重于导航和表示-在为商店提供支持的应用程序和为博客提供支持的应用程序中都使用了通用的标题和样式,但仅限于此。 无法轻松共享数据,不支持经过身份验证的会话,并且需要在多个位置更新对常见元素的任何更改,但这仅仅是支持问题的开始。

WordPress’s plug-in architecture is a huge advantage for most users—having developers around the world add features and functionality gives designers and clients a wide variety of options to extend their blog’s functionality. But with any plug-in architecture, you need to stay current as platform upgrades impact plug-ins. This is just another aspect of the maintenance hurdles that can grow into costly maintenance tasks over time.

WordPress的插件体系结构对大多数用户来说是一个巨大的优势-世界各地的开发人员都可以添加特性和功能,从而为设计人员和客户提供了多种选择来扩展其博客的功能。 但是,对于任何插件体系结构,由于平台升级会影响插件,因此您需要保持最新状态。 这只是维护障碍的另一方面,随着时间的推移,维护障碍可能会演变成昂贵的维护任务。

Smaller design firms working with small or medium sized businesses need to maximize their efficiency and reduce long-term support costs. You should be focusing your effort on delivering value for your client, and keeping support costs low.

与中小型企业合作的小型设计公司需要最大限度地提高效率并减少长期支持成本。 您应该集中精力为客户创造价值,并保持较低的支持成本。

Even designers who recognize this issue find themselves in a larger hole: the cost to change is sometimes greater than the cost of dealing with support issues. Most full service platforms acknowledge that and provide tools to assist migrating an existing site into a new platform.

即使是意识到这一问题的设计师也发现自己陷入了更大的困境:变更的成本有时大于处理支持问题的成本。 大多数全方位服务平台都承认这一点,并提供工具来协助将现有站点迁移到新平台。

Adobe Business Catalyst provides tools to migrate an online business onto their platform—including blogs. Blogs represent a special case because blogs contain structured data with relationships that cross articles. For instance, most blogs have comments and comment threads, they are assigned to categories, and have a history. In this article, we’ll walk through migrating your blog into a new Business Catalyst site and set up a seamless template based on your current WordPress blog.

Adobe Business Catalyst提供了将在线业务迁移到其平台(包括博客)的工具。 博客代表一种特殊情况,因为博客包含具有跨文章关系的结构化数据。 例如,大多数博客都有评论和评论主题,它们被分配给类别并具有历史记录。 在本文中,我们将逐步介绍如何将您的博客迁移到新的Business Catalyst网站,并根据您当前的WordPress博客设置无缝模板。

Beyond blogs, Business Catalyst is really a platform for an online business and provides tools for integrated ecommerce, marketing and content management. Other articles in the series cover those topics in more detail.

除博客外, Business Catalyst实际上是一个在线业务平台,并提供用于集成电子商务,市场营销和内容管理的工具。 本系列中的其他文章更详细地介绍了这些主题。

制定一个计划 (Make a Plan)

Everything starts with a plan. I’m a big believer in planning before jumping in, so take a few minutes and plan it out, here are the steps we know we have to take:

一切都始于计划。 我是跳入游戏之前就计划的坚定信徒,因此请花一些时间进行计划,这是我们知道必须采取的步骤:

Create a new BC site

创建一个新的卑诗省网站 Create a template

创建一个模板 Set up your blog layout

设置您的博客布局 Create your blog

建立您的网志 Export/Import current blog

导出/导入当前博客 Fine tune and set as start page


Along the way I’ll identify a few more details, but this is basically what we’ll cover.


搬进去 (Moving In)

There are actually two steps I’m going to cover in the process of moving into Business Catalyst—the first is about setting up a template to wrap your content. We’ve done this in prior articles, but in this one, the design constraint that I am applying is that you want to keep the current site template in place that is on your WP blog.

