
tech2023-02-21  152


A little over two years ago we launched Versioning, a free email newsletter to send our SitePoint readers daily tidbits mined from all over the web, to keep you amused, informed, and delighted. The response has been tremendous, and we’re very proud of what we’ve built. Along the way we’ve had the chance to gather a lot of feedback, and we’ve been listening to what you’re asking for.

大约两年前,我们发布了免费电子邮件新闻稿Versioning,向我们的SitePoint读者发送每天从网络上获取的最新消息,以使您感到开心,知情和高兴。 响应是巨大的,我们为自己的构建感到自豪。 在此过程中,我们有机会收集了很多反馈,并且一直在听您的要求。

Today we’re excited to announce that we’re taking Versioning to a whole new medium, and launching a podcast: The Versioning Show. Our goal is to keep you in touch with the people pushing the envelope on web design and development, mining their brains and sharing their insights and ideas so you can take your own work to the next level.

今天,我们很高兴地宣布,我们正在将Versioning带入一个全新的媒介,并发布了一个播客: Versioning Show 。 我们的目标是使您与其他人保持联系,从而推动Web设计和开发的极限,挖掘他们的大脑,分享他们的见解和想法,以便您将自己的工作提升到一个新的水平。

Think of The Versioning Show as an extra bonus publication just for you, that you can listen to anywhere, anytime, for free. In the spirit of the Versioning newsletter, we’ll be keeping the shows short and to the point — usually around half an hour or so. We think that’s just enough time to hear what someone cool is working on, and get inspired to go play with some new ideas.

您可以将Versioning Show视为额外的奖励出版物,您可以随时随地免费收听。 本着“版本控制”新闻通讯的精神,我们将使节目简短而切合实际-通常大约半小时左右。 我们认为这是足够的时间来听听某人在做什么,并受到启发去尝试一些新的想法。

Subscribe on iTunes | Subscribe on Stitcher | View All Episodes

在iTunes上订阅 | 订阅Stitcher | 查看所有剧集

主机 (The Hosts)

The Versioning Show is hosted by two of our regular SitePoint contributors: Tim Evko and M. David Green. You may have seen their articles and watched their videos on SitePoint, or read their books and taken their courses on SitePoint Premium.

Versioning Show由我们的两个常规SitePoint撰稿人主持:Tim Evko和M. David Green。 您可能已经在SitePoint上看了他们的文章并观看了他们的视频,或者在SitePoint Premium上看了他们的书并上了他们的课程。

Tim Evko is a front-end developer, writer, and sometimes coherent thinker. You’ll most likely hear him talking about performance, progressive enhancement, whiskey, large cuts of meat, or JavaScript. You can find him on Twitter at @tevko.

蒂姆·埃夫科 ( Tim Evko)是前端开发人员,作家,有时甚至是连贯的思想家。 您很可能会听到他谈论性能,渐进增强,威士忌,大块肉或JavaScript。 您可以在Twitter的@tevko上找到他。

M. David Green enjoys creating articles, books, videos, and courses around JavaScript, CSS, semantic HTML, and agile engineering practices. He also coaches engineers through Agile That Works, and hosts the Hack the Process podcast. You can find him on Twitter at @mdavidgreen.

M. David Green喜欢编写有关JavaScript,CSS,语义HTML和敏捷工程实践的文章,书籍,视频和课程。 他还通过Agile That Works指导工程师,并主持 破解流程播客。 您可以在Twitter上@mdavidgreen找到他。

如何获取版本显示 (How to Get The Versioning Show)

The Versioning Show is available right now as a podcast in the iTunes store and on Stitcher, and we’ll be releasing episodes with transcripts on SitePoint starting next week. We may be adding it to other podcast directories soon if you get in touch and let us know that there’s interest. In the meantime, just search for Versioning in your favorite podcast listener, sit back and enjoy the show. (And be sure to leave feedback and a rating in iTunes to let us know what you think!)

现在可以在iTunes商店和Stitcher上以播客的形式查看Versioning Show,我们将在下周开始在SitePoint上发行带成绩单的剧集 。 如果您与我们联系,我们可能会尽快将其添加到其他播客目录中,并告诉我们您对此感兴趣。 同时,只需在您喜欢的播客收听器中搜索Versioning,然后坐下来欣赏节目即可。 (并确保在iTunes中留下反馈和评分,以让我们知道您的想法!)

保持联系 (Keep In Touch)

If you’re as excited about The Versioning Show as we are—and why wouldn’t you be?—follow us right now on Twitter at @VersioningShow to get the latest information as soon as it comes out. You can also Tweet us there. And who knows, we may have something special planned in the coming weeks for our earliest and most loyal listeners who follow us there….

如果您像我们一样对Versioning Show感到兴奋,以及为什么不呢?请立即在Twitter上通过@VersioningShow关注我们,以获取最新信息。 您也可以在这里发推文。 谁知道,在接下来的几周内,我们可能会针对跟随我们的最早,最忠诚的听众制定一些特别的计划……。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/announcing-the-versioning-podcast/

