2019 错过春招

tech2023-02-04  140

2019 错过春招

The last month or two have been chock full of small news and releases not warranting a full story in their own right but still interesting, I’ve decided to make a small compilation and direct your attention to the interesting developments around us. Just because we don’t cover something immediately, doesn’t mean we don’t notice or care :)

过去的一两个月里充斥着小新闻和新闻发布,虽然本身并不能保证完整的故事,但仍然很有趣,所以我决定做一个小汇编,并把注意力集中在我们周围有趣的事态发展上。 仅仅因为我们没有立即覆盖某些内容,并不意味着我们没有注意到或关心:)

Ubuntu 14.04。 LTS (Ubuntu 14.04. LTS)

Not so much PHP related, but still fairly important for our channel and future development purposes, the release of Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS kind of flew by most people. This release will be supported by Canonical until 2019, which is a big deal as we can now all switch to this newest version as soon as it’s vetted by hardcore users. Stay tuned for upcoming Vagrant boxes predefined for 14.04. soon – we’ll be custom building and publishing some soon.

与PHP没有太大关系,但对于我们的渠道和未来的开发目的而言,它仍然相当重要,Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS的发行被大多数人所喜爱。 Canonical会在2019年之前支持此版本,这很重要,因为我们现在可以在受到铁杆用户的审查后立即切换到最新版本。 请继续关注即将为14.04预定义的Vagrant盒子。 很快-我们将自定义构建并很快发布。

You can download the server version here and there’s a default Vagrant box available here.

您也可以下载服务器版本在这里 ,有一个默认的流浪中的可用这里 。

GAE 1.9.1 – 1.9.3 (GAE 1.9.1 – 1.9.3)

Google App Engine has reached minor version 1.9.3., adding some more features and upgrades since the last time we talked about it:

Google App Engine已达到次要版本1.9.3。自上次我们讨论该功能以来,它添加了更多功能和升级:

bug fixes regarding Zend Framework, null characters in URLFetch, failed file uploads to Cloud Storage, long POST data, unlimited upload sizes and the fnmatch() function

关于Zend Framework的错误修复,URLFetch中的空字符,文件上传到Cloud Storage失败,长POST数据,上传大小不受限制以及fnmatch()函数

ability to embed images in emails via the Content-Id header was added

添加了通过Content-Id标头将图像嵌入电子邮件中的功能 the zip module is included by default now


The SDK has been updated and you can take it for a spin immediately. To see how you can do that, check out my previous article on GAE.

SDK已更新,您可以立即试用。 要了解如何做到这一点, 请查看我以前在GAE上的文章 。

哈克 (Hack)

HHVM reached version 3 (finally, a sane versioning scheme – a rarity in the PHP world) and publicly introduced Hack, the “PHP as it should be” we’ve talked about before.

HHVM达到了版本3 (最终是一个合理的版本控制方案–在PHP世界中很少见),并公开引入了Hack ,即我们之前所讨论的“ PHP应该如此”。

Their website features a wide variety of examples, good docs, and an interactive tutorial you can use to get familiar with it. It’s not that different from PHP, so it’ll be an easy entry for most PHP devs. HHVM has also achieved full compatibility with 23 popular libraries/frameworks.

他们的网站上有各种各样的示例,优秀的文档以及可用来熟悉它的交互式教程。 这并不是说从PHP不同,因此这将是对于大多数开发者PHP将容易进入。 HHVM还实现了与23种流行的库/框架的完全兼容性。

Phalcon 2 beta 1 (Phalcon 2 beta 1)

Phalcon 2 has reached beta 1. You can now use Zephir and Phalcon 2 to create production apps, but there’s still some documentation and APIs missing – a more in depth article on this topic is coming soon. Feel free to read their release post in the meanwhile.

Phalcon 2已达到beta1。您现在可以使用Zephir和Phalcon 2来创建生产应用程序,但是仍然缺少一些文档和API –有关该主题的更深入的文章即将发布。 同时,随时阅读他们的发布帖子 。

印象数 (Impresspages)

A not-so-well-known but incredibly robust CMS called ImpressPages has reached the milestone version of 4.0. We’ll be putting up some guides and reviews of this CMS soon, so stay tuned!

一个不太知名但功能强大的CMS称为ImpressPages,已达到4.0的里程碑版本。 我们将尽快提供有关此CMS的一些指南和评论,请继续关注!


OroCRM, a heavy duty rich CRM application for which some guides are coming soon has been made publicly available and downloadable via GitHub. It’s fully open source, aiming to both make CRM more approachable and to grab some market share from the current champions like SugarCRM.

OroCRM是一款功能丰富的重型CRM应用程序,不久将针对该应用程序提供一些指南,并可以通过GitHub下载。 它是完全开源的,旨在使CRM更加易于使用,并从SugarCRM等当前的拥护者那里夺取一些市场份额。

ZF2CA认证 (ZF2CA certification)

Zend, the PHP company, has announced the immediate availability of Zend Framework 2 Certified Architect certification. It was developed by an expert advisory board led by Matthew Weier O’Phinney, ZF’s Project Lead and a rather competent team. Reservations for taking the exams are coming soon.

PHP公司Zend已宣布立即提供Zend Framework 2 Certified Architect认证。 它由专家咨询委员会开发,该委员会由ZF项目负责人Matthew Weier O'Phinney领导,并拥有一支相当称职的团队 。 即将预约考试。

Hop on over to their training website to get your skills honed in time for the exam.