在进入Business Catalyst的过程中,实际上将涉及两个步骤,第一步是设置模板以包装您的内容。 我们在先前的文章中已经做到了这一点,但是在这篇文章中,我要应用的设计约束是您希望将当前站点模板保留在WP博客上。

In order to set that up, the fastest way is to import your current site and then create a template from that content. After we set up the template, we’ll work on moving the blog content into the template. Sound good? OK, let’s get started.

为了进行设置,最快的方法是导入当前站点,然后从该内容创建模板。 设置模板后,我们将努力将博客内容移动到模板中。 听起来不错? 好的,让我们开始吧。

导入网站 (Import the site)

Business Catalyst provides a wizard that makes it easy to move a site onto the platform. It builds out the file system and moves all of the content and supporting assets into a directory structure in Business Catalyst. This step is important if you want to base your new site template on your existing site. If you are taking this opportunity to create a new template, you don’t need to do the import site step, you can skip to the Import Blog step further along.

Business Catalyst提供了一个向导,可以轻松地将站点移动到平台上。 它构建了文件系统,并将所有内容和支持资产移动到Business Catalyst中的目录结构中。 如果要在现有站点上建立新的站点模板,此步骤很重要。 如果您借此机会创建新模板,则无需执行导入站点步骤,可以跳至“ 导入博客”步骤。

I’ll assume you’ve created a new account and are familiar with the Partner Portal (if not, see Introduction to Adobe Business Catalyst), go to Create Site and select a Pro site type and click on the “Import your current website” radio button. This will load a subsection where you can enter the URL of your current site.

我假设您已经创建了一个新帐户,并且熟悉了Partner Portal (如果没有,请参阅Adobe Business Catalyst简介 ),转到“ 创建网站”并选择一个Pro网站类型,然后单击“ 导入您的当前网站 ”单选按钮。 这将加载一个小节,您可以在其中输入当前站点的URL。

note: 注意:

You can restrict this to a subsection of the current site by specifying the directory to begin; BC will only import pages under that directory.

您可以通过指定要开始的目录来将其限制在当前站点的一个子节中。 BC只会导入该目录下的页面。

Once you have entered the URL/path click Next and then you’ll need to enter a bit more information to finish setting up the new site on your account.

输入URL /路径后,单击“ 下一步” ,然后需要输入更多信息以完成在帐户上设置新网站。

Click submit and the page will reload with verbose status of the import process. Pretty cool. Depending on the size of your site, this might take a while. At the end you see a confirmation message “Congratulations! You have successfully signed up …”

单击提交 ,页面将重新加载,显示导入过程的详细状态。 很酷 根据您网站的大小,这可能需要一段时间。 最后,您会看到一条确认消息“ 恭喜! 您已成功注册… ”

Now the fun part begins.


创建模板 (Create the Template)

The first task is check out the new site—open a new browser window and hit the URL you created for the imported site. I’ve decided to work with a fictional company targeting coffee enthusiasts called Koffee Klubbe.

第一项任务是检出新站点-打开一个新的浏览器窗口,然后单击您为导入的站点创建的URL。 我已经决定与一家针对咖啡爱好者的虚构公司合作,该公司名为Koffee Klubbe。

Check out the links, they should all work. What you’ll see are static copies of everything your old site contained. Unfortunately, that also includes seemingly dynamic items like a search box and comment forms. They won’t work—at least not as you’d expect since they are still pointing to the old site. We’ll walk through that clean up in just a moment.

检查链接,它们都应该起作用。 您将看到的是您旧站点包含的所有内容的静态副本。 不幸的是,这还包括看似动态的项目,例如搜索框和评论表单。 它们将无法工作-至少没有您所期望的那样,因为它们仍指向旧站点。 我们将在短时间内完成清理工作。

删除WP标签和内容 (Remove WP tags and content)

Note: If you view source, you’ll see that some items in your site still reference the old WordPress site—including the stylesheet. You should take the time to identify and migrate those files to your BC site once you have your blog set up.

注意:如果您查看源代码,将会看到您站点中的某些项目仍引用旧的WordPress网站-包括样式表。 建立博客后,您应该花时间识别这些文件并将其迁移到BC站点。

We’ve covered the basics on setting up templates in an earlier article so if you need a refresher, click here. I’m going to focus on the steps you’ll need to take to make a new template out of your existing WordPress page.

