
tech2023-01-23  145

Since WordPress morphed out of b2/cafelog in 2003, it’s overtaken all competitors to become the world’s content management system of choice.

自WordPress在2003年从b2 / cafelog变为WordPress后,它已超越所有竞争对手 ,成为全球首选的内容管理系统。

65,810,415 WordPress sites in the world (at time of writing)


Over 100,000 new WordPress sites are created every day!


Powers 14.7% of Alexa Internet’s “top 1 million” websites

为Alexa Internet“前100万”网站的14.7%提供支持

Used in 22% of all new websites (http://en.wordpress.com/stats/)

在所有新网站的22%中使用 ( http://en.wordpress.com/stats/ )

At the center of WordPress’s success has been its ease of use, clean styling, and open-source ethos, as outlined in a VERY early version of WordPress.org. The beauty of WordPress is that it works for corporations (driving the likes of Wired, CNN, and The New York Times), as well as for smaller blogs and businesses.

WordPress成功的核心在于它的易用性,简洁的样式和开放源代码的精神,如WordPress.org的早期版本所述 。 WordPress的优点在于它适用于公司(驱使诸如Wired,CNN和《纽约时报》之类的公司)以及小型博客和企业。

Most of you will have set up a standard WordPress site using a free theme, but how many have managed to:


Fully understand WordPress’s underlying code


Manipulate its server-side capabilities


Customize it for a wide range of projects


Harness its powerful APIs, plugins, and other extensions?


The WordPress Anthology by Mick Olinik and Raena Jackson Armitage is the new book from SitePoint. Its 336 pages offers web developers a broad base of WordPress solutions, putting you in control of this impressive CMS. Jam-packed with proven tips and techniques, you’ll discover how to effectively use WordPress to better meet your, and your clients’ needs.

Mick Olinik和Raena Jackson Armitage撰写的WordPress选集是SitePoint的新书。 它的336页为Web开发人员提供了广泛的WordPress解决方案基础,使您可以控制此令人印象深刻的CMS。 挤满了行之有效的技巧和技术,您将发现如何有效地使用WordPress来更好地满足您和客户的需求。

In short it’ll … make the world’s most versatile CMS work for you!

简而言之,它将… 为您打造世界上最通用的CMS!

Grab a copy (in either print or ePack format) Download a sample PDF (including the author’s WordPress insights)

抓取副本 (以打印或ePack格式) 下载样本PDF (包括作者的WordPress见解)

the ePack is available for only $17 ( ePack仅售$ 17 ( via this discount link) 通过此折扣链接 ) . 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/make-wordpress-work-for-you/
