ilya tc使用手册
Artificial Intelligence is a fascinating topic for many people nowadays, no matter if they are a consumer or an influencer. Today, I’m happy to be joined by Ilya Gelfenbeyn, CEO and co-founder of, a conversational UX platform used to embed natural language understanding capabilities into connected devices, apps and services. Regular readers of SitePoint may recognize the service, as we have covered in the past with a series earlier this year on getting started with the platform.
如今,无论是消费者还是影响者,人工智能都是许多人着迷的话题。 今天,我很高兴与Api.ai的首席执行官兼联合创始人Ilya Gelfenbeyn一起加入。Api.ai是一种对话式UX平台,用于将自然语言理解功能嵌入到连接的设备,应用程序和服务中。 SitePoint的普通读者可能会认识到该服务,因为我们过去在今年早些时候已针对Api.ai进行了一系列有关该平台入门的文章 。
Ilya has a background in machine learning, natural language processing and conversational interfaces.
Ilya Gelfenbeyn, CEO of
Api.ai首席执行官Ilya Gelfenbeyn
Elio Qoshi: Thanks for being with us today for this interview Ilya!
Elio Qoshi:感谢您今天与我们一起接受Ilya的采访!
Ilya Gelfenbeyn: My pleasure.
Ilya Gelfenbeyn:很高兴。
Elio: We have covered in the past, but could you briefly explain the concept behind it?
Ilya: Sure. Imagine having an actual conversation with a product, just as you would with a human. is a conversational user experience platform for building natural language interactions for bots, applications, services and devices. The platform lets developers seamlessly integrate conversational chatbots and intelligent voice command into their products and services. Developers can use for speech recognition, context awareness, and conversational management to quickly and easily differentiate their business, increase satisfaction, and improve business processes.
伊利亚:好的。 想象一下与产品进行实际对话,就像与人类进行对话一样。 Api.ai是一个对话式用户体验平台,用于为机器人,应用程序,服务和设备建立自然语言交互。 Api.ai平台使开发人员可以将会话聊天机器人和智能语音命令无缝集成到其产品和服务中。 开发人员可以使用Api.ai进行语音识别,上下文感知和对话管理,以快速轻松地区分他们的业务,提高满意度并改善业务流程。
Elio: What are some use specific cases can be a great fit for?
Ilya: It fits a landscape of horizontal use cases. We are seeing our technology applied in innovative, creative ways for travel, customer service, e-commerce, the Internet of Things, gaming, automotive, finance, and more. Building more engaging and personal user experiences improves customer retention, increases revenue, reduces operation costs, and promotes productivity. Conversational user experiences let us feel more connected to products, companies, and devices in a more human way while allowing us to automate for efficiency.
Ilya:它适合横向用例。 我们看到我们的技术以创新,创新的方式应用于旅行,客户服务,电子商务,物联网,游戏,汽车,金融等领域。 建立更具吸引力的个人用户体验可以提高客户保留率,增加收入,降低运营成本并提高生产力。 对话式用户体验使我们能够以更人性化的方式与产品,公司和设备建立更多联系,同时使我们实现效率的自动化。
Elio: What do developers need to know to be able to use Any prerequisites?
Elio:开发人员需要什么才能使用 有任何先决条件吗?
Ilya: makes it easy for developers (and non-coders) to design and integrate intelligent and sophisticated conversational user interfaces into their products. Once you create your bot or agent, you can quickly and easily deploy it across various pre-integrated platforms, such as Facebook Messenger, Slack, Twilio, Cisco Tropo and Spark, Skype, Kik, Telegram and more.
Ilya: Api.ai使开发人员(和非编码人员)可以轻松地将智能和复杂的会话用户界面设计并集成到其产品中。 创建自动程序或代理后,您可以在各种预先集成的平台上快速轻松地部署它,例如Facebook Messenger,Slack,Twilio,Cisco Tropo和Spark,Skype,Kik,Telegram等。
You can leverage several pre-built knowledge packages created for a variety of popular topics based on over two and a half billion user queries processed by the system. When enabled, your agent can understand thousands of diverse requests out of the box – no coding required. Additionally, has a robust library of SDKs and integrations with several popular platforms and technologies.