我们在之前的文章中介绍了设置模板的基础知识,因此,如果您需要复习,请单击此处。 我将重点介绍从现有WordPress页面制作新模板所需采取的步骤。

In the WP theme I was using, the div containing the content is <div id=”content-main”>. I simply brought up my Default page in the Web Pages Details editor and found the beginning and the end of the div. Replace all of the content within the div with a simple {tag_pagecontent} tag:

在我使用的WP主题中,包含内容的div是<div id=”content-main”> 。 我只是在“ 网页详细信息”编辑器中调出了“ 默认”页面,然后找到了div的开始和结尾。 用简单的{tag_pagecontent}标签替换div所有内容:

If you toggle back over to Design view, you’ll see that the content was replaced with the tag. Right now, BC isn’t parsing that tag since this is a static page—we’ll set up the template next.

如果您切换回“ 设计”视图,则会看到该内容已被标签替换。 现在,由于这是一个静态页面,因此BC不会解析该标记-我们将在下一步中设置模板。

Copy the HTML for this page, click on Admin > Manage Site-wide Templates and create a new template for the site. Name the template, toggle to HTML view, paste the content, save and publish. Go back to the Web Pages, create a new page as index.html, give it a name and select your new template:

复制此页面HTML,单击管理>管理站点范围模板,然后为该站点创建一个新模板。 命名模板,切换到HTML视图,粘贴内容,保存并发布。 返回网页 ,创建一个新页面作为index.html ,为其命名并选择新模板:

OK. You’re actually halfway there. Now, let’s build your blog.

好。 您实际上在那儿。 现在,让我们建立您的博客。

We’re going to start with the blog layout. In addition to the site-wide templates that let you define common elements that will show up as a consistent frame to your content across sections of your site, you can also define layout for your blog that will control how the text, comments, links to other articles and categories will be displayed within the {tag_pagecontent} section of your larger layout. Got it? Let’s get started.

我们将从博客布局开始。 除了可以让您定义通用元素的网站范围模板之外,这些通用元素将显示为网站各部分内容的一致框架,您还可以定义博客的布局,以控制文本,评论,链接到其他文章和类别将显示在较大版式的{tag_pagecontent}部分中。 得到它了? 让我们开始吧。

Navigate to Admin > More Customization Options, then click on Blog Layouts.

导航到“ 管理”>“更多自定义选项” ,然后单击“ 博客布局” 。

Next, select the Overall Blog Layout to edit.


That will bring up a standard editing window but this time you’ll see all of the modules related to blogs—blog content, tags, comments, trackback links etc. If you toggle over to the HTML view, you can control the layout down to the level of detail you need.


Now your template and your Blog layout are all set up, let’s go add the blog to your site.


Go to Web Pages > Blog and create a new blog. Like most BC applications, you’ll name the blog and select the template to use when displaying the content. I selected to enable the trackback function and the RSS feeds—common features on most blogs.

转到网页>博客并创建一个新博客。 像大多数BC应用程序一样,您将为博客命名并选择显示内容时要使用的模板。 我选择启用“ 引用”功能和RSS feed (大多数博客的常见功能)。

On the next screen, you’ll see that your blog has no content—yet. We’ll import your blogs from WordPress next.

在下一个屏幕上,您将看到您的博客尚无内容。 接下来,我们将从WordPress导入您的博客。

导入博客 (Import Blog)

The first thing you’ll need for the import is your data—go to your WordPress site, log into your Dashboard and click Export under the Settings menu.

导入所需的第一件事是数据-转到WordPress网站,登录到仪表板 ,然后单击“ 设置”菜单下的“ 导出 ” 。

In the next screen, narrow the scope of the export to meet the ranges that match what you want to move into your new site. In my case, I’m moving all of the articles over.

在下一个屏幕中,缩小导出范围以符合与您要移入新站点的内容匹配的范围。 就我而言,我将所有文章都移开了。

The export should result in a datestamped xml file being downloaded. Save the file to a local directory—you’re going to use it in a minute.

