joomla 视频

tech2023-02-01  132

joomla 视频

Let’s face it, an open-source content management system without a thorough user base, support system and community is destined for failure.  We are comparing two giants in the CMS game here, so we already know they must be doing many things right in these departments. In this part of our series, we’re going to be covering exactly what Joomla and WordPress have to offer when it comes to the support community.

让我们面对现实,一个没有全面用户基础,支持系统和社区的开源内容管理系统注定会失败。 我们在这里比较CMS游戏中的两个巨人,因此我们已经知道他们必须在这些部门中做很多事情。 在本系列的这一部分中,我们将确切介绍Joomla和WordPress在支持社区中必须提供的功能。 v (  v

What more apt place could there be to begin a post on support and communities than with the “homes” of each CMS? All the documentation, forums and community engagement for WordPress and Joomla stem from their websites.

与每个CMS的“家”相比,在支持和社区上可以有一个更合适的位置吗? WordPress和Joomla的所有文档,论坛和社区参与都来自其网站。

Each CMS seems to have a very different approach when it comes to their websites. WordPress has opted for a minimalistic approach, whereas Joomla seems to have put a lot of effort into its design and functionality.

每个CMS在其网站方面似乎都有非常不同的方法。 WordPress选择了一种简约的方法,而Joomla似乎在其设计和功能上付出了很多努力。

After its recent design update, I have to say that the Joomla website is much more appealing and user-friendly than, which comes across as bland and doesn’t seem to have any focus or direction.


Personally, I feel that WordPress is resting on its laurels. The people behind Joomla, on the other hand, seems to realise they are the underdogs and are making a conscious effort to grow the community and support base for their CMS through their website and various components thereof.

就个人而言,我觉得WordPress固步自封。 另一方面,Joomla背后的人们似乎意识到自己是弱者,并且正在有意识地努力通过其网站及其各个组成部分来发展其CMS的社区和支持基础。

支持基地和社区 (Support Base and Community)

When it comes to an open-source system, support is crucial. Both WordPress and Joomla have adequate documentation, so I’m not going to be focusing on that area. The main focus of the support base should be the CMS’ community support. There are a couple areas to look at within the broader topic of the support community.

对于开源系统,支持至关重要。 WordPress和Joomla都有足够的文档,因此我将不专注于该领域。 支持基础的主要焦点应该是CMS的社区支持。 在支持社区的更广泛主题中,有几个方面需要研究。

支持论坛 (Support Forums)

Whenever I’m looking for support for a specific problem, my first port of call tends to be the support forum. A forum can give you a good indication of how active and supportive the community is. WordPress and Joomla both have very active support forums.

每当我想为特定问题寻求支持时,我的第一个电话口往往就是支持论坛。 论坛可以很好地表明社区的活跃程度和支持程度。 WordPress和Joomla都有非常活跃的支持论坛。

Again, however, I feel that Joomla does a far better job with its forum than WordPress. As someone who participates on both forums, I have seen more involvement and engagement from the community on the Joomla forums. WordPress comes across as being very bland, with the forum being almost something of an afterthought.

但是,我再次感到Joomla在其论坛上的工作要比WordPress更好。 作为参加这两个论坛的人,我在Joomla论坛上看到了社区的更多参与和参与。 WordPress非常平淡,论坛几乎是事后的想法。

Joomla makes use of the popular forum component, phpBB, to run its forum. It rewards members for active participation through ranking systems. As a result, Joomla professionals seem to be far more willing to go out of their way to help someone else who happens to be in a spot of bother.

Joomla利用流行的论坛组件phpBB来运行其论坛。 它通过排名系统奖励会员的积极参与。 结果,Joomla的专业人员似乎更愿意竭尽所能来帮助碰巧遇到麻烦的其他人。

I have had a couple questions posted on the forum go unanswered, whereas every question I’ve ever posted on the Joomla support forum has been answered beyond my expectations. I think that says something for the Joomla community.

我在WordPress.org论坛上发布的几个问题都没有答案,而我在Joomla支持论坛上发布的每个问题都得到了超出我期望的答案。 我认为这对Joomla社区来说是有道理的。

资源目录 (Resource Directories)

Sometimes you just don’t want to develop your CMS site yourself. Sometimes you get stuck with something and need a professional to assist you. Both WordPress and Joomla have solutions for this.

有时,您只是不想自己开发CMS网站。 有时您会陷入困境,需要专业人士的协助。 WordPress和Joomla都为此提供了解决方案。

WordPress has something called WordPress Jobs; it allows you to post problems/jobs which professionals can then take on.

WordPress有一种叫做WordPress Jobs的东西; 它使您可以发布问题/工作,然后由专业人员来承担。

Joomla offers a slightly different solution in the form of the Joomla Resource Directory. The resource directory allows professionals to create listings for themselves or their businesses. You can then find a professional in your area and contact them directly to assist you with your problem.