您可以根据系统处理的超过20亿个用户查询,利用为各种热门主题创建的几个预构建知识包。 启用后,您的代理可以立即了解成千上万种不同的请求-无需编码。 此外,Api.ai拥有强大的SDK库,并与几种流行的平台和技术集成。
Elio: What’s’s origin story?
Ilya: Speaktoit was co-founded by Artem Goncharuk, Pavel Sirotin, and myself; the team specializes in human-computer interaction technology based on natural language conversations and deep neural learning. In 2011 we launched Assistant, an intelligent personal assistant app six months before Siri was released. Assistant is one of the highest rated Android apps with over 30 million subscribers.
Ilya: Speaktoit由Artem Goncharuk,Pavel Sirotin和我自己共同创立。 该团队专门研究基于自然语言对话和深度神经学习的人机交互技术。 在2011年,我们发布了助手,这是一个智能的个人助手应用程序,距Siri发行六个月。 助手是评分最高的Android应用程序之一,拥有超过3000万订阅者。
In 2014, we decided to open the platform up to developers as to leverage the knowledge, data, and technology from the Assistant.
Elio: How does compare to other bot development services out there?
Ilya: There are two types of bot development services. One is just for building integration kits, of which we are partners. The other is Natural Language Understanding (NLU) based. For NLU, has the most sophisticated tools for designing conversational experiences.
Ilya:机器人开发服务有两种类型。 一个只是用于构建集成套件,我们是其中的合作伙伴。 另一个基于自然语言理解(NLU)。 对于NLU而言,Api.ai具有最先进的工具来设计对话体验。
Elio: How well does integrate with products like Slack and the Amazon Echo?
Elio:Api.ai与Slack和Amazon Echo等产品的集成程度如何?
Ilya: You can easily port your Agents across supported platforms such as Twilio Programmable SMS, Slack, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Kik, and others. With just one click, you can instantly expose your Agent to a channel of new users. We add new integration channels regularly.
Ilya:您可以轻松地在Api.ai支持的平台(例如Twilio可编程SMS,Slack,Facebook Messenger,Telegram,Kik等)上移植代理。 只需单击一下,您便可以立即将您的代理暴露给新用户的渠道。 我们会定期添加新的整合渠道。
Elio: What new features can we expect in the coming months or into 2017?
Ilya: We are constantly working on the developer experience and making it fast and easy to create and deploy advanced conversational scenarios. We are also always working to improve the AI that powers the Natural Language Understanding engine.
Ilya:我们一直在致力于开发人员的体验,并使其快速,轻松地创建和部署高级对话方案。 我们还一直在努力改进为自然语言理解引擎提供动力的AI。
Elio: That sounds rather promising! Let’s talk a bit more about the Internet of Things. What benefits does believe that AI will bring into the IoT space?
Elio:听起来很有希望! 让我们再谈一些物联网。 Api.ai相信AI将带入物联网领域有什么好处?
Ilya: AI in general will help devices to better understand people and predict their needs, intents and actions. Conversational AI will bring a universal interface for communicating with (and across) devices. There will no longer be a need to learn how to work with devices; people can simply express what they want to happen in natural language. Devices will share context and user preferences so that there is an immediate baseline of understanding.
Ilya:人工智能通常会帮助设备更好地了解人们并预测他们的需求,意图和行动。 对话式AI将带来一个通用的接口,用于与设备(以及跨设备)进行通信。 不再需要学习如何使用设备。 人们可以简单地用自然语言表达他们想要发生的事情。 设备将共享上下文和用户首选项,以便立即获得理解的基线。
Elio: What prerequisites or knowledge does one need to have to start setting up smart devices with your platform?
Ilya: After creating an agent in, you’ll need some programming skills to connect it to a device. We offer a variety of SDKs for the most popular platforms to simplify this as much as possible.
