适用于开发人员的WordPress 3.0有哪些新功能?

tech2023-01-22  123

This article is outdated, check out what’s new in WordPress 4.6 here.

本文已过时, 请在此处查看WordPress 4.6的新增功能 。

WordPress version 3.0 was released at the end of last week. It’s a little later than the intended May 1 release date, but WordPress is one of the most popular blogging and content management systems on the planet, so it was better to be late than cause issues for thousands of websites.

WordPress 3.0版本于上周末发布。 它比原定的5月1日发布日期晚了一点,但是WordPress是地球上最流行的博客和内容管理系统之一,因此,迟到比引起数千个网站的问题要好得多。

The update is the result of six months’ work by 218 dedicated contributors, culminating in 1,217 bug fixes and feature enhancements. So what can you expect from WordPress 3.0?

此次更新是由218位敬业的贡献者六个月的工作成果,最终完成了1,217个错误修复和功能增强。 那么,您对WordPress 3.0有何期待?

新安装程序 (New Installer)

WordPress has always been easy to install but it’s become even simpler. Few administrators will have to fiddle with the wp-config.php configuration file: all the MySQL settings can be specified within the installer panels now.

WordPress一直很容易安装,但是变得更加简单。 很少有管理员需要摆弄wp-config.php配置文件:现在可以在安装程序面板中指定所有MySQL设置。

The new installer also allows you to specify the administrator ID and password. I suspect few people ever bothered to change it from the default “admin” in previous versions, so the facility to create your own ID will aid security.

新安装程序还允许您指定管理员ID和密码。 我怀疑很少有人愿意更改以前版本中默认的“ admin”,因此创建自己的ID的功能将有助于提高安全性。

新介面 (New Interface)

The WordPress 3.0 administration panels have received a polish. It’s hardly a radical change from version 2, but it’s lighter and feels slicker.

WordPress 3.0管理面板已得到完善。 与版本2相比,这几乎不是一个根本性的更改,但它更轻巧,而且感觉更流畅。

There are few obvious changes to the interface until you reach the Appearance section.


新的默认主题 (New Default Theme)

RIP Kubrick: you’ve served us well and many websites use you to this day. Kubrick has been replaced by “Twenty Ten,” a new theme that has built-in support for child themes, background alterations, header customization, and drop-down menus.

RIP Kubrick:到目前为止,您的服务很好,许多网站都在使用您。 Kubrick已由“二十十”代替,这是一个新主题,它对子主题,背景更改,标题自定义和下拉菜单具有内置支持。

The theme’s look and widgets can be customized within the administration panel, so I expect many people will never venture beyond the Twenty Ten theme. For those that do, there’s a new “Install Themes” tab that allows you to search for templates by color, type, and features.

可以在管理面板中自定义主题的外观和窗口小部件,因此我希望许多人永远不会冒险超越“二十十”主题。 对于那些这样做的人,有一个新的“安装主题”选项卡,可让您按颜色,类型和功能搜索模板。

WordPress多用户 (WordPress Multi-user)

WordPress MU was a fork that allowed hundreds of blogs to run from a single installation; it has now been merged with the main version 3.0 application. It’s disabled by default, but can be switched on by adding the following line to your wp-config.php file:

WordPress MU是一个分支,它允许一次安装运行数百个博客。 现在,它已与主版本3.0应用程序合并。 默认情况下它是禁用的,但是可以通过将以下行添加到wp-config.php文件中来打开:

define('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true);

This could be the most important feature for web developers: you can create a number of websites using just one installation of WordPress. Updates are easier and hosting space is drastically reduced.

这对于Web开发人员而言可能是最重要的功能:您可以仅使用一个WordPress安装程序来创建许多网站。 更新更加容易,托管空间也大大减少。

自定义帖子类型 (Custom Post Types)

Pages and Posts were available in previous versions of WordPress:


Pages were normally used for static content such as About Us or Contact Us pages.

页面通常用于静态内容,例如“关于我们”或“联系我们”页面。 Posts would commonly be used for date-stamped news, articles, or blog posts.


WordPress 3.0 supports custom post types. For example, you could have a Product type that’s specifically used for items sold on your website. Product pages can then be treated separately; for example, have their own menu or search box.

WordPress 3.0支持自定义帖子类型。 例如,您可能具有专门用于网站上出售的商品的产品类型。 然后可以分别处理产品页面; 例如,有自己的菜单或搜索框。

Custom post types are configured using PHP rather than within the administration panels. Watch out for a full tutorial on SitePoint shortly.

自定义帖子类型使用PHP而不是在管理面板中进行配置。 请稍后注意有关SitePoint的完整教程。

其他特性 (Other Features)

Where do I start? I suggest you visit the WordPress 3.0 Codex page for a comprehensive list.

我从哪说起呢? 我建议您访问WordPress 3.0 Codex页面以获得完整列表。

您现在应该升级吗? (Should you upgrade now?)

I have no hesitation in recommending WordPress 3.0 for a new installation. But what if you’re upgrading from WordPress 2.x?

我毫不犹豫地推荐WordPress 3.0进行新安装。 但是,如果您要从WordPress 2.x升级怎么办?

I’ve rarely experienced problems with the WordPress automated upgrade; it’s a quick one-click process that just works. However, my first attempt failed abysmally and I was left with a broken site. You should note that this was a test installation of 2.8.6 with lots of dodgy code and plugins, but you need to be wary: some themes and plugins are certain to break.

我很少遇到WordPress自动升级的问题; 这是一个快速的一键式过程,可以正常运行。 但是,我的第一次尝试失败了,并且遗留了一个破碎的站点。 您应该注意,这是2.8.6的测试安装,带有许多狡猾的代码和插件,但您需要提防:某些主题和插件肯定会损坏。

I would recommend updating a local test version of your site before attempting to upgrade the live server. Remember to back up your files and MySQL database, and you can’t go wrong.

我建议您在尝试升级实时服务器之前,先更新站点的本地测试版本。 记住要备份文件和MySQL数据库,这不会出错。

If past experience is anything to go by, the WordPress team will almost certainly release 3.0.1 within a few weeks. If you’re especially nervous, you might be advised to wait a little longer …

如果过去的经验值得借鉴,WordPress团队几乎可以肯定会在几周内发布3.0.1。 如果您特别紧张,建议您稍等一下……

Have you upgraded to WordPress 3.0? Did you experience any problems?

您是否已升级到WordPress 3.0? 你有什么问题吗?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/whats-new-in-wordpress-3-0-for-developers/
