WordPress 3.3新增功能

tech2023-02-03  111

This article is outdated, check out what’s new in WordPress 4.6 here.

本文已过时, 请在此处查看WordPress 4.6的新增功能 。

WordPress 3.3 has been released. The world’s most popular CMS and blogging tool has been tidied and polished further to make web publishing even easier. It’s been downloaded 65 million times since v3.0 was released and is estimated to run 15% of all websites (or 22% of all new websites).

WordPress 3.3已发布。 我们对世界上最流行的CMS和博客工具进行了整理和完善,使网络发布更加轻松。 自v3.0发行以来,它已被下载了6500万次,并且估计可以运行所有网站的15%(或所有新网站的22%)。

Existing users can upgrade with single click. I’ve rarely experienced problems doing that but it still makes me nervous. Back-up your files and database before proceeding.

现有用户只需单击即可升级。 我很少遇到这样的问题,但这仍然让我感到紧张。 在继续操作之前,请备份文件和数据库。

Let’s see what goodies WordPress 3.3 has to offer…

让我们看看WordPress 3.3提供了哪些好东西……

改良的界面 (Revamped Interface)

HTML5 responsive design techniques have been implemented to help WordPress work on small-screen devices such as tablets. As you reduce the screen size, features such as the side menu automatically collapse.

已实施HTML5自适应设计技术,以帮助WordPress在平板电脑等小屏幕设备上工作。 减小屏幕尺寸时,侧面菜单等功能会自动折叠。

If you suffer from aching fingers, v3.3’s new flyout sub-menus make it possible to access any administrative screen with a single click.


The (previously optional) admin bar and the header have been combined into a single toolbar. It saves space, is less obtrusive and provides quick access to help, comments quick add links and your profile. That said, I suspect it may cause compatibility issues with some plug-ins — it’s definitely a feature you should test before going live.

(以前是可选的)管理栏和标题已合并为一个工具栏。 它可以节省空间,减少干扰并提供快速访问帮助,注释,快速添加链接和您的个人资料的信息。 就是说,我怀疑这可能会导致某些插件的兼容性问题-绝对是您在上线之前应该测试的功能。

Finally, WordPress helps you discover new features with pointers which appear the first time you see them:


拖放媒体上传 (Drag and Drop Media Upload)

Assuming you’ve got a decent HTML5 browser, you’ll never need to use the clunky “browse files” dialog again. One or more images or other media can be dragged into the media upload box.

假设您已经拥有一个不错HTML5浏览器,则不再需要使用笨拙的“浏览文件”对话框。 可以将一个或多个图像或其他媒体拖到媒体上传框中。

In addition, there’s now a single upload panel for all media — no matter what file types you want to add. WordPress also supports RAR and 7z archive formats.

此外,现在,所有媒体都可以使用一个上传面板,无论您要添加哪种文件类型。 WordPress还支持RAR和7z存档格式。

新的Tumblr进口商 (New Tumblr Importer)

WordPress can now import content directly from Tumblr. Tumblog posts can be converted to a matching WordPress post format.

WordPress现在可以直接从Tumblr导入内容。 Tumblog帖子可以转换为匹配的WordPress帖子格式。

更好的合作 (Better Co-operation)

If you’ve ever received the “Warning: Bob is currently editing this post” message, you’ll be pleased to hear that co-editing activity lags should be a thing of the past.


还有更多… (There’s More…)

Version 3.3 also offers:


a new dashboard welcome screen for fresh installations

新的仪表板欢迎屏幕,用于全新安装 a new post-update changelog screen

新的更新后变更日志屏幕 more flexible and faster permalinks

更灵活,更快的永久链接 an overhaul of the editor API

修改编辑器API a new WP_Screen API for working with admin panels

用于管理面板的新WP_Screen API

a new is_main_query() for determining whether you’re in the main loop


是时候升级了吗? (Time to Upgrade?)

Few people will experience problems but they inevitably crop up with new software releases. If the whole of your business depends on WordPress, it might be advisable to let others find the issues and wait for version 3.3.1. If past experience is anything to go by, that’ll be available within a few weeks.

很少有人会遇到问题,但是他们不可避免地会出现新软件版本。 如果您的整个业务都依赖WordPress,建议让其他人查找问题并等待版本3.3.1。 如果过去的经验值得借鉴,那么将在几周内提供。

Have you upgraded to WordPress 3.3? Is it the best version ever or has your installation exploded?

您已升级到WordPress 3.3吗? 它是有史以来最好的版本,还是安装爆炸了?

Download WordPress 3.3 from wordpress.org/download

从wordpress.org/download下载WordPress 3.3

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/wordpress-33-whats-new/