Ilya:在Api.ai中创建代理后,您将需要一些编程技能才能将其连接到设备。 我们为最流行的平台提供了各种SDK,以尽可能简化此操作。
Elio: How does support integrations with Smart Home devices like Amazon Echo, Siri and Google Home?
Elio:Api.ai如何支持与Amazon Echo,Siri和Google Home等智能家居设备的集成?
Ilya: Google Home has not launched yet, and Siri is closed for the most part. For Amazon Echo, there is an agent-export functionality in
Ilya: Google Home尚未启动,Siri大部分时间都已关闭。 对于Amazon Echo,Api.ai中具有代理导出功能。
Elio: If people enjoy your service, but want to switch to another service (or use multiple services) at some point, how would the transition work out?
Ilya: People can export the intent definitions they created in, but it would be hard to achieve the same level of natural language understanding quality. So, data is not limited to just our platform. Developers can leverage data to other services if that’s what they want to do.
Ilya:人们可以导出他们在Api.ai中创建的意图定义,但是要达到相同水平的自然语言理解质量很难。 因此,数据不仅限于我们的平台。 如果开发人员想要这样做,则可以将数据用于其他服务。
Elio: The IoT and cloud-based services are heavily reliant on a strong web connection; what measures does take for its users in case servers are down?
Elio:物联网和基于云的服务在很大程度上依赖于强大的Web连接。 如果服务器停机,Api.ai会为用户采取什么措施?
Ilya: is hosted with AWS and other reliable (five nines) cloud service providers. We also provide an offline or hybrid implementation. Basically, you can export the agent and run it on the device locally. This functionality is offered for large-scale customers with special needs (like privacy or connectivity concerns). You can also make it work in a hybrid mode where it would run in connected mode when possible, but will automatically switch to local mode if needed. An example of this would be a connected car where internet service might not be available in all geographical locations.
Ilya: Api.ai由AWS和其他可靠的(五个九)云服务提供商托管。 我们还提供离线或混合实施。 基本上,您可以导出代理并在本地设备上运行它。 此功能是为有特殊需求(例如隐私或连接问题)的大规模客户提供的。 您还可以使其在混合模式下工作,在这种情况下,它将尽可能在连接模式下运行,但在需要时会自动切换到本地模式。 这样的一个例子是联网汽车,其中可能无法在所有地理位置都提供互联网服务。
Elio: IoT and robotics could lead to a whole new level of home automation. Are there many use cases of being used for robotics in the home? Is it ready for wider adoption and how do you see shaping that path?
艾里奥(Elio):物联网和机器人技术可以将家庭自动化提升到一个全新的水平。 Api.ai在家庭中是否有很多用例用于机器人技术? 准备好被更广泛的采用了吗?您如何看待Api.ai塑造这条道路?
Ilya: We have a handful of real world use cases where our natural language processing platform is being used in robotics for the home. However, we cannot cite these customers just yet. We are seeing an increasing number of projects created by developers with this use case, though. The more developers we have in this field, the better understands users in this area. is the only real development platform for such use cases. We are looking forward to being the driver of this movement.
Ilya:我们在现实世界中有少数用例,其中我们的自然语言处理平台被用于家庭机器人。 但是,我们暂时无法引用这些客户。 但是,我们看到使用这种用例的开发人员创建的项目越来越多。 我们在该领域拥有的开发人员越多,Api.ai就越了解该领域的用户。 Api.ai是此类用例的唯一真正的开发平台。 我们期待成为这一运动的推动者。
Elio: I am sure we can expect many innovative things in the near future! Thanks so much for answering our questions Ilya, I am sure we will be hearing a lot about in the IoT scene!
Elio:我相信我们可以在不久的将来期待许多创新的事物! 非常感谢您回答我们的问题Ilya,我相信我们会在IoT现场听到很多有关Api.ai的信息!
For those interested in trying out or investigating its capabilities further, have a read of Patrick Catanzariti’s series on building an AI assistant with
如果您有兴趣尝试Api.ai或进一步研究其功能,请阅读Patrick Catanzariti 关于使用Api.ai构建AI助手的系列文章 。
ilya tc使用手册