导出应导致下载了带时间戳的xml文件。 将文件保存到本地目录,您将在一分钟内使用它。

Go back to your Business Catalyst site, and click on Admin, Import Data. Select the Blog import.

返回到您的Business Catalyst网站,然后点击管理员 , 导入数据 。 选择博客导入。

You’ll have to select the blog to import into, select the blog engine, in this case “WordPress” and then select the export file. Click next to begin the import.

您必须选择要导入的博客,选择博客引擎(在本例中为“ WordPress ”),然后选择导出文件。 单击下一步开始导入。

You’ll be prompted twice to confirm that you are ready to do the import—click through the prompts and you’ll see a successful confirmation.


Now, go to WebSite > Blogs and click on Blog Posts in the right hand nav and you’ll see all of your content:

现在,转到“ 网站”>“博客” ,然后单击右侧导航栏中的“ 博客文章 ”,您将看到所有内容:

Remember that a Blog is really just a data-driven application—web apps are set up as Modules within Business Catalyst and this gives you tremendous flexibility to extend applications and share data across applications.

请记住,博客实际上只是一个数据驱动的应用程序-Web应用程序被设置为Business Catalyst中的模块 ,这为您提供了极大的灵活性来扩展应用程序并在应用程序之间共享数据。

Like other BC webapps, you’ll need to add this to a page in order to see the blogs on your site.

像其他BC Web应用程序一样,您需要将其添加到页面中才能查看您站点上的博客。

Let’s go back to the Blog Details page using the right hand navigation above the Action Box or by going to Website > Blogs and clicking on your new blog.

让我们使用操作框上方的右侧导航或转到网站>博客 ,然后单击您的新博客,返回“ 博客详细信息”页面。

In that action box, you’ll see the link to Set as Start page.


Click on the link and you’ll see a modal confirming that your blog is now the default page on your site.


As you can see, the blog structure dynamically builds navigation to the Recent Posts, Tags, and the postings by monthly archive. You may also see that the import didn’t completely respect the formatting you may have had on WP. But that’s a great reason to check out the new blog editor. Navigate back to Blogs > Blog Posts and then select the Edit with new UI link.

如您所见,博客结构动态构建了按月存档对“最近的帖子”,“标签”和帖子的导航。 您可能还会看到导入不完全尊重您在WP上可能使用的格式。 但这是检查新博客编辑器的重要原因。 浏览回到Blogs> Blog Posts ,然后选择Edit with new UI链接。

You can edit the posting, add tags, categories, update the publishing date and of course use the WYSIWYG editor.


搜索 (Search)

As I noted above, you’ll need to trim some of the legacy items from your template, one of them is the search box. Since all of the underlying content is stored in the database, it’s easy to add search capabilities to your site—without any coding.

如前所述,您需要从模板中裁剪掉一些旧项,其中之一是搜索框。 由于所有基础内容都存储在数据库中,因此无需任何编码即可轻松向网站添加搜索功能。

Navigate to Modules > Site Search and you can quickly build a new search portal. Click on Create New Search and then name it and determine the scope of the content you want to search against. We’ll select Blog and then Save the search module.

导航到“ 模块”>“站点搜索” ,您可以快速构建一个新的搜索门户。 单击创建新搜索 ,然后命名并确定要搜索的内容范围。 我们将选择Blog ,然后保存搜索模块。

In order to add the search module to your site, go back to Admin > Manage Site Templates and select your Blog template to edit.

为了将搜索模块添加到您的站点,请返回Admin> Manage Site Templates并选择您的Blog模板进行编辑。

Toggle over to HTML view and create a new div for your search module. Select Modules from the Action list, and select a Search form to add to your page.