Joomla以Joomla资源目录的形式提供了稍微不同的解决方案。 资源目录允许专业人员为自己或他们的业务创建列表。 然后,您可以找到您所在地区的专业人员,并直接与他们联系以协助您解决问题。

I like Joomla’s resource directory because your listing will only be approved if you are an active participant in the Joomla community — either on the forum, the Joomla Magazine or any other Joomla community initiative. This does wonders for making the support community a better one for all.

我喜欢Joomla的资源目录,因为只有在您成为Joomla社区的积极参与者(无论是在论坛上,在《 Joomla杂志》还是在其他Joomla社区倡议中),您的列表才会被批准。 这确实使支持社区成为所有人都更好的奇迹。

As far as the WordPress Jobs board is concerned, I find myself just using freelancer sites like Elance instead.

就WordPress Jobs董事会而言,我发现自己只是使用像Elance这样的自由职业者网站。

其他举措 (Other Initiatives)

WordPress and Joomla both have a few other initiatives which help in the support and community departments.


WordPress has a nifty initiative going called — basically a video blog/directory which showcases tutorials and news from the world of WordPress.


Joomla really goes all out with its community-enhancing initiatives. The two that I think are great are the Joomla Magazine and Joomla Connect. The Joomla Magazine is published as both an online and print publication which showcases all the greatest Joomla news and stories. The people behind it invite anybody who is willing and able to write articles, share their experiences and potentially be published in the magazine.

Joomla确实通过社区增强计划全力以赴。 我认为很棒的两个是《 Joomla杂志》和《 Joomla Connect》。 《 Joomla杂志》既是在线出版物,也是印刷出版物,其中展示了Joomla的所有重大新闻和故事。 背后的人邀请任何愿意且有能力撰写文章,分享经验并有可能在杂志上发表的人。

Joomla Connect proves it cares about improving its community. Joomla Connect aims to bring together news from all around the world, in a number of different languages. I believe it’s extremely important to realise that as one of the most popular content management systems around, your user base extends far beyond the US and the UK. People in many different countries, speaking hundreds of different languages, will be using your system. By including them in the community it gains so much more diversity and experience and generally leads to a much happier, more engaged user base.

Joomla Connect证明了它在乎改善社区。 Joomla Connect旨在以多种不同的语言汇集来自世界各地的新闻。 我认为,意识到作为最流行的内容管理系统之一,您的用户群已经远远超出了美国和英国,这非常重要。 许多国家/地区的人说数百种不同的语言,将会使用您的系统。 通过将它们包含在社区中,它可以获得更多的多样性和经验,并且通常会带来更快乐,更投入的用户基础。

Joomla also has an online store where you can buy Joomla merchandise. I’m not sure this is vital, but some people may think it’s pretty cool.

Joomla还拥有一个在线商店,您可以在其中购买Joomla商品。 我不确定这是否至关重要,但有些人可能认为它很酷。

I tried to look for more initiatives by WordPress, but to be quite honest, I couldn’t find anything else worth commenting on.


结论 (Conclusion)

I think it’s quite obvious which CMS does a better job in the community department here. Joomla compensates for its considerably smaller user base by making sure it is creating a truly awesome, engaged community. Joomla’s website is more polished and it actively encourages participation in its many community outlets.

我认为很明显,CMS在这里的社区部门中做得更好。 Joomla通过确保创建了一个真正令人敬畏的,敬业的社区来弥补其庞大的用户群。 Joomla的网站更加精致,它积极鼓励其许多社区活动的参与。

To be quite frank, before writing this post, I thought that the two CMS giants would be more evenly matched in this department. After doing a few hours of extra research, however, I can conclusively state that WordPress isn’t doing enough when it comes to the community. Perhaps the viewpoint at WordPress is that it doesn’t need to, since it already has such a good reputation.

坦率地说,在写这篇文章之前,我认为这两个CMS巨头在这个部门中会更平均地匹配。 但是,在进行了数小时的额外研究之后,我可以得出结论,说到WordPress在社区方面做得还不够。 WordPress的观点也许是不需要,因为它已经拥有如此良好的声誉。

Having said that, I would never advise resting on your laurels. It takes hard work to stay at the top once you get there and you can be pretty sure that your competitors are putting in overtime to try to beat you.

话虽如此,我绝不建议您固步自封。 到达最高职位需要付出艰苦的努力,而且您可以肯定,竞争对手会加班努力击败您。

Draw your own conclusions here, though.  If you’re not a community sort of person, this may not even matter to you. You will probably get sufficient answers to your questions from both the WordPress and Joomla support forums … probably.

不过,请在这里得出您自己的结论。 如果您不是社区人士,那么这甚至对您来说都不重要。 WordPress和Joomla支持论坛都可能为您的问题提供足够的答案……可能。

Who do you think will be crowned the King of Content Management Systems next week? Let me know in the comments!

您认为下周谁将成为内容管理系统之王? 在评论中让我知道!


joomla 视频
