
tech2023-02-20  120

Which browser do you use for daily web development tasks? If my recent Twitter poll is to be believed, three quarters of us use our default browser. Perhaps that’s understandable:

您使用哪种浏览器执行日常Web开发任务? 如果可以相信我最近的Twitter调查 ,那么我们中有四分之三会使用默认浏览器。 也许这是可以理解的:

it’s the application we have open most often

这是我们最常打开的应用程序 we have it configured exactly as we like it


it offers excellent development tools (they all do!)


we are comfortable using those utilities, and

我们很乐意使用这些实用程序,并且 it’s the browser we prefer.


But is it practical?


If you’re anything like me, your default browser has 57 tabs open at any time with various applications, tools and articles you intend to read later (… but rarely do!). Development in that browser is possible, but the application already uses many resources. Memory and processing speed may be negatively compromised. A crash can be catastrophic!

如果您像我一样,则默认浏览器会随时打开57个选项卡,其中包含您打算稍后阅读的各种应用程序,工具和文章(…但很少这样做!) 。 可以在该浏览器中进行开发,但是该应用程序已经使用了许多资源。 内存和处理速度可能会受到不利影响。 崩溃可能是灾难性的!

You may also have plug-ins enabled which affect code — for example, advertising or script modifiers. You can spend hours debugging a system only to realize the problem is caused by one of your extensions, which wouldn’t be installed by “normal” users. You may be able to temporarily disable those plug-ins, but that choice can affect every tab.

您可能还启用了影响代码的插件,例如广告或脚本修改器。 您可以花几个小时来调试系统,只是要意识到问题是由您的一个扩展引起的,而“扩展”将不会由“普通”用户安装。 您也许可以暂时禁用这些插件,但是该选择会影响每个选项卡。

You may also need to perform development actions such as removing cookies, clearing local storage or accepting insecure, self-signed SSL certificates. That can cause complications if you have more than one test application running on the same domain, or accidentally wipe data from a regularly used website.

您可能还需要执行开发操作,例如删除cookie,清除本地存储或接受不安全的自签名SSL证书。 如果您在同一个域上运行多个测试应用程序,或者不小心擦除了经常使用的网站上的数据,则可能导致复杂化。

Despite these issues, only a quarter of web developers open another browser for primary development tasks. Fewer than half of those use a dedicated application such as Firefox Developer Edition or Opera Developer Browser. Vendors work hard to provide these tools since they realize no browser can be successful without support from the web development community. They usually offer beta versions of the latest tools and rendering engines, so they’re a great option. However, if you have an immediate delivery date, you’ll need to test your application in the mainstream edition of that browser to ensure you’re not dependent on a technology that’s not yet available or has a different implementation.

尽管存在这些问题,但是只有四分之一的Web开发人员为主要开发任务打开另一个浏览器。 不到一半的人使用专用应用程序,例如Firefox Developer Edition或Opera Developer Browser 。 供应商努力提供这些工具,因为他们意识到没有Web开发社区的支持,任何浏览器都无法成功。 他们通常提供最新工具和渲染引擎的Beta版本,因此它们是一个不错的选择。 但是,如果您有立即交货的日期,则需要在该浏览器的主流版本中测试您的应用程序,以确保您不依赖尚不可用的技术或实现方式不同的技术。

Blisk Beta更好吗? (Is Blisk Beta Better?)

Blisk is a new browser aimed solely at professional web developers for prototyping, coding, debugging and testing tasks.


The Blisk Beta is available for Windows only, but Mac and Linux editions are in the pipeline. Installation is slightly disconcerting since there are no dialogs or options: Blisk simply installs and runs immediately. (The website suggests registering. It’s not necessary to do so, although future features may require it.)

Blisk Beta仅适用于Windows,但Mac和Linux版本正在准备中。 由于没有对话框或选项,因此安装有点令人不安:Blisk只需安装并立即运行。 (该网站建议注册。虽然将来的功能可能会要求注册,但这不是必须的。)

The application uses the same Blink rendering engine you’ll find in Chrome, Opera and Vivaldi. That’s a safe option, providing the standard development tools you find in those browsers (and, yes, the tools are dockable). That’s where the similarity ends and Blisk enhances your web development workflow …

该应用程序使用与Chrome,Opera和Vivaldi中相同的Blink渲染引擎。 这是一个安全的选择,提供您在那些浏览器中找到的标准开发工具(是的,这些工具是可停靠的)。 相似之处到此结束,Blisk增强了您的Web开发工作流程…

滚动同步设备视图 (Scroll-synchronized Device View)

Pages display in a dual window consisting of:


a standard desktop view, and

标准桌面视图,以及 an emulated mobile/tablet view.


Nine smartphones and four tablets are currently supported. You can switch by clicking the device icon to emulate screen resolutions, pixel ratios, user agents and touch events. The devices are provided within the browser, so they work offline and don’t require a cloud-based service.

目前支持九种智能手机和四台平板电脑。 您可以通过单击设备图标进行切换,以模拟屏幕分辨率,像素比率,用户代理和触摸事件。 这些设备在浏览器中提供,因此它们可以脱机工作并且不需要基于云的服务。

Scrolling is automatically synchronized (although you can disable it):


更改时自动刷新 (Auto-refresh on Change)

You can associate a URL with a folder location. Blisk will monitor for file updates and auto-refresh both devices as soon as a change occurs:

您可以将URL与文件夹位置相关联。 Blisk将监视文件更新,并在发生更改后立即自动刷新两个设备:

If you’ve not used similar systems before, it’s the web equivalent of witchcraft. It saves considerable time, since you no longer need to switch between your editor and browser to see updates.

如果您以前没有使用过类似的系统,则相当于巫术在网络上。 由于您不再需要在编辑器和浏览器之间切换来查看更新,因此可以节省大量时间。

承诺功能 (Promised Features)

Blisk is an early beta, but some exciting new features are promised in future editions:


device rotation into landscape orientation

设备旋转到横向 web page analytics to monitor code quality, asset sizes, JavaScript errors and other metrics

网页分析以监视代码质量,资产大小,JavaScript错误和其他指标 one-click device screenshots and sharing with colleagues

一键式设备屏幕截图并与同事共享 integration with third-party services such as GitHub, BitBucket, Dropbox, Google Drive and Trello.

与GitHub,BitBucket,Dropbox,Google Drive和Trello等第三方服务集成。

您应该采用Blisk吗? (Should You Adopt Blisk?)

Blisk shows promise. Mac/Linux support is required, the interface needs polishing and device rotation is essential, but it’s already good enough to use for general purpose development tasks.

Blisk展现了希望。 需要Mac / Linux支持,界面需要抛光,设备旋转是必不可少的,但是它已经足够用于一般用途的开发任务。

Features such as scroll-synchronization and auto-refresh can already be achieved in a more sophisticated way with tools such as Browsersync. However, Blisk works out of the box on any web page with minimal configuration, and there’s less need to open multiple browsers.

诸如滚动同步和自动刷新之类的功能已经可以通过Browsersync之类的工具以更复杂的方式实现。 但是,Blisk只需最少的配置即可在任何网页上直接使用,并且无需打开多个浏览器。

I like the idea behind Blisk. A dedicated development browser makes sense, and I’m a convert! Will it entice you away from your default browser?

我喜欢Blisk背后的想法。 专用的开发浏览器很有意义,我是一位转换者! 它会诱使您脱离默认浏览器吗?

