
tech2023-02-09  123

WordPress. Hot. Sweet. Rad. However you choose to describe it, there’s no denying WordPress is a force to be reckoned with.

WordPress。 热。 甜。 拉德 无论您选择描述它,不可否认WordPress是不可忽视的力量。

At June 2010, there were 11.4 million blogs hosted on WordPress.com, plus 13.8 million active installations of the WordPress.org software. This translates to at least 14 million people using a WordPress theme today—and this number is growing like crazy!

截至2010年6月,WordPress.com上托管着1,140万个博客,此外还有WordPress.org软件的有效安装量为1,380万个。 如今,至少有1400万人使用WordPress主题,并且这个数字正在疯狂增长!

This is where you come in.


Our new book Build Your Own Wicked WordPress Themes will show you how to succeed as a theme author, giving you the potential to earn up to $25K a month! That’s quite impressive, eh?

我们的新书《 构建自己的邪恶的WordPress主题》将向您展示如何以主题作者的身份成功,使您每月赚取高达$ 25K的收入! 真是令人印象深刻,是吗?

Want in on the action? Click here for your copy.

想要采取行动吗? 单击此处获取副本 。

With an all-star cast of authors including Thematic framework guru, Allan Cole; WordPress wizard, Raena Jackson Armitage; best-selling themes author, Brandon R. Jones; and online marketplace specialist, Jeffrey Way, this book contains all the expertise you need to build WordPress themes that sell. You’ll learn how to:

包括主题框架大师Allan Cole在内的全明星作者。 WordPress向导Raena Jackson Armitage; 畅销主题作家布兰登·琼斯(Brandon R.Jones); 以及在线市场专家Jeffrey Way,这本书包含构建销售WordPress主题所需的所有专业知识。 您将学习如何:

Use design elements effectively to create amazing themes

有效地使用设计元素来创建惊人的主题 Leverage the power of the Thematic framework

利用主题框架的力量 Create color variants and custom widgets

创建颜色变体和自定义小部件 Apply your existing CSS skills to skin up your themes

应用您现有CSS技能来修饰主题 Promote and sell your themes for maximum profit


Grab your copy here.

在这里获取您的副本 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/wordpress-taking-the-word-by-storm/