切换到HTML视图并为您的搜索模块创建一个新的div 。 从“ 操作”列表中选择“ 模块 ” ,然后选择“ 搜索”表单以添加到您的页面。

Position the cursor inside the new div and click Insert to place the search box code into your template. The insert will also place the search results tag directly after the tag. I moved mine to the main section of the template just above the {tag_pagecontent} tag. This is perfect for a bit of jQuery to style a nice blind to open up with your search results. You can add as much chrome and UI behavior as you want.

将光标放在新的div ,然后单击“ 插入”以将搜索框代码放入模板中。 插入内容还会将搜索结果标签直接放在标签之后。 我将我的模板移到了{tag_pagecontent}标签上方的模板的主要部分。 对于一些jQuery设置一个漂亮的百叶窗以打开您的搜索结果而言,这是完美的选择。 您可以根据需要添加任意数量的Chrome和UI行为。

为什么要迁移? (Why migrate?)

If you are completely satisfied with the solution you have in place, you wouldn’t be looking at migration strategies. The most common pain points that designers experience are the costs of ongoing maintenance and the effort of maintaining a site spread across disparate infrastructure.

如果您对已有的解决方案完全满意,则不会考虑迁移策略。 设计人员遇到的最常见的痛点是持续维护的成本以及维护分散在不同基础架构中的站点所付出的努力。

The advantage of a platform like Business Catalyst is that your entire online business can be managed from one platform allowing you to leverage data, analytics and marketing tools across all of the web apps on your site—not just a blog. Consider this an opportunity to future-proof your solution by moving into a hosted platform that will grow as your business grows. Content management, fully integrated ecommerce, cross sell capabilities, email marketing are all driven from the same underlying platform.

诸如Business Catalyst之类的平台的优势在于,可以从一个平台管理整个在线业务,从而使您可以在站点上的所有Web应用程序(而不仅仅是博客)中利用数据,分析和营销工具。 认为这是一个机会,可以通过迁移到随业务增长而增长的托管平台中来对您的解决方案进行过时的验证。 内容管理,完全集成的电子商务,交叉销售功能,电子邮件营销均来自同一基础平台。

Migrating from one platform to another is never completely painless, but Business Catalyst’s tools let you design the site, template and blog with as much fine-grained control as you want. If you follow the quick migration path I’ve outlined above, you’ll still want to clean up your template to ensure that the CSS, JS and related assets are all under your control and hosted on the same platform.

从一个平台迁移到另一个平台从来不会完全轻松,但是Business Catalyst的工具使您可以根据需要对网站,模板和博客进行尽可能多的细粒度控制。 如果您遵循我上面概述的快速迁移路径,您仍将需要清理模板,以确保CSS,JS和相关资产均在您的控制之下并托管在同一平台上。

Questions? Comments? Let me know!

有什么问题吗 注释? 让我知道!

调优提示: (Tips for tuning up:)

These are a few of the quick changes you should make in your site-wide templates after you directly import your site from WordPress. Again, you don’t need to do the site import step—if you want to design a new one from scratch, your blog data will flow into whatever template you design.

在直接从WordPress导入网站后,您应该在网站范围的模板中进行一些快速更改。 同样,您无需执行网站导入步骤-如果您想从头开始设计一个新网站,那么博客数据将流入您设计的任何模板中。

Remove the search box.

删除搜索框。 Create a local version of your CSS and JS files.


Remove just about all of the meta and link tags from the head—do not remove the CSS link until you recreate your style sheet locally.


Remove the feedarea


Remove the comments at the top that capture the time it took to generate the page.

删除顶部的注释,该注释记录了生成页面所花费的时间。 Remove the RSS feeds.

删除RSS提要。 Remove the Footer.


Replace the headerimage div.

替换headerimage div 。

note:SitePoint Content Partner 注意: SitePoint内容合作伙伴

This tutorial has been made possible by the support of Adobe. In cooperation with Adobe and independently written by SitePoint, we strive to work together to develop the content that’s most useful and relevant to you.

在Adobe的支持下,本教程成为可能。 与Adobe合作并由SitePoint独立编写,我们致力于共同开发最有用和与您相关的内容。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/migrating-your-wordpress-blog-to-adobe-business-catalyst/

sql catalyst