跳到他们的培训网站上 ,及时提高您的技能以备考试。

PhpStorm 8即将来临 (PhpStorm 8 approaching)

The latest EAP version of PhpStorm supports PSR-0 and PSR-4 namespace roots, making your development process ever smoother and more automatic. Read more about the changes in the release notes or just try the EAP version out.

PhpStorm的最新EAP版本支持PSR-0和PSR-4名称空间根,使您的开发过程更加流畅和自动化。 在发行说明中阅读有关更改的更多信息,或仅试用EAP版本 。

WordPress 3.9 (WordPress 3.9)

As usual, the latest WordPress update features some mostly cosmetic improvements, but improvements nonetheless. At this point, I’m personally very interested in what version 4.0 will bring us. Perhaps 21st century code like OOP, package management and taking full advantage of PHP5.5? What would you like to see happen?

像往常一样, 最新的WordPress更新主要进行了一些外观上的改进,但是仍然有所改进。 在这一点上,我个人对4.0版本将带给我们非常感兴趣。 也许像OOP,包管理以及充分利用PHP5.5之类的21世纪代码? 您想看到什么?

Zend Framework 3进度 (Zend Framework 3 Progress)

Zend Framework 3 isn’t fully on its (public) way yet, but it’s being developed step by step. One such indicator are the ZF3 tagged issues on GitHub which indicate a refactoring of a wide range of components, but one that particularly pleases me is ZF finally getting rid of yet another anti-pattern they introduced – the ServiceLocator which rendered all parts so dependent on a single component which in turn had other dependencies, you could no longer use a part of ZF without pulling in most of the rest. To follow the progress, just keep tracking the ZF3 tagged issues.

Zend Framework 3尚未完全实现其(公开)方式,但正在逐步开发中。 一个这样的指标是GitHub上带有ZF3标记的问题 ,它指示了对许多组件的重构,但令我特别高兴的是ZF最终摆脱了他们引入的另一种反模式– ServiceLocator使所有部分都如此依赖单个组件又具有其他依赖关系,那么如果不拉入其余大部分组件,就不能再使用ZF的一部分。 要跟踪进度,只需跟踪ZF3标记的问题 。

作曲家软件包市场 (Composer Package Marketplace)

As mentioned in our latest newsletter, Packages.io is a soon-to-be-live marketplace for Composer packages. It’s unknown whether the packages will be closed or open source and how they’ll be protected from piracy, plagiarism and bad coding habits, but it’s an interesting notion. While commercializing something that was originally envisioned as open source would be deemed villainous and greedy by some, I believe we all have the right to sell anything we want to anyone we want. There is, however, the concern of quality – how can we trust the reviewers, how can we trust packages we ourselves don’t have input on? Are we staring down the barrel of another WP-plugin/theme marketplace, filled to the brim with awful, irreparable code, or does this have proper potential? We’ll know more in a couple days. For now, all we know is that Cartalyst seems to be behind the site.

如我们最新的时事通讯所述 , Packages.io是Composer软件包的一个即将上线的市场。 目前还不清楚这些软件包是封闭的还是开源的,以及如何保护它们免受盗版,抄袭和不良编码习惯的影响,但这是一个有趣的概念。 虽然将某些最初设想为开源的产品商业化会被某些人视为恶毒和贪婪,但我相信我们所有人都有权将我们想要的任何东西出售给我们想要的任何人。 但是,还有质量方面的问题–我们如何才能信任审稿人,如何才能信任我们自己没有投入的资料包? 我们是在盯着另一个WP-plugin /主题市场,堆满了可怕,无法修复的代码,还是有适当的潜力? 几天后我们会知道更多。 目前,我们所知道的只是Cartalyst似乎在该网站的后面。

PHPUnit放弃了对PEAR的支持 (PHPUnit drops PEAR support)

PHPUnit, the essential testing library for PHP, has decided to drop support for installation via PEAR. In a move that pleases many, surprises some, and disappoints none, Sebastian Bergmann, the author of the library, gives us his thoughts on the choice he made.

PHPUnit,PHP的基本测试库,已经决定放弃对通过PEAR进行安装的支持。 图书馆的作者塞巴斯蒂安·伯格曼(Sebastian Bergmann)以令人欣喜的举动,使某些人感到惊讶,但没有一个使人失望。

PEAR has failed as a package manager, but due to lack of competition we failed to see better until the advent of Composer. It’s up to us to change the public perception, abandon what doesn’t work, and slowly, package by package, move to a higher quality system of PHP code distribution.

PEAR作为包装经理失败了,但是由于缺乏竞争,我们未能在Composer出现之前看到更好的产品。 我们有责任改变公众的看法,放弃不可行的方法,然后慢慢地逐包移植到更高质量PHP代码分发系统。

结论 (Conclusion)

The list is far from exhaustive, and features only news that you probably missed due to lack of exposure but might be curious about anyway. Did we miss any crucial ones? Let us know in the comments below, and we’ll update the article!

该列表远非详尽无遗,仅列出您可能由于缺乏曝光而错过的新闻,但无论如何可能会感到好奇。 我们有没有想念任何重要的东西? 在下面的评论中让我们知道,我们将更新本文!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/news-may-missed/

2019 错过春招
