WordPress 3.0 Ups游戏

tech2023-02-01  151

Following six months of hard work by the many volunteers who work on the platform, WordPress version 3.0. (aka Thelonious”) is now available for download or upgrade through the dashboard if you’re already a WordPress user. WordPress is one of the most popular blogging applications and with the new release, the open source community has added many more content-management tools.

在该平台上工作的许多志愿者经过六个月的艰苦努力之后,WordPress 3.0版开始了。 (又名Thelonious”)现在可以通过仪表板下载或升级,如果您已经是WordPress用户。 WordPress是最流行的博客应用程序之一,随着新版本的发布,开源社区增加了更多的内容管理工具。

One of the biggest changes in the upgrade is multisite capability which will allow users to use a single WordPress installation over multiple web sites. Users can enable multisite capabilities by a manual edit of the wp-config.php file and it is restricted to providing site addresses to the main domain of the site on which WordPress 3 is installed. Users must choose between using subdomains or subdirectories, which means each additional site in your network will be created as a new virtual subdomain or subdirectory and you cannot change this unless you reconfigure your install.

升级中最大的变化之一是多站点功能,该功能将允许用户在多个网站上使用单个WordPress安装。 用户可以通过手动编辑wp-config.php文件来启用多站点功能,并且只能向提供WordPress 3的站点的主域提供站点地址。 用户必须在使用子域或子目录之间进行选择,这意味着网络中的每个其他站点都将被创建为新的虚拟子域或子目录,除非重新配置安装,否则无法更改。

Subdomains — like site1.example.com and site2.example.com

子域-像site1.example.com和site2.example.com Subdirectories — like example.com/site1 and example.com/site2


New Default Theme Design


The upgrade also features a new, community developed default theme called Twenty Ten. Up to Version 2.9.2, the default theme was the Kubrick theme, the Twenty Ten theme is now the only theme in the WordPress distribution. Twenty Ten is designed to showcase some of the new theme-based features. Theme designers and developers have new APIs that allow them to implement custom backgrounds, headers, short links, menus (without file editing), post types and taxonomies.

升级还具有一个由社区开发的新的默认主题,称为二十。 在版本2.9.2之前,默认主题是Kubrick主题,而二十一主题现在是WordPress发行版中的唯一主题。 二十十旨在展示一些基于主题的新功能。 主题设计人员和开发人员拥有新的API,使他们能够实现自定义背景,标题,短链接,菜单(无需文件编辑),帖子类型和分类法。

Other new features include the big time-saving ability to upgrade multiple plugins at one time and a new Custom Post Type. According to the WordPress Codex Help, “Custom post types allow users to easily create and manage such things as portfolios, projects, video libraries, podcasts, quotes, chats, and whatever a user or developer can imagine.”

其他新功能还包括节省时间的强大功能,一次可以升级多个插件,还有一个新的自定义帖子类型。 根据WordPress Codex帮助 ,“自定义帖子类型使用户可以轻松地创建和管理作品集,项目,视频库,播客,报价,聊天以及用户或开发人员可以想象的一切。”

WordPress users have you upgraded to version 3 yet?


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/wordpress-3-0-ups-the-game/
