joomla 滚动图片

tech2023-02-09  120

joomla 滚动图片

Back in July and August last year, we published a series of articles by Mark Atkinson comparing WordPress and Joomla as content management systems.

去年7月和8月,我们发表了Mark Atkinson的一系列文章,比较了WordPress和Joomla作为内容管理系统。

Each of five posts focused on specific aspects of functionality in direct comparison of the two CMS giants.


WordPress v Joomla: Introduction and Content Structures

WordPress v Joomla:简介和内容结构

WordPress v Joomla: Templates and Themes

WordPress v Joomla:模板和主题

WordPress v Joomla: Plugins, Extensions, and Customization

WordPress v Joomla:插件,扩展和自定义

WordPress v Joomla: Search Engine Optimization

WordPress v Joomla:搜索引擎优化

WordPress v Joomla: Support and Community

WordPress v Joomla:支持和社区

That series culminated in Mark’s grand finale:


WordPress v Joomla: The Winner

WordPress v Joomla:获胜者

The entire series generated a great deal of discussion, with general agreement with Mark’s conclusion that each CMS is a great choice with particular strengths that will appeal to users with differing needs, capabilities and situations.


Mark and his team at Red Giant have since considered how this large stream of information could be presented in a way that is easy to absorb and digest, regardless of experience with either WordPress or Joomla.

此后,Mark和他在Red Giant的团队考虑了如何以易于吸收和消化的方式呈现大量信息,而不论使用WordPress或Joomla的经验如何。

What they came up with was this rather brilliant infographic that incorporates and visualizes the main points covered in the articles. We’re happy and proud to share this with you, reproduced with the permission of Red Giant.

他们想到的是这个相当出色的信息图表,其中包含并可视化了文章中涵盖的要点。 我们很高兴和自豪地与您分享此内容,并经Red Giant许可转载。

You’ll find instructions on how to embed this infographic on your own site over at Red Giant.

您可以在Red Giant上找到有关如何将此图表嵌入自己网站的说明。


joomla 滚动图片
